Blockchain is IMO just a "tool" and an "opportunity" to make our society more decentralized and independent from government control.
The Blockchain by itself as a new technology doesn't have the social backpower so that society can throw out all middle mans and government institutions, but it can help in the long run to eliminate some of these bureaucracy structures.
I agree that crypto holders should be concerned about there privacy and data, and public blockchains are a easy datapool target for professional analysts. The Komodo Dex could be a great solution in regards to crypto trading and there is also the ZDex Project from PIVX which serves as a anonymous decentralized exchange.
But the government itself can't just wildly extract any kind of data from the Blockchain, without knowing or having any suspicious activity coming from you in the first place. They have to take you to court and prove that you have done something wrong and by that they have to be open how they got the information from you.
So, yes analyzing is a thing but can government go wild on you...No not yet...I think.
In the end its not Blockchain that will bring us more freedom and its not Blockchain that will enslave us by our government.
IMO its always comes down to how educated is the population in every society in regards to overall politics, economics and social dynamics. If people value there own personal freedom the most and carry full responsibility for there life and the people in there community, than these people would want to vote for small governments structures and less centralized power.
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" If people value there own personal freedom the most and carry full responsibility for there life and the people in there community, than these people would want to vote for small governments structures and less centralized power."
I believe that unfortunately most people are uninterested in this topic, at least in the moment.
Agreed, the majority sadly DO vote with their wallets, invariably for convenience rather than freedom.
Yes or they even don't go to vote. In Great Britain f.e. many young people tell now, that the old people take away their future with brexit.
But they are wrong !
Only 72,2% of people was going to vote, but from people older than 65 their go 90% to vote.
So they should tell not to the old people why they vote so how they vote, they should ask they young people why not also 90% of them go to vote, if they think, that it's important for their future.
that's a great point @udow
Hi @jbgarrison72
I'm afraid I've lost you. Would you mind telling me what do you mean by that? I hope my question is not to silly.
My comment was agreeing with @udow that people in general are uninterested in non-personal important things and I was also adding the insight that in order to see what people ARE interested in, watch what they spend their money on... which of course is, the only real "power" anyone has, that is to say the power of choosing what to spend money on. A cast "vote" in some election has very little power. A dollar spent has far more power. And still, the "dollar vote" power is wasted by the average person. Does this help clarify @crypto.piotr ? :)
It really does @jbgarrison72
Thank you for taking the time to reply to my comment. I appreciate it a lot. Seriously Steemit needs more responsive people like you.
Have a great weekend buddy
I absolutely agree @udow.
I also experienced complete lack of interests in this topic :/
Hi @masterthematrix
Such a great and informative comment. Wow. Appreciate time you took to reply.
Would you mind telling me what IMO means? Hope it's not very silly question.
So just like I mentioned: best is to stay "under the radar" and not to bring any suspicious in the first place :) Playing by the book will be more important now than ever.
I really think it depends from which part of the world are you.
"IMO" means "in my opinion" sorry for using these short cuts which I'm usually not a big fan off, but "IMO" is quite handy in comments.
Thanks for your reply I agree with you that it depends from where you are and it is very important not to do any crazy stuff on Blockchain.
I appreciate your good comunication skillz you seem to attract quite a few people here to disuss this content, good job!
Thanks @masterthematrix :)
I guess it's very useful to know what this short cut means.
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