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RE: Trolls from YouTube Destroyed Our Marketing Team and Our ICO

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

Troy, you forgot to mention the video you made today on your failing DoItYourselfWorld YT channel called Clearing Up Some Rumors.

This is where Reid himself is spreading the rumors,
just like here on his blogs.

Any information he mentioned came from either and his blogs on Steemit where his YouTube audience does not venture.

Therefore, it is Reid spreading Rumors for manufactured drama and shameless views, like he has for the last 6 years.

One great example is when Reid was a suspect in the Sam's Point Forest Fire in NY back in April 2016.


Are you serious???

You say I am spreading rumors but then quote as fact where the evidence came from????

I mean really????

Yes, YOU Troy Reid @thediyworld are spreading rumors to your YouTube audience.

We here on Steemit and the trolls are banned from your YT channels.

Your YT audience apparently refuses to follow you here.

That means we and the trolls are not feeding them info,
and your audience is not coming here to read anything.

So the only way they are getting their information on YT is from YOU!
And you yourself said it is rumors you are "clearing up" in today's video.....
today's video was nothing but drama and an ebegging opportunity.

That's how you get more than 100 views.
BS drama and e-begging.

Just like today's Steemit blogs.

Wait. You did not answer my first question although I have to admit maybe it was not clear enough.

First, you state they are facts to be found on your hate site.

Second, you state they are rumors spread by myself.

Interesting. Which is it then?

Ken, why do you downvote me rather than answer me?

That is not fair now is it?

The world has NEVER BEEN FAIR so why do you expect this. Anyone can downvote anything, you whiny little crybaby. You spread bullshit false rumors for drama on your youtube channel. Destroyed your team that never existed, ruined ICO that YOU CANCELED. You are LYING SCAMMING FRAUD. Have your coin sale CHICKEN SHIT.

Remember this RUMOR Troy? The one about the children's mini-bike YOU bought with donor money.

You were crying poor, no money.....
and after about a month of viewers questioning you in the comments section
and after your pal Outback Trucker Buck spilled the beans in his video.....

You had no choice but to admit having the toy.
Although you failed to admit the rest of the story.
But that's typical of you.

Then you gave some bullshit justifications needing the toy for "chores around the NY dumpstead" and "dragging deer out of the woods".
Turns out, you showed it once to run to the mailbox.

Never for anything else in your videos.

And you think people can trust you.
A 49 year old can only play the victim for so long.

Remember this RUMOR Troy?


Did you have permission to talk about and show the doityourselfworld.SUCKS website in this video?

But good job anyway for spreading exaggerated and false information
for drama and shameless views.

It's one of my favorite videos.
Right next to when you filmed the Ulster County police cars in your driveway back in PineBush In April of 2016.
When YOU were a suspect in the Sam's Point forest fire.

Yeah. Lets bring up that fire.

You guys edited my video.

You guys turned me in for starting the fire.

You guys bragged about it.

I got investigated for arson.

But ....

I was free once the authorities saw my real, full and unmodified video.

Its a wonder you guys have not been put in jail yet.

And the fact is that we were camping 150 miles away at the time that fire occurred. We were officially registered at an authorized campground.

And I kept all the screen prints from your forum from back then. Including web links and all.

Wanna see them?

That's a copy right violation.

You said you were at a campground 30 miles away when confronted about it. Now you say it was 150 miles?

Have they moved it? And there was a burn ban in operation at the time, and your video showed you lighting multiple fires.

See something, say something. Right folks?

So, you are saying, that while at a campground not at the site - at the very same time - you say I committed arson?

You are stating that as fact right?

So, you are saying, that while at a campground not at the site - at the very same time - you say I committed arson?

Could you translate that into something resembling English, please?

What I am saying is that you have changed your story, again, about where you were camping when the Sam's Point fire broke out. What was the name of the campsite you say you used? I'll give you a hand with that. You wild camped on state land, not at a campsite. I don't think they would allow camp pitches directly next to a 20 foot cliff!

Are you also denying that your video showed you and Malady lighting not one, but two separate fires, when there was a burn ban in operation. There's a fact for you!

Oh, Then why did they ask me for my "ORIGINAL" and "UNEDITED" video to show my innocence?

Funny that they were angry for being duped by your friends when they left.

It was a State Park and we were signed in.

So, now you are admitting I was at an official state park far away from the fire you claim that I set?

Because I was turned in for the fire at Sams point and not at the State camp ground.

Looks like you guys are messing up your stories.

How could you show them the original and unedited video, when you were filming through an upstairs window, shitting your pants?

There you go again Troy, talking in circles. @thediyworld

See, if you would have given a truthful account of what really happened instead of making one of your bullshit drama videos making accusations of being turned in for "arson"
you wouldn't be in this predicament, again.

But no.
You can't be without a doubt, 100% truthful
and stick with it.

Like I told you over last weekend....
that BS only works on your mommy.

It doesn't work with us critical thinking citizens.
It doesn't work with law enforcement.
It doesn't work with a judge.
And it doesn't work with a probation/parole agent.

But that part about you makes me happy because when the time comes,

One or all of those people involved will be shoving one of your BS stories straight up your ass, sideways.

troy if i had turned in fake evidence that you supposedly proved was faked then i would have been tossed in prison for obstruction of justice and falsifying evidence both of which are serious crimes. seeing how that did not happen then clearly the evidence i presented was not an edited version of your video. i simply gave them the link to YOUR youtube channel video on YOUR youtube channel where i do not have the password to upload or alter YOUR videos. if i did have that password i would simply delete all your videos then terminate your channel after changing your password. clearly you never think through your idiotic excuses or claims...

