The central banks and banks are threaten by the cryptocurrency market, they are in the process of controlling the creation of currency. China is now pushing their RMB for cross boarder use. There is a new report that will be released and a special counsel might be created to go after those involved in the uranium one deal, fusion gps, Clinton foundation etc. A new video surfaced showing a US jet and a Russian jet very close together. Trump says he will speak to North Korea. Libya is inviting Russia in to help with peace negotiations. Iran says those involved with the riots are arrested and the protests are finished. Free Syrian Army spokesman are in Washington to speak to officials, the question is which officials. There is a new report that says the Cabal is getting ready to recognize the Kurdish territory in Syria without the permission of Syria. The CDC is pushing the idea that the US will be attacked by a nuclear weapon.
Many country are keeping eye on cryptocurrency, they want to control them. But I tink none of them can success.
I write books about those who control the world - "The Shadows' "Die Dollar Die'
God bless you
wouldn't it be fascinating if when Jesus said "store your treasure in heaven", Mathew 6:20, he was predicting cryptocurrencies. Money of a virtual nature, not physical, and never stolen or devalued or subject to rust or moths.
i want it.
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Can't say it better than the forefathers of our current banking elitists! More reason to decentralize. :))
"skycoin" Total decentralisation .....
Check out Central Bankers Ripple Vs Humanity - An Analysis
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great quote; classic. i think my favorite attributed rothschild quote is:
“The few who understand the system, will either be so interested from its profits or so dependent on its favors, that there will be no opposition from that class.” . . . “Let me issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who writes the laws.” – Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild, 1744-1812
Another excellent quote. Kind of makes your brain hurt and your stomach turn, right? Hard to believe that is how it is. Hence... why I believe that cryptocurrency can be the eventual financial salvation of all us "common" people and take down the bankers. IF we figure out how to prevent the bankers from taking over cryptos first, anyway.
The current Lord Rothschild has vowed to destroy BitCoin and the likes and is now creating his own crypto called FedCoin.......
Too good
hahahaaaa exactly! XD
If your friend says he has the biggest dick of them all would you believe him at his word? Why would you believe this guy purely on his word?
Oh you
Actually there is no proof that he ever said that altough it is a very true statement in regard to the question of power.
This jerks the Rothschild never thought about STEEM.
Miners control the cryptocurrency money supply
Nice One.
The central banks would always feel threatened by cryptocurency market. Truly in life whatever is doing well without any form of centralised checking system would always be a threat to centralise controlled systems which would always seek to control that system. (story of central banks and crypto)
Geee this colapse is a long time coming.
What we are seeing right now.
in USA, we are seeing tax cut and adding to the national debt, which devalues the US dollar further.
I think most of us knew that, but there are rare who really talk about it. I mean... if you go on a drink with a friend, you don't talk about Rothschild and politics. Central banks desperately attempt to create their own Cryptocurrencies as US Dollar crashes
Depends where ya drink really, try the linthorpe hotel, middlesbrough, its a hive of conspiracy theory and geo-politics.
Haven't been there. I guess, this Linthorpe hotel has become a kind of tourist attraction. Just because of its rarity :)
they create now ripple....... and it will be very soon the number one of cryptocurrency.
ripple is controlled by banks so don't get suckered in. i would expect ripple to be the easiest for the banks to manipulate. currencies should be democratic, desentralized, distributed.
Those that have gotten into cryptocurrency early and are planning to hodl for the next few months. Not shitcoins though.
Blue is my favorite colour so y'all know who the one in the blue lamboghirni is gonna be.wink
Seems like somebody had no idea and is finally caught up in between...haha!!you shouldn't have sold those coins bruh...
I like pink
Thank You, Dave
Given that everyone is into predictions at the moment, I have one for 2018. Bitcoin will go sideways, as people who bought in at $20,000 can't sell, and anyone who is looking for the next 10 bagger goes for the next exciting cryptocurrency - Ripple today, next month another, the month after another, and so on.
@x22report That's right. Those who control the money supply of a country are the real government. Politicians are put in place to make you think you have a choice; you don't. You are owned by the people that own your money.
are there ways to get checks or money orders through crypto for rent in America becouse if someone comes up with that crypto wins after its tweaked
yeah really, well VISA and Mastercard sure own my ass right now (
now that the people can control currency creation I think we'll see the end of the nation state
Let's make a countdown ;) or maybe it's a bit too early...
I think it's going to be gradual @aggroed
he follow and upvote I follow and upvote back
Upvote & Re-steemhello, @x22report
Fantastic work for years now :) didn´t know i could find your work @ steemit, amazing, bb youtube!
it's just like a game of Risk, only they are playing with actual countries and people, people should take control, fuck the government
Very interesting issues.. nice one.. good choice of article..
Currency is numbers and numbers never end. If it takes currency to be powerful, your search for power will never end.
Nice. Currency is also defined to be a "quality of being, generally accepted or in use". Be someone of quality, and be accepted and of use.
Yeah. That's a good definition. From the word currency, it comes from the root word current. It means its active and flowing. It has some form of value and life in itself.
this needs to go in some rap song... :-)
Heavy will do!

Love this! LOL
Oh yeah!
WE are not current...we are conned. Therefore we have no value.
The above is just another interpretation. We the people are giving our power away!
I'm sorry.
Its what I see in my own perspective.
I always stand corrected.
I guess I'm wrong.
Please, good Sir - do not take my comments personally. We ALL have been conned and everyone wakes up on their own clock....and waking up really unfolds quite slowly. And it IS painful.
