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RE: Hey You Can't Treat Criminals Like Criminals!

in #culture6 years ago

Hi janton, this is a most contentious post of yours, where there just has to be 2 sides to the argument. Of course the police need respect but public scrutiny is not such a bad thing either to make sure that people get a fair go because in some instances they do not.

There it is out --- a great post to write janton.


ps: How in the world do you find the time to comment on all the comments? You must be so busy each day, I am so impressed.

Howdy angiemitchell! I put this together real fast with not much thought because I just thought it was an interesting story and a good Old West look with the lawmen on their horses, I wasn't thinking of racism or anything and certainly would never post anything to be controversial or to upset anyone, so this was a complete accident! lol.

Sometimes this just happens janton, what we intend is interpreted otherwise. You certainly got everyone going, haha.

Oh my gosh I never would have posted this if I knew it was going to upset people. I just thought it was an interesting little article and a look that would only fit in Texas because of our rich cowboy and Western heritage.