
Good analysis! Thanks.

and he only votes on himself!! not you ignorant followers!!

and he only votes on himself!! not you ignorant followers!!

Thank you, I like your reviews)

Shame on randowhale baster
Even you crush me @berniesanders fucker i will follow my hero and i will post i know you end my post earning at all fuck you
you are crazy to getting jealous from @haejin

jealous, jealous, jealous... is this the only word you know?
He is not teaching you. You all need him and pray him.
He is spaming here with his simple #buythefuckingdip random lines up.

Seriously .... go back 6 months.... start the videos there... educate yourself.... free yourself... be happy.

But guessing you would never do that because you are too lazy and that's why you are jealous.

you can literally make profit on anycoin at this time

whats point 2 starting number?

Hmmm i might need to pick up more!

@haejin can a follower get an upvote to prove your haterz wrong?

@haejin pleas why are you and berniesanders having issues? I'm yet to understand.

Would love to get people’s civilised opinion about this viewpoint. I especially beseech @haejin to please indicate what you feel as I believe there is a point which at least deserves the courtesy of being addressed.

The thing with elliot wave is that it’s correct as long as it’s correct. However, according to elliot wave everything will just keep going up because a correction is just a wave 2 or 4 of a larger trend.

You can keep on projecting larger and larger trends with no end. Any drops will just fall under a larger trend and will be projected to go up further after that.

However, this doesn’t reflect the real world unfortunately, as it ignores the reality that projects, stocks and assets can fail outright. If elliot wave was used on all Dotcom stock companies they should all be huge right now. The reality is things fail in the real world and this is fundamental. Elliot wave would have projected Bitconnect to keep rising and rising, and Haejin recently posted a projection that bitconnect was in wave 1 or a higher degree trend which would see it hitting all time highs. However, the fundamentals blew through that as bitconnect is now defunct and has been uncovered as a ponzi. It seems that sole reliance on elliott without fundamentals can blind people to reality.

In the long run what affects price is the fundamentals. Whether the project will stay afloat or not. And whether it will actually be something people want to use or not. The longer the timeframe, the more elliott waves are likely to fail as no one can predict events which would seriously fundamentally hurt any investment. For example, if there was a 3rd world war. The longer you project out, the more fundamental variables potentially affect price. Who’s to say there won’t be a catastrophe which destroys the internet or some fundamental change in the world order in the future? Im just using these as extreme examples obviously and not saying they’re likely in the near future but just illustrating that the further out we go, the less we are able to predict what will happen.

Elliott may be good for predicting price pathways in the short term, especially in a speculative market such as crypto, which is fuelled largely by sentiment. However, I feel it may be slightly irresponsible when Haejin makes extremely long term projections like the projection of Bitshares to hit $352 on a logarithmic scale and pushing it to his followers. It seems very clickbaity to give out such long term projections because it’s clear they have extremely reduced accuracy for the long term and I think most people can understand that in the long term fundamentals do in fact matter.

For further clarity let me use the example of a theoretical ball being throw which never stops rolling. I can predict with almost certainty what will happen to the ball’s pathway as it leaves my hand and in the first 1m of it’s travel. I can predict with good likelihood even what will happen to it 20m down the track. But as it travels further, I become less and less able to predict it’s pathway. The higher the likelihood of something coming along unexpectedly to change it’s course. What if a strong breeze suddenly starts and blows it off course or a dog comes over and takes it away.

These are just my musings and logical reasonings. Also note I’ve used neutral language such as “it seems” and “may”. Im not absolutely asserting or accusing anyone of anything. Please dont come with comments like if you don’t like it then just leave which add nothing to a discussion. Because i can equally say the same to you. If you dont like my comment you have the choice to ignore it. But that doesnt mean i should not be able to express a certain viewpoint does it? This is after all not a dictatorship, I hope.


Interesting stuff, please what does it imply

Semoga lebih baik lagi keudepan teman

Interesting post. Thanks for sharing!

