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RE: New Easy and Profitable Cryptocurrency Can be Mined From Web Brpwser!!!

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

Is there a way to sell your Nimiq (right now)?
On the Testnet site they state "Testnet Mining does not create permanent Nimiq. The Testnet and your Nimiq balance may be reset at any time until the release of the Nimiq Mainnet." so mining it now would be pretty pointless ..


Nimiq is in beta and youre currently mining Nimiq Exchange Token. When the mainnet comes out in December Nimiq Exchange Token will be converted to NIM at 10 NEY = 1 NIM. Since Nimiq NET is a temporary token it isnt on exchanges (as far as i know) yet but NIM will be. There was an ICO to buy NET so i doubt they will reset balances unless its an emergemcy. Id you have any more questions just ask me or check out thw FAQ!!!

Note: i dont work for thwm i just learned this from the FAQ and the whitepaper

there was an ico where they sold some, those are also the coins you can trade and they will be changed 10:1 into nimiq-coins, but testnet coins aren't worth anything and can't be transfered to the two exchanges that have Nimiq Net. try it yourself.
Also testnet generates 50coins mining reward, while their FAQ states it should only be 5

Your right I'm sorry, i misread faq. I wish there was an exvhange for it tgough.

Cant't blame you, there are barely informations on testnet-functionality, except for the "your coins can be deleted at any time"

Lol true. I might be emailing the developera about this and maybe not wasting y betanet coins and 3 days of cpu power

so i looked into Nimiq a bit and i have to disappoint you @ninja25538, right now you can only mine on their testnet and these coins have no value at all

You can inly mine thentestnet because its still in beta. Like i said in my reply ull be able to trade it roght before the mainnet comes out at 10 nimiq net for 1 nimiq nim

Where did you get this information? I actually have about 23000 beta-nimiqs and I'm working on a pool-mining website for Nimiq but I never heard about trading betanims into Nim.

Sorry, i read the faq wrong. Im sorry for any confusion. However, i do beliebe this coin will be amazing when it comes out and if its as easy to mine in beta as in main, i

I also saw that you are interrested into Cryptocurrencies and security, if you want to be part of this project you can contact me (you can find my twitter account in my presentation post) ; )No problems. If you want I'm trying to create a new mining website for nimiq (as I sayed in my last message) for the moment I only create a miner which have a sponsoring option (you got 5% of the nimiqs mined by the people you're sponsoring) (I'm sorry the website is in french and I didn't translate it yet).

You're good bro, Chrome autotranslates which is nice =). And yeah sure I'd love to help. I have a strong lack of a twitter accpunt though.