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RE: WHAT'S YOUR VIEW ON BOTS? Promotion tool or necessary evil? Let me share my personal view.

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

To make long story short - the more steem power you have the less you like the idea of bots. And the reason behind it is a very simple one - one doesn't like competition. Of course all those anti-bot fighters officially declare that they are against bots for ideological reasons but this is bullshit I don't buy. I don't totally discount altruistic reasons but if such reasons are openly declared and widely advertised by so called "altruist" then this stinks 😉

I see the following pattern - people who are against bots are usually either well connected (have strong backing from their friends/colleagues so even if they publish crap it's always upvoted) or have a lot of steem power. So basically those who don't need them hate them.

My opinion? Well, they are allowed so shouldn't be discriminated against. Bot is just a tool and as with any tool it can be used for good or bad things. Just do your own math and don't spend money on unprofitable bots.

Pool rape? Well, in that case if a big account is voting not for the content but for the person (because there is some unofficial connection between both) then it is also pool rape. At least with the bot you have transparency - you get what you paid for and you don't have to be nice to the bot to get an upvote 😛


hi @tetroxide

im very sorry for such a late reply

Somehow I've missed your comment.

Thx for sharing your view on bots.

I see the following pattern - people who are against bots are usually either well connected (have strong backing from their friends/colleagues so even if they publish crap it's always upvoted) or have a lot of steem power. So basically those who don't need them hate them.

Sad reality :(
ps. I've noticed that you're not posting a lot. Not into blogging?


I am trying to be as long as possible here, because now I have more time, the secret is: I got free from FB, and looking back at it, I started thinking it's so archaic if comparing to steemit.