Someone held up a "Buy Bitcoin" sign during Janet Yellen's testimony to Congress

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

Bitcoin just got some major free press. 

As if it really needed any more of it...

During Janet Yellen's testimony before the House Financial Services Committee, an unidentified man held up a sign saying "Buy Bitcoin".

Yellen was speaking during the first round of the Fed's semi-annual monetary policy report to Congress and also addressing the state of the economy. 

The event and the sign were seen live on television. 

The unidentified man was subsequently removed from the hearing room. 

Did it effect the price of Bitcoin?

It looks like it did at least slightly, as the price traded near the highs of the day at 1:03 pm EST shortly after the sign was visible.

Yellen did not comment on Bitcoin or cryptocurrencies during this hearing, but perhaps after hearing about the sign behind her, she will comment on it at the next one. ;)

Stay informed my friends!


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Victory! Another battle won by the good guys!


Congratulations to that brave soul. It takes alot of guts to pull this off. It would of been so easy for him to talk himself out of it once he thought it up.

I can only imagine the dialogue that was going on in his head on the days that led up to this.

Hopefully he will now have a Crypto career.


Dude was a boss, he really didn't care for his future slavery internship job haha

Yeah man. "Today was a good day, I didn't have to use my AK."

The shift is beginning. We can all sense it. There is something in the air. Can't you smell it?
It's a familiar smell but one I have not smelled in quite some time. It's the smell of victory. The ashes of our enemies lie at our feet.

Today was an easy victory. With just the use of a legal pad we made them stagger.

The struggle continues.

Especially since he got quite a few donations to his bitcoin address after posting it later...

Thats so funny, I wrote the same article but 40 minutes after you @jrcornel :)) When I started writing I looked for such an article and did not find any. But after I published it, saw it came up on trending in #cryptocurrency. Very cool story with this Walter C Allen

Cool! I am sure it is going viral all over social media as of late yesterday...

I think he started something much bigger than people realize! People will now start putting Bitcoin signs in crazy places. Make it go viral with their donation address, and suddenly they have Bitcoins!

HAHAHA this is great!!! We need more people like this spreading the word of Bitcoin....That is all I do, spread the word of crypto currency. This guy had the opportunity and took it lol.

I can't believe he did it, I am still laughing. :)

Haha! Now where are the memes?

This is so awesome!!
Here is a video:

What a hero!

Edit: People on Twitter are bidding on the notepad now. Highest bid so far: 1.1 BTC.

Edit 2: He already received over 2.3 BTC in donations from people around the world

thats amazing! such suppport from the BTC community! nowhere do more people have this much excess spendable income but in crypto! nowhere can u so easily send money around the world!

wow this encourages MORE people to hold up bitcoin signs on live TV!

its like how steemit pays people to advertise for steemit!

lets do a $1000 prize for ANYONE who can get or BUY STEEM STEEMIT.COM on live televiosion like the infowars BILL CLINTON IS A RAPIST contest where alex jones gave out like $5000 to anyoen who could get that onve TV

it was a HUGE success

we should do a similar thing where we offer $100 maybe to start for anyone who can get Steem logo on live anyone who can get 1 million views on a video about Joining Steemit

Epic, this is well worth the suspension!

Some guy on twitter tries to impersonate this hero to claim some BTC.

That's not a Walter C Allen, that's Otto Warmbier, the recently deceased American student who died in North Korea ->

Wikipedia source with picture

This whole story makes me go WOW...

EDITED after @penguinpablo removed this twitter link from his comment.

That is awesome. Thanks for sharing. I am sure people are going to send him some!

Balls and Bitcoins

That's a damn good idea hahaha I'm very curious to see what he ends up getting out of this.

Walter C. Allen for Congress!

This is great! Yellen is a clueless idiot. I love how Mr. Allen photo bombed her right when she said that the Fed was transparent. This will go down in history. Perfect timing.

Hero, you should be promoted!

seems like the left piece of paper does not belong to the pad of paper on the right side ; )

That's really funny. What she said was funny too, the fed is the most transparent , while avoiding the audit

We are transparent we swear, just don't audit us!

Dude, that hilarious!

she said

transparent thing in the world.

then comes out bitcoin sign as if to say yo, it's me.

That guy is an absolute legend

its like the story of the guy who went on the news and held up his QR code for his wallet, and people sent him bitcoins immediately after haha

gotta know how to play the game!

Janet Yellen seems to avoid every question, doesn't matter what the subject. But, I do love watching these testimonies, she is getting drilled!

