Howdy folks and greetings from the Great Plains of North Texas!
I'm sure some of you saw this story because it immediately went viral. This happened in Galveston, Texas. This guy was charged and arrested, after repeated warnings, for criminal trespassing.
The mounted officer's station was 2 blocks away so they escorted him over there on foot. So naturally, when a bystander saw what was going on and posted the images online...well, all hell broke loose. Activists went ballistic.
What year is this?! ..they screamed. And of course the Galveston police were accused of racism. The officers were actually following department policy and didn't think anything of it.
If the distance was 2 blocks and they're on horseback, because that's what the Mounted Patrol does, and a car wasn't available or they didn't want to wait on one, what other choices are there?
Since the officers had the lawbreaker's handcuffs attached to a rope, to keep him from running, the activists are saying they had a "leash" on him. lol.
Charges of racism of course
James Douglas, the president of Houston’s NAACP chapter, said that the photo shows a lack of respect for the black community and “poor judgment.”
“This is 2019 and not 1819,” he said in an email. “Even though the chief indicated that the technique would be discontinued, he failed to address the lack of respect demonstrated by the officers in the episode.”
The New York City Public Defender wrote: "Officers led him through the streets…on mounted horses. All as though they were slave masters, and he was their slave."
Criminals should be coddled?
So there you have it. You can't treat lawbreakers like lawbreakers, you have to treat them with the utmost respect.
Meanwhile police officers are assaulted by being drenched with buckets of water, yelled out, cursed out, pelted with debris, threatened, their families are threatened, called every name in the book and TOTALLY disrespected.
One of Mrs. J's friends from work(she works in the Criminal Justice system) said she saw a former inmate when she went to Walmart and the inmate saw her. When she came back out her tires were slashed!
Those heartless Texans!
Well, since it was such a bad look and terrible publicity... that policy has been abolished by the Galveston police.
I actually thought it was a great look for Texas. Afterall, this is Texas.
We take a hard stance against crime and criminals. If you want to be one, don't do it in Texas or there will be serious consequences. Ever hear of the Texas Rangers?
Signs of the breakdown of society?
It was also interesting that so many people were outraged and saying that the world was becoming lawless and asking how we got to this point that the police would be so disrespectful!
The officers doing their job is now the problem..according to the activists and liberals. But, the only thing standing between them and total chaos are the laws and law enforcement. So I don't know what they want.
Actually in most cases we could use some justice from 1819. It might send a message that crime doesn't pay.
What do you guys think, was this incident a case of cruel and unusual punishment?
Thanks for reading folks, God bless you all!



At the end of the day, I think it all comes back to this: perception. When I saw the picture of the officers riding a horse, I think it was cool mainly because it would really be easier for them to pursue offenders in "tight" corners which might not be accessible by car.
Looking at the picture and, I am just wondering, will this same people be yelling injustice, racism and whatnots if the arrested person came from a white background?
I understand that it was necessary to ensure that the offender will not run away- thus the rope and the handcuffs were there.
Howdy nurseanne84! You are SO logical! lol. I love that. Yes, the rope was just to keep him from running away, it was tied to his handcuffs, it wasn't a leash. We would not have heard from activists about this if it had been a white suspect, but like you said it's all about perception and you could not have designed a more inflamatory image! lol. It was just business as usual for the officers I'm sure, I'm sure they weren't mean racists but the optics fueled alot of outrage.
I never would have posted about it if I knew it was going to upset so many people! I just thought it was an interesting story and one that would not fit that look anywhere in the world except Texas because of our Western cowboy heritage. Thanks so much for commenting!
I think it looks terrible and they should have known better. One of the officers could have dismounted and walked the two blocks with the suspect instead of having fun treating him like an animal and leading him on a leash. Guess that makes me a liberal and an activist, huh? Damn straight.
In Tulsa the mounted Officers are not allowed to dismount. They can see better on horseback, and are more effective. The cuffs were enough, the leash was a dumb move, because a cuffed man can't outrun a horse...
Here the mounted Officers carry radios, and call for a cruiser to move a perp, even two blocks.
lol! I know what you mean sir keith! It's a Texas thing. They were following policy and weren't leading him on a leash though. But hey, they changed the policy so those who don't like it should be encouraged by that right?