Its interlectually educative, i'll need a further comprehensive tutorial on this, its great

I really appreciate this 1st blood sharing video.... Am expecting more of this from you.

thanks haejin, i got some earlier and profiting!!

Hey can you do another tech analysis on tron TRX?

Dayum son, whats are all the shit piles doing here?

Your analysis and in-depth videos are the bomb man!
Keep it up!!!

Thank you for this technical analysis. I also saw the potential head and shoulders and I believe bitcoin will hit a new all time high.

All you say is just #buythefuckingdip.

Why talk too much and all this random lines???
This guy is talking about Bitcoin.
A lot of altcoins will meet 0 in 2018 like bitconnect.
No developers (only nice website!?!?!)--> no value --> shitcoin --> exitscam --> 0

The thing I feel that is important to note is that a lot of the analysis for cryptocurrency is actually about understanding and researching not only the developers, the coin's purpose, and the company's vision, but also all of the news surrounding a coin as well. These include but are not limited to; exchange support, features, major updates for any applications the coins use, restriction/regulation, affiliations, media features, and the list goes on.

The truth is, that most people will not want to spend the amount of time looking into every aspect surrounding a coin to determine when it will go up or down, nonetheless check the legitimacy of a company. So what would the normal person do instead? Find someone that looks like they know what they're talking about. A bunch of people are getting played HARD.

By the time you find out if it's true or not the article would have already been paid out. This is a scam.


Seriously .... go back 6 months.... start the videos there... educate yourself.... free yourself... be happy.

But guessing you would never do that because you are too lazy and that's why you are jealous.

Edit: Selfcensor because of massstupidity :-)

Yes, unfortunately when you ignore fundamentals as Haejin preaches like the gospel you totally ignore the bitconnects of the world, people who bought into that based on his suggestions and also based on his assertions that fundamentals don’t mean anything to price have gotten blasted.

Bitconnect aint ever coming back because it’s confirmed ponzi scheme, website is offline and creators running with the money.

Imo, that’s poor advice and is doing harm. But faithers still gonna gonna cover their eyes and follow blindly. Hell, he’s not complaining. The more clickbaits the better.

Pump and Dump gang in the open. Sometimes smoke grenade with analysis of btc or eth but when it comes to low marketcapcoins... then he is not better then stupid McAfee who makes coins go up 100% in 1h but still trying with pic? Just be silent pumper. Easy to buy in befor publishing....

The last person that gets suspected is the person claiming to help everyone. If he was the real thing he would NEVER advise you what to buy. Real crypto enthusiasts say what they are buying and why in hopes that you will see the promise they also see in a coin. If you lose money, it would be their fault.

What I'm seeing here is someone pretending to know what is going on but making it sound too complex, to prevent people from doing their own research, so he can keep control.

But he's gained enough traction now that people will just blindly follow instructions. I'm not gonna lie @tuvokhl, I was following along for a while until I realized that this was actually BS. Then I started researching on my own. Anyone who is serious about cryptocurrency will look at multiple sources before making their own educated decision.

Thats why we do this work here @shello. He was advicing to buy a scam.
here is proof:
Dont want to know how many lost because of him.

"This give proof that price moves the news and events and NEVER the reverse." -Haejin

Jesus tap dancing christ. To say that events don't change the price, he is legitimately spreading FUD so people don't read the news and major developments. Nobody wants to learn themselves, and rather be spoonfed promises. Anyone who goes through enough forums has known for months that Bitconnect was a ponzi. Anything that guarantees a ridiculous ROI for minimal effort is fake.

Can't wait for McAfee to eat a dick btw.

@shello Please take a minute to peruse Haejin's portfolio from the past six months as affirmative evidence of his reputability. His technical analysis skills have been vindicated by a 95%+ success rate on cryptocurrency projections. Elliottician's are a rare breed of analysts whose methods may appear superstitious or even ludicrous at first blush, but results are results.

