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RE: Effect.AI Network: A Solution Now and for the Future

Great piece of work.
I've heard about and I would also love to hear what do you think about DBC (Deepbrain Chain) and Singularity. How those two look comparing to in your opinion?

Im personally quite bullish on DBC (mostly because DBC is related to NEO) and I hope to hear what do you think about this coin.

I will be following you closely.

One more time: great piece of work


I like NEO a lot. Wonder how it and Ethereum will get along after another year or so.

Like Effect.AI, Deep Brain Chain's whitepaper starts off with training AI, so there will be direct competition.

They contrast in the emphasis that DBC places on mining.

I really like the DBC timeline. It is more than an excellent business tool. The timeline shows me that the DBC team keeps a macroscopic focus which is often lost in high speed business and innovation. The team also seems confident in their ability to innovate. Both of these factors are crucial traits for the unpredictable world that AI will create- that is until AI is advanced enough to replace the word 'prediction' with 'probability' in everyday communicae.

Thx for another amazing reply

The way I see it is that NEO will soon control 100% entire Chinese crypto market. I cannot see ETH, LISK, IOTA, EOS or ADA to be able to compete within China with NEO.

Part of me believe that AI market will be so huge, that DBC and other cryptos related to that industry will hardly ever experience any sort of competition. Would you agree with it?

"DBC team keeps a macroscopic focus " -> I dont understand :(

Could you please explain with more common english ? Like I would be some "blondie"? :)

Cheers mate

Regarding the Chinese situation: I am inclined to agree, but do not feel I know enough about NEO. Most sources I have read look at NEO as a more technical Ethereum. At least as far as where it is heading. I have yet to form my opinion on that.

Regarding macro vs. micro: I almost always use these terms in discussing economics in relative terms. A macroscopic view of the industrial economy would be analyzing the DJIA. A microscopic view could be one important company to the economy, such as, Boeing's impact upon the aviation sector. These are terms I use with a relative persepective. So in a macroeconomic perspective (pertaining to the cryptoverse) I could even say watch out for the tendency of Bitcoin to rise during the holidays, both for the U.S. and China. Many factors are involved. In contrast, while playing on a large field, the tarrif war between China and the US would have a negative microeconomic impact on the two contries (at least in the short-term). While this is going on, it may be that countries like India and those in Europe benefit. Or the rest of the world may just choose to ignore the two having their tiff and form new trade partnerships.

Microeconomics can be really important. Consider going back in time to invest in both Apple and Microsoft and consolidate the two companies, say about 5 years ago. Before them, IBM was discussed as almost a macroeconomic power in itself. Right now a similar situation exists with Amazon. What if Amazon buys Wallmart and Alibaba. Hard to discuss any aspect of the economy where that would not have an influence.

Anyway, TY for the inspiration. God bless.

I absolutely appreciate time and effort that you put to provide me with such a great reply

Thank you.

I strongly believe that many european countries will benefit. Especially once silk road will be already fully operating.
Im Polish (living in Asia) and I consider our country "first civilized country" on the way from China. I see east europe really growing and US will matter less and less within time. They will isolate themself well enough to be very little of importance for europe and asia and africa.

It seem to me that europe is looking more to the east than to the west. First time since I was born. Which may change everything.

Anyway Im just curious how can it all affect crypto. Would bitcoin and altcoins be considered "safe heaven"?

Have a great weekend

I would love to stay in touch with you a little bit closer as I value your knowledge and your input. And we could support each other on Steemit.
I wish there would be more advanced notification system developed by steemit.

Plus you're very responsive which is absolutely great and steemit community surely will benefit by having you here.

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No pressure of course,

Cheers, Piotr