Look Troy, more PROOF YOU are telling RUMORS and false information to YOUR audience.

Just like you did during the Sam's Point first fire incident.


Unedited comments from you, straight from your crappy YT channel.

YOU are spreading false information for shameless views and drama.

You saw only ONE (1) complaint form that Doc showed you.
Not 2, not 3, not 4, not 5 agency forms.....just one.

No troll(s) have made a comment there or to any of your brain dead viewers.

Your version is hearsay,
It's ALL coming from YOU!

BTW, I have copies of ALL your videos, Troy.

Unedited by anyone but you.

Good for you. Now you just admitted to copyright violation on top of everything else?

Bold now arent you?

Because I state on every single video that Nobody is allowed to copy any part of my video without express written permission.

Hmmm, maybe another good ground for a lawsuit?

Anyway, the video you guys turned in for "evidence" for arson was edited and I have the evidence from the discussion on your own hate forum.

I kept the website links too for evidence.

I got express written permission right here....

You said this was a totally legal government document...


I'm surprised you didn't threaten Oldcodge with your 12 gauge again Troy.

You seem to be very angry and have your panties all knotted up lately.

Well, the only thing I know about codge, by his own admission here on steemit, is that he is in the UK.

I am in Northern Michigan.

Now I dont know of a shotgun in the world that can shoot that far. Do you?

I am quite relaxed really.

Dropping the stress of a coin sale took a load off my shoulders.

After your friends harassed our marketing team to death, it was all on me.

Now we just point people to buy from a coin exchange themselves:!/trade/0x141797bca73ad90844d88105c8fdd8acb4c75b48-ETH

See, this is how Troy Reid @thediyworld AND @diy-tube-video has zero credibility with his failure to tell the truth....only to twist something to (what he must think) his favor by playing the victim or ignorance.

Reid DID NOT KNOW Oldcodge was from the UK prior to the threat he made re: 12 gauge shotgun.

Recently, Reid denied "the threat" story and changed it into his version of "coyote hunting".

Just like he is changing his story about the Sam's Point forest fire he was a suspect in, in April of 2016.

Now notice how he rambles onto another topic to divert attention away,
looking for sympathy and donations:
"Dropping the stress of a coin sale"
"Alleged harassment "
"Buy coins on the exchange" with link.

He never stops lying and exploiting others.

Threaten to do it again Troy, and the result will be the same. Another call to Ted at the Mio police department, and another little question mark on your file.

Have fun with your next firearm permit application.


Ken, since you are so intent on mentioning those videos. Lets tell everyone what they were about.

Bad guys revealed showed screen prints of the harassing and slanderous comments against me made by - guess who - these same guys.

Kill the trolls was a video showing people how to block trolls on YouTube by hovering their mouse over their comment and then clicking block. Sadly YouTube removed that function later and let the trolls run all over the place causing a lot of harm to many good channels.

Blood in the camper is when they broke in and smeared blood all over the walls of my home. Then called the police and said I murdered someone.

Yup, all classics and all showing a LONG record of you guys harassing me.

You must have me confused with someone else , why are refering to me as Ken and not Jessie???? Why dont you tell everybody here why YOU TUBE made you remove those videos . Are you hoping i wont post them here by giving your discription of their contents ?

You must have me confused with someone else , why are refering to me as Ken and not Jessie???? Why dont you tell everybody here why YOU TUBE made you remove those videos . Are you hoping i wont post them here by giving your discription of their contents ?

So, Ken.

You are also stating that you have broken the law and copied my videos?

Good, this is a permanent record.

SUE ME ................. I WILL PLEAD ...........FAIR USE

It is for research and journalistic, as well as evidence purposes, and is permitted under Fair Use regulations, as you well know.

As long as I do not attempt to profit from them, no offence is committed.

So sue me, arsehole.

Well, since you guys do profit from the use of my videos, then it is criminal.

There are places where you guys have posted complete and full copies of my videos unedited and in full. And you make money on them.

so which is it troy are we editing your videos or not???

i also have several copies of your videos troy. all the ones you claim i was destroying stuff on your pine bush ny property you lost due to eviction.... you know the videos you claimed dont exist but really do... please lets go to court troy and see who wins...

Link please.

Or shut the fuck up!

You left some back doors open t-liar! I see you have also been screen capturing all of us. Want to see the proof. Better yet just scatter like a mouse!

I have no idea what you are talking about Tim

Once and for all, explain how we edit videos that are hosted on your YouTube channel?

They are what you film and upload 100%...

So you really wanna go there???

Cause I can post all that evidence here and now for all to see.

Two hours and we're still waiting, Troy...

Put up, or fuck off, with your constant complaining!

Is this like your 95% off-grid house, that you still haven't shown how it is all hooked up, even after a year?


Tick...tick...tick.... I'm still waiting for Mr. Reid to post screencaps, EVIDENCE, showing that his team members received threatening emails. Mr. Reid would rather spend his entire day squabbling with trolls over trivia than answering real questions.

Yes , his silence on this is much like his silence when he was asked several years ago to POST PROOF POSITIVE that his his so called trolls caused a young woman to attempt suicide ............ WHAT SAY YOU @thediyworld..............WHERE'S THE PROOF ????