Skeptics may say, "well, given enough time, a monkey on a typewriter can eventually produce a paragraph from Shakespeare." First off, this sort of claim ignores the insuperable element of time. In technical analysis we are dealing with defined time and verifiable outcomes. Thus far, it is resoundingly so that Haejin's predictive trees have borne good fruit. You may well say in response, "everything in the market has increased over the past six months." Albeit there is merit to this statement, this does not vitiate the margins and magnitudes that Haejin has correctly called uo to three months in advance.

As for the claim that price leads market sentiment, this is by no means inconceivable. An example of this can be found in the recent regulatory threats by the Korean gov't. As price rises i.e. BTC marketcap breaking 300 billion dollars, governments start to take greater notice and become reactive. "The price" then drops in fear driven anticipation that the market will falter due to regulation. As "the price" drops, it reaches a threshold of resistance at which "the price" becomes appealing to investors on the other end. When "the price" arrives at a psychological level, people either buy or sell accordingly. Price fuels market behavior, that is why booms and bust occur in economic cycles. To analogize, events are triggered by price action in a similar way as to how technological innovation is triggered by the increase of human knowledge, as the collective pool of information grows, so do the innovations (ex. South Korea); vice-versa, as information declines, technology deteriorates (ex. North Korea).

I am weak!! Thanks for the good laugh. Where can I find this video and can I pinch it to use?

Just click the youtube button. Then it will open there...

Seriously .... go back 6 months.... start the videos there... educate yourself.... free yourself... be happy.

But guessing you would never do that because you are too lazy and that's why you are jealous.

YOUR STEEMIT SYSTEM DOESN'T WORK!!! that's for sure, if you say that one person can abuse the whole system so easily, well maybe you are just jealous it isn't you fucking the system, right??

like this steemit definately will never be a worldchanger, it will slowly die... ok let's take haejin away, who will be next to run the show?? who will be the next asshole taking all the profits from you hardworking guys (lol) ??

from the moment there are 'teams' in a social network??? is it still a social network or is it more a private club, with couple of guys calling the shots and taking the dollar-jar

you are like bunch of kids, nothing more! instead of trying to find a win-win solution or trying to change this (stupid actually) reward system. nooo we create teams, shout for scams and promote racism, and if somebody wants to say something about it, you get flagged and censured....

this 'social network' would have been perfect in times of WW2 in german side!

now flag and hide my comment, hurry before anybody sees!!

Its not my system. First wrong sentence. I am not hard working anymore. Secound wrong sentence. Private groups are everywhere. Dont get this point. Only kids cry and want mammy and daddy! to fucking fix the world. I dont need this. Flagging seems to be abuse in your words. Everybody can still read all of your words... everytime. What you know about stupid indoctrinated people?
I dont get this censor point. You can just reveal comment! Or read on
Censor is deleting but here its not possible... Only you can delete but only 7 days.

Seriously .... go back 6 months.... start the videos there... educate yourself.... free yourself... be happy.

But guessing you would never do that because you are too lazy and that's why you are jealous.

Its team Bernie... shit the others. I forgive you... :-)
They try to attack your shit. But 9 haejin made rich people cant bring it down???

Hey where are the donation addresses and links to buy all your courses and give you more money!?? Oh, I guess you either forget them because this needed to be online asap so the money making and cash grab could begin or your getting scared that people are becoming aware of your greed and therefore you removed all the copy-paste "pls give me more money" links.

i guess he earns enough with steem, so he dont need donations anymore?
why some people just seeing the bad in some people?

Well, I am extremely disappointed by the tone of your post. I have been following this wonderful person for many many months on YouTube, thanks to him I have made a significant amount of money through trading crypto currency. The amount of times this man has been right is absolutely staggering and the mathematical and pattern based analysis he provides is based on proven historical techniques which have been around for decades. If you don’t want to listen to him or watch his videos then simply don’t subscribe to him. I’m guessing you’re one of the people who sold at the wrong point and didn’t pay attention to his warnmgs.

