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RE: WHAT'S YOUR VIEW ON BOTS? Promotion tool or necessary evil? Let me share my personal view.

Well put- I have always said that if you come to Steemit looking for money you will be sorely disappointed. The best way to approach this platform is to use it as a creative outlet as you mentioned.

Steemit for me is a place where I can connect to people and find ideas I wouldn't otherwise be able to find. Additionally it creates a fantastic social environment to interact over such ideas. There are some seriously talented and smart people using this site and it amazes me every day.


Oh the talents!
When i thought it cannot get better this in comes another that tops what I just saw. I am still reeling from the skill and beauty of what I saw and yet I come across a superior work.

I like the collaborations of people and communities in making this platform better.

Thanks for your comment @hotsauceislethal

Steemit for me is a place where I can connect to people and find ideas I wouldn't otherwise be able to find.

Right on the dot! Absolutely agree with you.

Just checked your profile just to realize that we seem to share a number of interests :)

In particular that we both share a similar passion towards cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology :)

Obviously followed! :)

you're very responsive @hotsauceislethal

thx for taking the time to write your comments. and Im glad to see that we're on the same page

I will do my best to follow you and support you here on steemit