Apparently, the Galveston police chief agreed the officers exercised poor judgement in this case.
Howdy sir blockurator! Yes sir he sure did, I read about that. He also put an end to the policy because of all the heat he got so his critics should feel better about that at least. Thank you so much for your contribution and the link!
I just don't think they really thought about. It only seems like bad judgment in hindsight because the photo is so jarring.
Yeah, my thoughts about it exactly. Just a little bad judgment.
Evidently being a "victim" is the in thing now. It seems everybody wants to be one. It keeps them from facing the fact that their actions are the reason they are failing in society.
Howdy sk43! yes there are consequences to breaking the law. I don't know where you're located but man, here in Texas they are STRICT. If you ever come through Texas don't get into trouble. lol. But to your point, yes it's very easy to play the victim card so you can shift the blame. Thanks so much for commenting.
Somehow when I was very young (grade school) I saw two sides to this issue that I think many still miss as adults. Yes, individuals need to be responsible for their actions. However, society needs to be responsible for its actions as well. Texas is a great state if you have some money, but not so great if you are poor. As with many states, the War on Some Drugs decimated many African American communities here. These were already hurt by decades of discrimination (see my other response here for more on that). Texas does a very poor job at providing a social safety net. In Houston, over 50% of the kids are below the poverty level, yet the schools are woefully underfunded. THe grade school our daughters attended had a food and clothing bank and would give food to kids on the weekend and at holidays, because otherwise the kids would have nothing to eat. And to think that this is in a nice suburb of Houston. We have half the police force that we need and the city is constantly in budget crisis. However, because property values are up, Houston has to give school money to other parts of the state. Social responsibility is severely lacking in Texas. I find it very frustrating when I hear people say "why should I care about supporting poor kids, poor people--they are not my kids or my relatives". You need to care because if they have no other choice they will turn to selling drugs and committing crimes. Keep at it enough and it just becomes their way of life. So yes, lets hold a person who commits a crime accountable, but lets also hold society accountable for creating a system that pushes or allows so many to commit crimes. Clearly, there is a limit to what society can do--there are plenty of stories of wealthy people who also commit crimes, usually through fraud. In some sense though, society plays a role in that by making it easier for those with money to get away with crimes, by political favors, etc.
Howdy again sir toddrjohnson! Brilliant, educational and informative points, thanks so much!
Possibly a photo taken at a right timing to cause the chaos...and the internet loves chaos. That's what makes it slightly self-contracting, humans should prefer a slightly calm and fun place, but the internet which is totally constructed by humans really love chaos.
Howdy lilacse! I agree that the internet loves chaos and controversy and sensationalizes things that never would have been noticed hardly. I think that's what happened here, I think these guys were out doing a routine action and could not have dreamed it would be a huge, world-wide story! You are so right. Thanks so much for commenting!
Mornin’ Cowboy! I wonder if anything would have been said if it had been a white person they walked down the street?
I agree 100 % that these bleeding hearts want to coddle criminals and society is paying the spruce.
Howdy redheadpei! Well in much of the country now the criminals have more rights than the victims. Makes me wonder what it will look like in another ten or twenty years.
I would LOVE to know the answer to your question! Would anything have been said if the man was white? ...not by the black activists, which I don't blame them. I think it still would have gotten criticism but just from whites and not as much since it couldn't be portrayed as racist. which I don't think it was since it was standard policy.
Superstar @janton
lol! Hey I wonder what you all would do if the Mounties marched someone down the street like that? I think we'd hear the wailing and screaming down here!
don't confuse me with pussy ass Canadians.
oh I know, I'm not talking about you sirbearbear. . you're a different kind of Canadian thank God!
yup.. very different kind.. Although I will say Americans are rocketing towards Canadian stupidity; almost half the country.
Exactly sirbearbear. It's alarming to see!
road pirates on horses just look utterly ridiculous 😂🤣
Howdy sir doitvoluntarily! I understand what you mean. It's a Texas thing. Thanks so much for reading and commenting!
it's nice to see that the police chief has apologized for the stupidity of these 2 clowns in uniform 👍👍😄love when people employ a little bit of common sense
Howdy again sir doitvoluntarily! yes, I'm sure the pressure was overwhelming and he saw how bad it looked so it was probably time to put that old policy to rest!
