Stranger Things

in #ctp5 years ago

Morning everyone,

Just going to share this morning, because I think if I feel this way, others may feel this way, and you know, it is always good to share.

The title has nothing to do with the tv show.

Let me start by saysing, I am very happy to be here, on #CTP and #Steem but do you ever feel like you have a negitive effect on everything you do? Let me give an example. I have been around crytpo off and on now for around ten years, I have played with it, mined, bought, sold. All that stuff. I have always monitored the prices. I have been lucky a few times and made some money but in general (and I am getting to my point! lol) somedays I feel like everything I try to touch turns to coal instead of gold.

At least twice now, and this is the second time, when I go full force into the crypto world things start to go down. It is almost like it sees me coming. It gives you that real strange feeling. I wonder sometimes if reality is real. And it is not just in crypto but other items in life as well.

I just wanted to throw those thoughts out there. Not for pitty or well wishes but for anyone that sometimes feels the same way. Because one thing I have learned is that this is "SHORT TERM THINKING". And I have fallen into that trap too many times in the past. I have blogged before about staying in the long haul. Comparing crypto to the stock market, and it is a long game not a short game.

I have only been back full force for 2 and half month. So you know what I am going to do? I am going to knock that negitive feeling out of my head and keep going full force. Things will turn around, they always do.

I keep referring to @jongolson as he motivates me. If you have read some of his blog post and see where things have gone for him (south) and how he has come back phoenix, rebuilding, restarting and staying postive. Thank you Jon.


I have another person I want to thank this morning (there are others but these are my top two at the moment) and that is @ph1102 he always has great feed back for my posts and always lifts me up. Thanks buddy!

Let me have a little report on my 3 markets I follow this morning.

#steem: $0.134113 USD (-3.51%)
#bitcoin: $8,028.90 USD (-2.89%)
#ctp: Last: 0.01101001 STEEM / $0.00146 24h Vol: 0 STEEM / $0.04

Last thoughts: Play the long haul people, hold and wait, and aquire and hoard!

Thanks for reading my rant today!

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Thanks for the mention, Bradley... And you are not alone in this one definitely... I was (maybe "am") also like you in the past... Buying stuff on top and selling out in FOMO...I remember that I have bought BTC at $500-$600 back in 2014 (or it was earlier).. and then it dropped around 300$... I think it was almost in just a few weeks that I have entered into the crypto world... lol

I was so pissed off... Everyone was gaining money in bull markets, just I was losing... :) But, it was not like that... We (shaking hands) were the majority... and then I quit with crypto... :)

The second time I was into mining ETH in early 2017... At last, something doing in a good time (but I should start it earlier, but I had a fear of failure)... Anyways, earn something while ETH was going up, SOLD the part (finally I have learned the lesson and paid myself), but on the other side I have bought a bunch of shitcoins.. :)

Anyways, long story, short... It is just a feelingthat you are unlucky... Forget about it and go forward... ;)

If only I had JUST heard of bitcoin in 2010...

I WOULD DEFINITELY HAVE bought 250. WHAT would have been the real risk??--they were 8-cents a piece. And in those times, I had a job, was living as a mainstream person.

But I did not know and missed out on a GOLDEN opportunity. Had I bought ANY, my present state of homelessness would never have been.

My present monthly income is about $200--and I spend 35% covering affiliate marketing costs and buying a bit of crypto. Is not much...$10-$20 worth of lite, ether, and bitcoin. I also have bought STEEM and CTP tokens. I buy a little of everything each month, you never know how it will work out in 5 years.

This, to me, is going all out.

Thanks for sharing Bradley. I get these sorts of thoughts too, just means one thing: need more covfefe!

Nothing wrong with coal, it's a form of carbon. Apply heat, then pressure, then really apply that pressure, and out pops a diamond.

Moral of this story: turn it around. Turn your negative feelings into a positive frame of attack, and take action. Pop, oh there's another one!

Hi @bradleyarrow - Like you I have been dabbling with crypto for quite a while, I did lash out one year and purchased $500 of Bitcoin when it was $150 per coin, now wasnt that a great idea, at the time everyone laughed, but last year I cashed one of those coins in, :)
I hang onto what I have for an emergency.
in the mean time I play the market, lately I have been trading sales and making some profits everyday, so even when the prices are dropping i can make a night out every week a reality, just play every day and even if it only makes you a cup of coffee a week its still fun to play.
but remember to only play with what you can afford to loose, Learnt that big time when the Aussie dollar went parity with the US, now whodathought that one lol.
the point is I still play for fun :)

Hey Russell,

Great advice. Thanks, I hope other take your advice also.


Don't be too hard on yourself Bradley, it's as you said all about the long game and to never gamble money you can't afford to lose, stay awesome.

I do not necessarily agree HERE with the never gamble money you can't afford to lose mantra. Generally with crypto, risk is minimal because the actual cost of a token/coin is going to be small. And in the end, you are not really losing--just trading value for another kind of value.

Thanks @weedermann, so "never gamble money you can't afford to lose" has nothing whatsoever to do with how small or big amount of crypto you buy, but how much you can afford to buy without playing with money that you need for something else, like food, rent, bills, and so on, whatever else you need that money for has to come first as long as it's a need, everything else is just vanity.

If you need the money for something else then it's impossible to make a long term investment, on the day that you need it you will have to sell it at whatever price you can sell it for, and with the large ups and downs in crypto you might not have enough to cover your needs.

And especially in crypto you should never do anything but long term investments due to all this volatility and that it's still very early in it's development, I wish you an awesome Friday and weekend.