
Thanks bro.

200 hundred visits to the sperm bank it took to pay for this trip. Shattered and still slightly sore, you finally arrive and set out to find your fortune.

R6 - You trek straight up into the mountains in the north and find a large steam that feeds a waterfall. You dig around the banks here and find nothing.

Z16 - While in the mountains, you spot a rocky outcrop on the east coast dotted with palm trees. You descend and dig around here ... nothing

Z19 - You head south along the coast and check the shallows just off the beach around a large rock. You stand on a venomous stonefish and have to rush back to camp where you have the antidote ... you also find nothing

Please try again tomorrow. Don't forget to resteem this post to get +1 guesses per day i.e. you would get 4 guesses a day until the end of the game.