@janton, insanity at its peak. Hope you are well.
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Howdy there clitadias! Yes there's alot of that going around these days! lol. Good to see you here, this is a great reminder to get over to your blog too, thanks!
Most welcome@janton😊
Posted using Partiko Android
If a white journalist writes any uncomfortable truth, he/she is called a racist.
If a white judge passes a heavy sentence he is called a racist.
What chance then do the cops have.
Blessings!Howdy Sir @janton, so if you catch a politician that embezzled millions he pulls the race card, by blaming the explorer that discovered the country.
Howdy sir papilloncharity! yes you guys have the same situation over there where the race card and racism label is constantly used don't you? It's tough for everyone. The officers who are honorable men, like most of the ones in our small town get lumped in with the bad apples that make the news.
One of your politicians blamed whoever discovered your country for his problems? lol! Politicians are a special breed aren't they?
Hey, @janton.
Been turning up the controversy a notch on the old blog, have we? :)
I don't know much about Galveston's police procedure, and I don't know what's supposed to be better (waiting around for a squad car, however long that might take, maybe?), but I do know bad optics when I see it.
I'm not one who believes criminals should be treated with kids gloves. I don't know that the officers should need to walk just because the criminal would have to, nor do I think the criminal should get the horse ride. So, what else is there?
The pendulum has swung in the direction of identity, be it race, gender, sexual orientation, or based on something else. If the identity makeup is not in your favor, I guess this is what happens, regardless of who is the criminal and who is not.
That said, law enforcement in this day and age should be thinking about how things look, because others are. And they're on the spot with camera phone in hand to upload to social media.
And I wonder. Do these police officers ever arrest people who are not black, hispanic, or some other ethnic minority? Do they ever walk a white person like this a couple of blocks to the station? What would be the ratio? It can't be racism if it's race neutral—where all instances have followed the same protocol. I don't think we'll get that information, and even if we did, I don't think anyone is going to care because, as stated, this is 2019.
But the only ones Reported by the MSM, are ones they can call racists. This same mounted Officer, arresting a White Man does NOT support their agenda....
Hey, @smithlabs.
re: MSM agenda
No, it does not. It's funny how things can go to the opposite extreme. Martin Luther King, Jr said he longed for a day where he and everyone else could be judged by the content of their character and not the color of their skin. Instead of that happening fifty or so years on, the pendulum has merely been swinging to the other extreme, where another color is now responsible for all of society's ills.
Funny thing is, if you look at the make up of the media, the entertainment business, the educational system, corporations and the governments, any organization that might be prone to give voice to "that's racist", it's going to be mainly comprised of white people, simply because over the length and breadth of this country, white people are still in the majority. So, basically, those of us who are white are in effect helping those who are not to call ourselves racists.
I go back to the picture of the fight that broke out between ANTIFA and the group termed as White Supremacists a couple of years ago and if you look really hard, it's still difficult to find more than one or two people of color among all the white folk pounding on each other. :)
I know I don't need to tell you this, but we can't even get the wording right when we say "that's racist." I'll do it anyway, for the good of the order. Skin color is not a race. Mexican is not a race. And scientists are still debating if race exists, let alone how many there might be, which the last time I looked, was between 3 to potentially 10 or more.
I think other people identify me more as a middle aged, white, heterosexual male than I do. :) I don't feel the need to announce who I am, what I do, or how bigoted or racist everyone else is. I don't think others need to, either. I don't really need to know how they self-identify, nor do I really care. It's live and let live. As long as I'm not infringing on anyone's rights, and their not treading on mine, we're good. I just try to do what I think is best, learn from my mistakes, apologize and provide restitution when possible (aka repentance) and try not to burn bridges along the way. :)
WE don't have to burn any bridges, the liberals will do that for everyone! The more fractured they can make us, the easier it is for them to Rule.
The racial divide they keep pounding upon, ceased to exist, except for in their hearts years ago. BUT they can't allow it to die, it is their most valuable tool!
They no longer want to be equal, they want to be superior in all respects, so the rest of us are simply serfs.