We're slaves of time I guess. Or maybe slaves of money because they say time is money. We often in a rush all the time, to get things done for our goals. And one main goal is to accumulate as
much money as possible. We think money is everything. We forgot to look the other side of everything. We're covered with good things and pleasures.
It is also said that currency is supported by the "belief" from our imagination/confidence that there is real value there. In other words, now that currencies are not backed up with gold or silver, our confidence is the only thing making it viable.
Well, I'm learning that fiat is Latin for"Let it Be" + "Don't Let Me Down". I'm sure we'll find an answer.
That's what I want.
The (((bankers))) are trying to co-opt crypto with ripple....
yes, and also to trick you into their cryptocurrency and to create negative propaganda for the cryptos they don't want you in.
I'm glad you chose to do this in a video format, I look forward to listening while a work during the day. followed.
It took them 20 years to plan and carry out what was 911. Your right, they are most certainly planning something to blame on Iran or Syria or Muslims! Where's the peace movement in the world! Best chance is crypto I guess. Which they would likely try to nuke out of existence in their Infinite Wisdom. But likely a dirty electrical outage like at the Atlanta airport, but larger! And then take on Iran in response!
Great report as always, thanks for being part of the steemit!!
Even though large banks are trying to implement blockchain technology, a lot of them aren't too happy with the existing ones out there. I think what they will do is invest in them (eg: Bitcoin) to raise it's cap and value, and the press will go crazy over it causing people to start investing. Then they'll pull out their money causing prices to tumble and then say "see this was a bad idea y'all"
and when you see that BIG dip in price, then buy in big time. buy on dips or dollar cost average. you are correct, the banks are going to try to shake off interest in the cryptocurrencies. but don't let that bother you. the banks are just another priesthood, and we don't need them anymore. realize that cryptocurrency is the FIRST digital money that mimics buying something in cash without a bank involved. It is for the people in that sense.
So if cryptocurrencies are controlled by machines, does that mean the machines will control the world?
Cryptocurrencies are controlled by people with private keys. Machines, we hope, cannot work out these keys because the cryptography is too complex. Meanwhile, don't you know that the invisible grey aliens control the world and want Gold? We'll fool them.
Faucet i want more
War is already in place but on different way that we have already seen ....
Be your own central bank. Pay down your debt, store food, water, cash, crypto, gold and silver, etc.. You can do it! I upvoted this post...
does this mean I have to buy my own bonds?
Lot of happenings going on. Great Recap of all the current events. This is how people get there info on actual happenings these days, not the television.
What the television if you want to get dumber, literally.
F the central banksters, the globalists and elitists who manipulate markets and currencies to further enslave mankind. How they illegally "tax" us for what purpose does it benefit us anymore?!
I get so worked up on these things. Good Vid, thank you.
Big up for this !
I am wondering if we could combine on a thread articles from different countries , to see how information is treated ?
WE could have lets say one suject we choose and each relate of how the info is treated in our own country ? Think that would be possible ?
i think we all knew that and if really people can control currency creation I think we'll wintness the end of the nation state sooner
I tried Windows Bitcoin Miner. Ran it 24-7 for about 2+ weeks and earned $0.87 USD. The electricity expended was much more. The economics for mining bit coin require a more expensive rig now, with good cooling, high clock rate, designed for hashing.
ITS a New WORLD order of illuminati..
Smile... Truth be told crypto-currency is changing the world, there was a time where people lives in a slavery banking era, transactions are determined by banking ordinance and banking rules...but now, we have access to over hundreds of digital currency to transact our daily business at the comfort of our home... Thanks to the brain behind crpto currency, blockchain, bitcoin and Altcoins
project of illuminatii. and its a new world order
Reminds me of the quote " He who holds the gold makes the rules"
Just out of curiosity, who do you think holds most gold? Certainly not U.S....they only manipulate the price of gold in USA....via paper paper exchange traded fund known as...GLD...supposedly supported by the funds vaulted gold...but this is never audited, therefore it's unlikely true, especially since sellers of GLD can never redeem their shares.
Gold price fixing happens in London.
I think the planet Earth holds the most Gold. There are vast amounts of golds yet unmined. It is probably in volcanoes, as there apears to be two main places it shows up. One is thru high-pressure lava vents, and another is along the coast-lines where plate tectonics have flipped layers of strata on their side creating vents for the gold to be pushed up into. Humans have only found a small amount relative to what the planet holds. Further, it might be on other planets too.
There likely is much gold hidden in many places on our planet, but mining it is the big problem. So my vote is that China and Russia are the big holders of least of the sort that can be spent.
Solid post. I might add that the seats on the NY Fed are occupied by some of the banks that loaded up on BTC before the CME released their futures. Essentially giving the central bank [of the US at least] the power to crush BTC in favor of a US Digital Fiat when they're ready.
I think they'll let it run for a bit more first though. I'm saying 25k-30k for now but we'll see.
Upvoted, followed and resteemed. Cheers!
excellent vlog, friend
great post @x22report
A very interessting topic - I hope the NGC will rise in 2018 :)
Learn how we can work together to make this place a better place! Join the @earthnation steemit guild and enjoy the synergy!
I like this new virtual currency because because it's going to change the course of the humanity
Hm should be interesting to see what happens.
We will fight till the last breath :)
Good post,
If you control the creation of currency, you control the world.
Hello x22report. I Followed you.If you follow me, I'll be happy.Thanks :)
Good news and great article!
How true this is, yet how many ppl even know what causes a dollar to be a dollar, regardless of their respective country or currency?"
well if it doesn't grow on trees, I have no clue.
Things are changing as the money changes so does a lot of the control.
cryptocurrency forever