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RE: 1st Blood: Shorter Degree of Trend Targets

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

YOUR STEEMIT SYSTEM DOESN'T WORK!!! that's for sure, if you say that one person can abuse the whole system so easily, well maybe you are just jealous it isn't you fucking the system, right??

like this steemit definately will never be a worldchanger, it will slowly die... ok let's take haejin away, who will be next to run the show?? who will be the next asshole taking all the profits from you hardworking guys (lol) ??

from the moment there are 'teams' in a social network??? is it still a social network or is it more a private club, with couple of guys calling the shots and taking the dollar-jar

you are like bunch of kids, nothing more! instead of trying to find a win-win solution or trying to change this (stupid actually) reward system. nooo we create teams, shout for scams and promote racism, and if somebody wants to say something about it, you get flagged and censured....

this 'social network' would have been perfect in times of WW2 in german side!

now flag and hide my comment, hurry before anybody sees!!


Its not my system. First wrong sentence. I am not hard working anymore. Secound wrong sentence. Private groups are everywhere. Dont get this point. Only kids cry and want mammy and daddy! to fucking fix the world. I dont need this. Flagging seems to be abuse in your words. Everybody can still read all of your words... everytime. What you know about stupid indoctrinated people?
I dont get this censor point. You can just reveal comment! Or read on
Censor is deleting but here its not possible... Only you can delete but only 7 days.