These are Evil people bent on doing Evil things!
Very true Sir smithlabs. It's interesting that all the left does is scream racism and white nationalists but this is not a racist country at all and those who are racist are a tiny minority.
The white nationalists are such a small fringe group that they almost don't register in the statistics, something like 1/10th of 1%. So their accusations have no basis in fact. But they sure are divisive.
Their goal is to divide us into small enough groups, that they can consume us easily. They no longer have a soul, having sold it years ago....
Sounds like a plot from a movie about aliens.
It's amazing how so few people on any side can lead the rest of the population around by the nose and still retain power. I'm at the point now where I really don't trust anyone, regardless of who they are who they represent, with power, because it changes people. Those who go in with the intent to rule over everyone are the worst, but the ones who go in with good intentions end up becoming just as dangerous because they can lead others to believe in things they would never otherwise. All for the good of the order.
There's plenty of divisiveness to go around, in one form or another. And yet, the party machines roll on, and the worst possible agendas for the American people continue to get rammed through, by an inch here or a mile there. Doesn't matter who's in the majority. Direction is primarily the same, with speed more or less the difference. Terminal velocity or terminal velocity times ten. Take your pick. :)
We get all the government we allow. They use to be held to a higher standard, now they are not held to ANY standard at all! They can commit any crime, and retain their jobs.
We allow it, so we must accept it....
Here are your
tokens!To view or trade
go to definitely get what we allow and accept.
I used to think that racism and the racial divide had gotten very low in the US. Sadly, I was mistaken as I have seen both in the data and in my own relatives in Ohio and Kentucky, along with quite a few folks here in Texas. There was always an undertone of racism in my relatives speech, but once Obama was elected it all came pouring out, largely against him at first, then at others. I won't even write the things I have heard them say. After Trump was elected their language got worse--he has made it ok to use such speech, since he constantly vilifies others in some attempt to please his base. While it is clear from reports of his past that he is racist, I think he is largely just a person who likes to insult people who he doesn't like--kind of an equal opportunity discriminator! Now with respect to my relatives, they will all claim that they are not racists... then turn around and say awful race-based things. It took me some time, because I didn't want to believe it, but they really are racists and they really are awful. Next, a Pew report ( shows that the majority of Americans feel that race relations are bad and not improving and a majority feel that Trump has made the situation worse. So your opinion is not shared by the majority of Americans.
Ok, that's just opinion and could be wrong, but a study of 20 million children suggests that race plays a huge role in where they end up as adults. You can see the data here ( 39% of white boys who came from wealthy families were wealthy as adults, whereas only 18% of black boys were wealthy adults. Wealthy black kids who ended up poor as adults were double the percentage of wealthy white kids. There is much more data in this article and the main article that it points to.
Of course, you might wonder if genetics plays a role in this. And as a scientist, I see that as a valid question, not a racist question, though we do need to be very careful in this area. The current answer is that there is some role, but not enough to account for educational attainment ( Furthermore, race is more of a social construct, not something tied to genes, which can show larger variations within those who look the same than between those who look very different. See here:
As for wanting to fracture people, I don't know any progressives or liberals who want to do that. I am more progressive than liberal, yet what I want the most is for folks to come together to define problems, then look at actual data and proposals to solve them. I've largely given up with my relatives, because they refuse to consider any data that doesn't match their world view--a view that is basically echoing Fox News and that is mostly demonstrably untrue. I can carefully explain the evidence for climate change to them, but they deny it all. I can show them data like I have posted above, and they simply refuse to look at it. In other words, it is impossible to have an actual intelligent conversation with them about major issues. Many of us abhor Trump because he is so divisive. We need a leader who can bring people together, not tear people apart, but Trump is incapable of doing that--he just can't help himself. So if you see folks calling him and those who condone him out, that is not wanting to fracture people--that is instead a plea for he and them to stop being divisive.
Every person has their own viewpoint. When twisted by others, who also have their own viewpoint too; anything can be presented as racist.
The term has been applied so broadly, it no longer means anything. Like the boy who cried Wolf, the boy who cried racist is now being ignored. Overuse dilutes a term to the point of uselessness.
