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RE: Binance in Malta. China Fights to Control Crypto

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

Guys I'm just trying to be realistic here.If the financial system was threatened they could easily buy up all the current crypto currencies in the world and hold it. Or even worse, with the amount of money central banks possess they could play Pump and dump game all the time up to the point where cryptocurrencies will not be attractive to Ordinary People anymore. The whole market cap of 160 billion or something is nothing when compared to 750 trillion global economy. I am sure that the whole blockchain technology is build not to disrupt the financial system but to make it transitional step from the current debt economy by some government. Anybody who has some brains knows that current economy model is doomed to a default, and let's only hope that the transition will happen smoothly.


If they try to buy it all the price would go to unbelievable levels. Also if they gain control of a crypto, we can go elsewhere to one they don't control.

I am telling you this @investing guy knows his shit. We have so many Crypto's to play with we could always move around......

They can only buy it if people agree to sell. And as @investing said, that would only happen if the price soars.