
I don't think that's true at all mate, there's plenty of examples of bubbles where the market cap of a particular kind of asset deflated rapidly but didn't lose all of its value> real estate bubble, bubble, Bitcoin bubble of 2014. However when an asset goes parabolic, gets mainstream foaming at the mouth then lose 70% of its value, that to me is a bubble, maybe not in the grand scheme of things and future new highs might dwarf 20k one day but it's certainly exhibited a bubble behavior.

and all of those markets "bubbles" have surpassed their values prior to the bursting of the so called bubbles, which means they were not bubbles at all... (Though there are whole towns in the US that have been abandoned. )

you can say that to you is a bubble, but that doesn't make you correct.

The fact that you include 2014 bitcoin when it peaked at $1000.. 3 years years later it's appreciated 2500% before correcting again....

If history repeats itself, we'll get to $125k within another 3 years..

As I posted way back then - a "bubble" has a very specific definition - and it's often misused.

Just think about the term.. "Bubble". By it's very definition, when you a bubble bursts, there's nothing left...

We might have to agree to disagree then @farq, the way I see it is that Bitcoin has had several bubbles along the way, the primary long-term trend is certainly bullish but it's been overvalued a few times and each time was a bubble.

I don't think either of us is "correct" per se, we just have different criteria to evaluate what is a bubble and what is not.


well I believe my criteria is more closely aligned to what the word is actually supposed to mean.

good for you @farq. This is your definition:

"A bubble means the asset is basically dead and worthless/close to $0."

So I guess your mental image is that of a soap bubble, it inflates, bursts and it's gone forever.

This is the definition of a bubble on Investopedia:

"A bubble is an economic cycle characterized by the rapid escalation of asset prices followed by a contraction. It is created by a surge in asset prices unwarranted by the fundamentals of the asset and driven by exuberant market behavior. When no more investors are willing to buy at the elevated price, a massive sell-off occurs, causing the bubble to deflate."

You'll notice there is no mention of the asset becoming "worthless". Bubble=irrational overvaluation of an asset.

The mental image this definition conjures is that of boiling water, it boils and expands, gets agitated then calms... but the underlying asset (water) doesn't get destroyed.

So it's down to definition and again I don't think any of us is "closer to the truth" than the other or "more closely aligned to what the word is supposed to mean". So let's just leave it at that.