I have had liberals accuse me of being a racist, yet my religion requires that I do Not see skin color; and I have done that, as I should. I have many close friends who GOD saw fit to wrap in every skin color there is. I am security, every weekend for All of them, and I would die to protect them! I helped bring home the cutest little baby Boy (Named Simian) from the Hospital, 11 years ago. He is so rotten today...just like a boy should be! His Father is from Nigeria, and helps me every month with the homeless meal.
When we feed the homeless, we have all skin colors serving these homeless, who also have the same mixture of skin colors. The World works best this way!
I look at the fruits of any Man, to see his heart. President Trump has hired more Minority employees than the national average. This is not the History of a racist. He has done more good for minorities in a couple of years than Obama did in 8. Judging by fruits, the racist title should go to someone besides Trump....
The main stream media lies a lot, and very little of what they say has factual backup. Please check their stories carefully. The divisiveness you speak of is coming from the MSM, and their handlers.
IF you are science based, and can follow the data, I would love to discuss man made global warming with you! I am a scientist, and the subject is so very rich in nuances; that I read a lot on it.
Be blessed, and don't give up on your family; they are the only one you have!
Yeah that wouldn't have been much of a story sir smithlabs.
Not the kind of story they cover...Ever!
lol! Howdy sir Glen! I just like to post about things that I find interesting and yes sometimes controversial! lol. I try not to make boring posts but I don't always succeed.
Yes, you are exactly right. It's a tough job for the officers. The ones I know from our small town are honorable men but there's been so much air time for the bad apples that they get lumped in together.
Well, this incident made them change their policy so that's a good thing for optics. I have to assume they treat everyone that way if it's policy. Or was policy. I never thought about how mounted officers transfer people, now we know how they USED to do it!
Crime in all countries increasingly affects our society. Many people are not aware that this can lead to chaos and civil war.
It is necessary to create new jobs and give the opportunity to receive a decent education to all sectors of society. But instead, country governments spend taxpayer money on military spending.
As a result, there are many homeless people prone to crimes and violations of the law.
Howdy there nilpan! Yes and homelessness is a huge problem for almost all countries too. I don't know where you are but over here the homeless populations are increasing in most cities every year. Thanks so much for reading and commenting!
Yikes! So much irony and hippocracy, I don't even know where to begin!
lol! hey you didn't begin anywhere! It's true that the people screaming the loudest are always the biggest hippocrits in the world! hey I don't care if people see Texas as being mean and too hard on criminals. . then don't come here and commit crime!
Thanks so much for reading and commenting hebrewhousewife!
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I like Texas.
Howdy sir oldtimer! Thank you, me too. It's changing nowdays with so many people from New York and California moving here so I don't know what the culture will look like in ten years but it has been and continues to be a great state!
Well, all cops are bastards, so there ya go. I feel no pity for the pussies who wear a badge and kill/assault/kidnap my fellow citizens. Cops are one of the biggest fucking problems, but there are people like you who are too lazy or weak to defend yourselves, so you think we need them. It’s a sad state of affairs tbh. Honestly, I hope they wrongfully beat or maim you one day, so you can stop the bootlicking. There is nothing honorable about the police or the military here in the U.S. Just a bunch of over-glorified gang members. Get your head out of your ass.
You’re an idiot if you think we’d be in total chaos without laws or law enforcement. Obviously you’ve done no research into alternative forms of government or how they could be achieved, have no idea about private sector security, and are just all around too ignorant to see beyond your narrow minded beliefs. Just another mindless person who thinks that things are fine and thinks that police are any part of the solution. Smh.
I’ll be happy to laugh in your face and say I told you so when we’re all being corralled into cells because we gave our government too much power and they decided to enslave us. :) but hey, more police will solve that issue too, right? Oh wait, no it won’t. They’ll just be “following the law” at that point too. You gonna support them then? Dumbass.
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@lookplz While there are bad officers (we jailed some of them here for abuse of an inmate) most are decent and work hard. Here where I live, you will find the Police helping a lot more often than arresting.
As far as your BS on Conservatives cowering for police protection; I have to say, it is Total crap! I rely on myself, but I also respect the difficult job the police do every day; while they are constantly exposed to vitriol, from people like you.