Money and politics should not mix.

Problem is money is politics. They are both tools of influence. The more you have the more you can influence people to do what you want.


Hero #1 Satoshi
Hero #2 Snowden
Hero #3 this guy

We have to send this guy a donation for this job well done, right? lol

Last I heard he had already received over 100 donations ;)

This is great and will make all crypto lovers like all of us happy. Next time will be buy steem and join steemit sign hiyaaaaaaaaaaa

That's really cool. He has done crypto market a huge favor escpecially now when the market is in downtrend. This time a small positive news can change people behavior towards bitcoin purchasing. Love this article by the way @jrcornel

This is so amazing. That guy has some balls, did you see how the camera panned away super fast?

did not effect the price, but this was funny ahha

I seriously doubt Janet Yellen even knew she was in that room in front of that committee, let alone that someone was behind her.

She's an older model and lacks the rearward facing sensors.

Honestly it's a probably miracle her programming can deliver semi-coherent answers to the questions.

I heard she leaves a trail of hydraulic fluid as she enters and exits.

hahaha I think she needs a software update

Hardfork 1 in Yellen - a fork you can't unstick.

I think they've already overclocked her way beyond her original specs.

At some point I think we'll see smoke coming out of her ears.

looked to me like her mind control was glitching.

I kind of resent that statement as she is younger than I am. It isn't her age that makes her the way she is.

You are obviously vastly superior to her though.

You're here at Steemit and she's there.

And it's not the age, it's the mileage.

Some wines improve with age, some turn to vinegar.

You're a classic, she's a clunker.


Well that got a laugh out of me!
I'll take it even if it doesn't quite fit.

As long as I made you smile. :-)

He deserves a medal, but may prefer a Bitcoin!

A medal in the image of a bitcoin?! :)

Bitcoin Sign Guy!

This is the picture of the guy who held up the "Buy Bitcoin" sign.

seems like the left piece of paper does not belong to the pad of paper on the right side

hahahah nice

Like it or not the concept of money and economics has changed. Get on board or get left behind because the people have a choice!!

Totally agree!

This is so amazing even though he's just doing this because he probably already holds lots of bitcoins. But anyway this is just awesome!

HAHAHA this is great!!! We need more people like this spreading the word of Bitcoin....

Find out who it is and get him to create a Steemit account :P

Hay @jrcornel Lik Your post
I always follow your journey whether it is Anything
I Wish You Would Also Follow and Upvote My Post @funnystuff
Really I Liked What You Do Every Day
And Always Join - Upvote - Comment and Reesteem
I wish the same
Thank You Sweet

Ahaha I realy don't want to beleive it affected the price of bitcoin but we are in a crazy crazy world that dude is serious stonecold :D

Yea it won't affect it much long term, but sometimes all it takes is something like that to spark a little buying short term.

Ahahah, give that man a medal!!

Nothing like some good old fashion yellow note book advertising worth a fortune.

hahaha... Who is that guy?

My hero :)

Get int before the US Gov fucks you over, its what we pay them for.

Haha awesome, the expression on her face looks like she saw it in the mirror

The one that smiles in the photo holds a sign.

Every time I see Bitcoin mentioned in the general news it's like a bell ringing. Hopefully this wakes more people up to the freedom of Bitcoin and they can start to see the scam being run by the Federal Reserve!

She'll hate that great. Cheers mike

This world of cryptocurrencies is extremely volatile and you never know by how many external factors it may be influenced.

In any case I do not thing this is one of them :)

Great initiative :D more people should stand up for what they believe is right.
I really hope bitcoin and steem go up even more than they are right now.
But it does go to say that something so small can invoke a rise in the current market price .
All the best of wishes from me. Goldie

That's great! Good news on the Steem front... I cashed in my SBD this morning, so you can look for it to skyrocket now!

I appreciate you doing that for us ;)

It's already up $0.03 ;-}

Whats up @jrcornel I just followed and up voted. Hope you will stay with me & follow me.

He should have written "buy steem"

What a guy hahaha

That is simply fucking awesome!

Give that man a cookie! haha No way it'd affect the price, I'd be damn if it did! Cheers!


lol, Yellen said, "The Federal Reserve is one of the most transparent central banks in the world". And then somebody behind Yellen help up the Buy Bitcoin sign :P Hilarious!

So funny, I just watched the video in one of the comments. I wonder if Janet Yellen knows about crypto. Thanks for sharing

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