
I do not necessarily agree HERE with the never gamble money you can't afford to lose mantra. Generally with crypto, risk is minimal because the actual cost of a token/coin is going to be small. And in the end, you are not really losing--just trading value for another kind of value.

Thanks @weedermann, so "never gamble money you can't afford to lose" has nothing whatsoever to do with how small or big amount of crypto you buy, but how much you can afford to buy without playing with money that you need for something else, like food, rent, bills, and so on, whatever else you need that money for has to come first as long as it's a need, everything else is just vanity.

If you need the money for something else then it's impossible to make a long term investment, on the day that you need it you will have to sell it at whatever price you can sell it for, and with the large ups and downs in crypto you might not have enough to cover your needs.

And especially in crypto you should never do anything but long term investments due to all this volatility and that it's still very early in it's development, I wish you an awesome Friday and weekend.