How to make money in a down market? My investment strategy with Bitcoin and NEO CryptoCurrency!
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This always works for me...

Pretty funny!!!!
You can't go into the market thinking your gonna make all this money just like that. You have to understand that the market has to correct itself and has a chance of crashing. You have to HODL because once you sell and don't make profit, you already lost.
Im tired of hearing people say "I've lost money" even though they are still in the market. Trust in your investments because as you say you havent lost until you sell at a loss.
Me too, you have not lost your money until you pull it out.
Coins mentioned in post:
My favorite holding period is forever
spoken like a true investor
until you have enough for your lambo!
Good strategy Zaak! I was wondering about ETH, it did not reach back its earlier-December-2017 value as BTC. Isn't it another good strengthening anchor strategy for these dip days? cheers from Brazil
I love this show and shared it on all my social media platforms! I don't tweet though! hoping I can get a little bit to start to have a real position soon. Man what a time to have a few thousand and turn it into a few hundred thousand. Great stuff!
I really liked this video keep up the good work
With the market the way it is, would you say it's worth the risk to take out a small loan to use to purchase coins at these great prices? Obviously, a person should not spend more than they can afford to lose, but paying back a loan over time to buy now seems like a profitable idea. I have patience and don't mind the HODL game. Any thoughts?
Only get a loan if you truly 110% believe in what you are investing in. That you know with absolute certainty your investment will increase in value over time.
Hodl hodl hodl till ya make a profit. Crypto isn’t for the weak.
Love the video, keep on making videos like this zach. :)
Always HODL!
Man watching the profolio been kinda depressing lately 😛 thanks for sharing this
You have to HODL
Hold it until you profit!
This is an amazing time to buy, to have a chance to ride the next big wave. Also HODL your coins, because you will be awarded.
hodl hodl hodl my friends. Clinging to my TRX!
I think this is a great idea. In a market crash the amount of dollars your coins are worth doesn't matter. It matters how many you have. If you have 1 bitcoin worth 14000 dollars before the crash and in the crash you make 1.5 bitcoin from that one bitcoin but it is only worth 12000 dollars you still made profit because the market will always bounce back.
I currently hold NEO and it has definitely made my portfolio more valuable. Thanks again for the information.
Hey Zach, you can increase your trade gains and minimize your losses by changing the way you choose your entry/exit points. I have noticed that when you are discussing your strategy and talking us through your trades, you always choose your entry/exit by the USD $ price. This is not the most accurate information to base your trades on. As you know, on Binance you are trading a pair, for example NEO/BTC. Even though the USD price is listed, that number is dynamic, since the $ value of BTC is dynamic. That's why you can have an entry point at say 0.0135BTC and it will say $122.48, but then an hour later, that same 0.0135BTC will say $123.58. That is because the BTC $ value increased. You have to be very careful when deciding your trade points, if you only go off the $ listing, you may actually be taking a loss when you think you're making a profit. For example; You buy 10 NEO at 0.0135BTC and at the time you buy it says $122.45...Then a few hours later, You see the price at $132.45, so you sell, but you sell for 0.0132BTC, so even though the $ value says that you made $100 profit, you actually lost 0.003BTC. You can technically buy in at $123, and sell at $98 and make a profit, if BTC took a major dive during that time. You have to remember, you are trading to increase your BTC, not necessarily your USD, that value will increase when BTC does. The fact that Binance has the $ value listed can actually be deceiving, even though it does make it easier to process when we are trying to determine our gains/losses. I believe Poloniex only lists the Satoshi value, which is more accurate, yet a little harder to process. You probably already know all of this, and you might just talk about the $ value in your posts to make it easier for the viewers to comprehend, I just felt the need to address this to you, in case you hadn't realized this, to try and save you a confusing loss. I actually think this might be a nice point to cover in a future post, to help the viewers remember to be cognizant of both the $ and satoshi value. I hope this was helpful, I owed you one for all the knowledge i've gained from your posts. Keep up the good work, and good luck with your trades.
Really frustrating to wait for your fiat deposits while watching the market prices tank
Boy do I feel you.
waiting for my fiat deposit caused me to miss the huge price move of litecoin a while back
Well put!
Def keeping my eye on the market at this point and buy up some Bitcoin. Thanks for all your knowledge brother keep up the good work!!!!
Why would you sell at a loss? I'm no expert but if you are involved in purchasing a coin you should be a firm believer in the technology and their roadmap and goals. You shouldn't purchase a coin because someone said to do so. If your coin is hitting a dip you should HODL till it gains strength again, even if it means you have to hold for months, I currently am :)
Ive been following you with building my wallet and YOU HAVE GUIDED ME TO TRULY BUILD MY PORTFOLIO! I have almost doubled my wallet!! THANK YOU!!!
Just buy in what you believe In and hold. Follow the words of Warren Buffett - 'Be Fearful When Others Are Greedy and Greedy When Others Are Fearful'
Up voted all previous comments! Trying to help the CCN community, be sure to up vote me :)
Definitely not a great strategy for those working with smaller amounts of capital because the 2x-3x of Bitcoin may not be significant enough to really increase your other positions before they start to rise. Also the market has no definite pattern to follow. For us newer participants in this space take this time to study the market and form a few strategies for the next inevitable dip. Hodl strong this market is well established and is not going away, going lower in the short term perhaps. If you invested money then you should be a believer in this space and riding this down turn should be no problem.
I Love Philip J. Fry :)
This video has given me more confidence to buy n sell. Thank you!