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RE: Is Tauchain Agoras in Good Hands?

In what way is that breakthrough?

The concept was researched by Alan Turing in 1930s (UTM).

John McCarty published LISP paper in 1960 where he described, among other things, LISP interpretation logic encoded in LISP itself.

Metacircular interpretation used to be a part of intro programming course in MIT, it's not very complex and pretty much every person who is good at CS should be able to do self-interpreter or a thing like that.


Fair question and I'll try to address your concerns below.

In what way is that breakthrough?

The concept was researched by Alan Turing in 1930s (UTM).

You are correct. Self interpreting is not a new concept and I never implied that. The major breakthrough in computer science comes from the context in which this concept is being applied. If we look at hash tables, or SHA-265, or HashCash, these concepts existed prior to blockchain. Can we still agree blockchain was a breakthrough in computer science?

Universal Turing Machine is not the right concept for TML. In fact, not every language from TML will even be Turing complete. So this really has very little to do with UTM unless you're aware of something specifically.

TML stands for Tau-Meta-Language. It's not best described as a singular language but more a means of creating languages. Of course I may have to find a better description, but this is just to say it's possible to support Turing complete languages ( perhaps not using partial fixed point), this may require some other underlying logic. The Earley Parser can parse all CFGs, it can handle natural language.

John McCarty published LISP paper in 1960 where he described, among other things, LISP interpretation logic encoded in LISP itself.

Lisp can do self interpretation and I never said the concept of self interpretation by itself is the breakthrough. It's a breakthrough in how TML will be applying it. TML is the breakthrough.

Metacircular interpretation used to be a part of intro programming course in MIT, it's not very complex and pretty much every person who is good at CS should be able to do self-interpreter or a thing like that.

This is beside the point. Being able to code a self interpreter or even understand the concept does not mean you understand how it's being used in TML. It's TML which is unique, while the milestone "self interpretation" is the last major milestone, similar to when Bitcoin achieved it's genesis block. The ability to actually begin using TML to do something practical begins after this milestone.

TML having self interpretation a milestone because it will allow collaborative development to take place over social media (like Steemit or Facebook). Languages are the key behind scaling discussion. Discussion which can translate what we say in informal natural language, LIKE THIS DISCUSSION, and turn it into models which can be structured in such a way that this can become a formal specification, and eventually allow program synthesis.

Stuff like this exists only in academia, and were never before done collaborative. Never before has there been a way to scale both discussion and collaborative development. If you look at TML right now the code base looks like a compiler-compiler which uses (PE) Futamura projection. The Earley Parser is strategically chosen for Tau, but I can understand how just looking at it, it is going to appear to be another YACC but I can assure you there is nothing else like TML out there.

Go and check, I challenge you to find something like it. If you can, I'll bring it to Ohad myself. I think once TML can be used by developers then it will quickly become obvious the advantages it offers. I also accept I might not be the best at explaining this stuff, but I can tell you to keep your eye on it.

TML having self interpretation a milestone because it will allow collaborative development to take place over social media (like Steemit or Facebook)

I've been wondering about this part whether or not it can be used in any platforms!