This is sad Steward that you are ignoring the problem and ignoring us. First communication about the issue was couple of weeks ago and instead of pushing this forward you are deleted whole communication on your Facebook and Slack accounts.
Instead of finding fault in own actions which can be repaired you started accusing us that we made a scam and you started accusing EtherDelta market in private communications.
First of all you sent Credo tokens not to wallets sent you ETH but to place where the Credo ICO tokens were stored at the moment of the send.
Second things:
Do you know how EtherDelta market works? Every user has one or more normal Eth wallets with public and private addresses. Each wallet is unique per user. User can send some Eth (or other tokens) there and then make Deposit to one global ED wallet. Then ED recognizes which user made the deposit and assigns tokens to deposit of proper user.
When you will send tokens from ED wallet to deposit address everything will be fine. When you'll send tokens from any other account (like with MyEtherWallet) to this one global deposit account it will fail because then not depositToken will be called but transfer one. In this second situation ED market received Credo tokens and it can't recognize to which deposit it should be assigned.
I assume at this moment you're completely lost so let me show you some real examples from ED smart contract:
This is ED address for Credo Token.
There you have at this moment 33 transactions and lets analyze some of the Tx.
Above you have two different transactions. Lets compare them:
- Transaction ends with... 638 Called depositToken function(), funds came from account and this is right use case of using EtherDelta. If you check the account you'll see different tokens like district, monaco or populous.
- Second transaction that ends with ...6167 is wrong transaction made by you. Transfer() method was being called and sender is: Do you recognize this address? Yep, this is your address and there are only Credo tokens.
There are bunch of wrong transactions under the URL:
These transactions were made by you!
How to fix this:
- Contact EtherDelta. Show them this text and let they send you back all the Credo tokens that were sent to ED not with depositToken function but transfer one.
- After that contact which user received Credo ICO token and they don't have Credo token. Send to then Credo tokens.