Such a shame

Thank you for sharing. We have been watching 1stblood for the past 2 months.

thanks for such a informative video

I am very sorry.I understand my mistake.Please forgive me

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment

and he only votes on himself!! not you ignorant followers!!

and he only votes on himself!! not you ignorant followers!!

Forgive me .I am not native English.I have some problem to understand the meaning of this blog .And i am a new member
Please keep my request

Dear @haejin and followers, your posts are so easy to make that I have made 2, a dogecoin TA and a Theresa May TA

Where are my $500 upvotes that you feel you deserve? I deserve them too since I have just as much of a potential to make people money.

MAY is projected to rise 132%
Dogecoin is projected to rise another 131%

If my posts don't deserve $500 then neither do yours. Decline payout

Keep trying, maybe one day you can provide information worth $500. You might want to put a little more thought into your graphs though. @haejin's at least use the Fibonacci sequence and mathematical equations that make some since. Yours were a little hard to understand.

He “eyeballs” because he has God-like eyes 😉😃.

Ouch. My feelings are hurt.

As far as I can tell, he did absolutely no mathematical calculations for the TA provided here. I know this because I wrote a program that actually analyzes stock trends (I know securities and not currency but there are some similar things between the two) and it doesn't look at curves and project something by drawing lines (something haejin loves to do) instead uses actual trends and right now with crypto (pretty much all of it) rebounding from the recent tanking it becomes obvious that you can pick one right now and it will rise. You cannot look at 1 currency, or 1 stock, or 1 of anything and use only that to depict trends, you require inclusion of as much of the market as you can, yet haejin draws these little lines like they are master predictors, they mean shit all. My graphs, they mean fuck all, the joke is that his TA that he provides is actually a shitty analysis, coming from someone that works with the stock market, and he doesn't deserve his rewards.

Buy any crypto right now, its almost guranteed to rise.

I understand where you are coming from, but Haejin did teach me about laddering and I was able to get every coin I was interested in at a very low point in this correction. Maybe I could find that information anywhere, but it happened to be from him. It might not be rocket science but it taught a novice like me how to do something simple to help invests at better times. He also helped me decide to sell BTC at $18,000 and buy back in around $11,000 because of his spot on target last month. Why wouldn't I trust the guy? Do you have some steemians that you recommend with better TA? I'm open minded and know I could simply be lucky. I want to learn more and would be very grateful if you could help. I hope you can understand why I defend a guy that has help me personally in my short time here. I might not have the technical skills yet to see what you're seeing, but I enjoy the profits and want to continue capitalizing on this crypto opportunity.

I am going to be honest, I don't mind his TA I just don't think they are worth what he is getting (especially since a lot of the profit comes from ranchoralexo alone)

Markets are impossible to truly predict and haejin makes corrections as they come up, which is perfect, but when you understand how steemit works you soon realize that a single user earning like haejin has the potential to destroy the entire system and I am fighting against that to preserve it. If her declined payout on 90% of his posts he would still make ~$2000 USD a day (instead of the nearly 20,000 USD) which is a lot and people would leave him alone. Thats what I want, and until that happens, I am going to continuously powerup this account with my crypto (have to wait for the exchanges to acknowledge payments first) and continue to flag him.

I do understand the urge to defend him, and I can be harsh in calling his TA crap (I mean it doesn't really look like 15 years of experience in the field to me) but I like the idea of steemit and if it fails then there is nothing we can really do. Hence why Dan, one of the creators of steemit, is actually flagging haejin, just to put it in perspective.

Come check out my dogecoin analysis: here

Could quickly increase by 164% in the next x amount of time!

and he only votes on himself!! not you ignorant followers!!

and he only votes on himself!! not you ignorant followers!!

and he only votes on himself!! not you ignorant followers!!