You break into my house; you will not survive long enough, to be arrested. Same if you threaten me or mine, as we have a stand your ground law here. Depends on how angry I let you make me, make me real mad, and you won't be lucky enough to be shot!
Might do you a favor at that, beating you to death might be a mercy. Most Anarchists I know can talk a lot, but would Not survive on their own for a month without government help! Always too busy with the hot air, to plan and prepare.
You ARE entitled to your opinion, even when unsupported by reality. I recommend that you study and prepare, so you can defend yourself, and survive, when the Police become History; and we enter the next Dark age!
@janton, there are always trolls....
They are mostly bad, not mostly good. I admit, there are SOME that are good... but those are the ones who BREAK the law, when the law is wrong. The only good officers are the ones who break laws when they are immoral, not enforce them. So no, a majority of cops are not "hard working and decent" as you claim. First of all, it's stupid to think they "work hard" at all. There is nothing hard about being a cop, the hardest part is having balls and being able to keep your composure. Something most lack, hence the insane amount of deaths against unarmed, innocent people (not even criminals, you dumbass.) that we have been seeing nonstop for years and years now. If you really think they help more than they harass, well then I guess you've had your nice little privilege thus far, so be glad you've been lucky enough to have that, as there are a vast majority of people who don't. Across the board. You think what you think because you're ignorant to the first-hand experiences of having your rights violated and being beaten and arrested when you've done nothing wrong. Until you've gone through that and researched how much it actually happens, you can shut the fuck up as far as I'm concerned. Also, over HALF of police are reportedly spouse abusers, so what do you make of that? Good people? Ha! More like fucking trash. Like most police.
Oh? Is that so? They don't do a hard job, again. Also, you're a dumbass for assuming that I disrespect police. I do not. I understand that it will only complicate things and worsen my situation, as most of them are pussies with badges and a complex that doesn't tolerate disrespect, so they violate your rights and beat you and get away with it, just because they got butthurt and their fragile little egos were attacked. The only people who seek out power, are those who do not deserve it and should not have it. Anyone who seeks power over another person, is a piece of shit, period.
As funny as that sounds, being that I've heard it a million times from a million different places... No. You would not do any harm to me if I were to break in. Not me, personally. IF I were to break in, you would not make it out of bed/off the couch/to the next room/reach your weapon at all. You would be disabled before I even entered. Prepare and plan all you want, but if someone like myself wanted to come after someone like you, you would not survive it. In that matter, consider yourself lucky that I am not and will not be coming after you. You talk about talking big and bad, but you just pushed a whole lot of hot air out of that ass you call a mouth that you keep sticking your foot in. Smh.
The idea that you would beat me to death is also a great one, since you're apparently some old fat fuck. Good luck man, good luck. Ideas and dreams are the only places that will take place.
Would I even be an anarchist if I wasn't able to survive on my own? Do you think that all of a sudden technology, infrastructure, etc.... just all disappears when government does? Are you retarded? LOL. I guess by your stupid logic, when government disappears, so will the roads and the buildings and the water and the air and the plants. Dumbass. It won't be any harder to survive than it is now. Actually, it might even be easier to survive, without that constant slave tax and perpetual inflation going on, that keeps the USD and other currencies on the decline and keeps the slaves working longer hours. I guess you're too stupid to see that though, since you took the time to look dumb in an attempt to tell me off as if you know more than I do, while showing your ignorance by making assumptions about me and showing that you have done no research into how anarchy would even function. You probably think it means absolute chaos, like your stupid ass was indoctrinated to believe when you were young. Never wised up and thought for yourself, perfect little sheep. Easy to farm. Some of us, though, actually cared to look into the positives and negatives of many different types of governmental structures and came to the only logical conclusion we could (since we actually live in reality, unlike you who lives in some fairy fantasy world.) which was that anarchy is the best form of government. I don't believe in no government. I believe in small, self government. Privately organized militaries, protecftion, etc. No requirement to participate, but no shit accepted when it comes to hostility. No forced will upon anyone. Only cooperation. I guess for someone like you, who has to be right all the time and can't accept that he knows too little to truly be speaking on a topic... cooperating is a foreign concept, one that is lost on you.
The only opinion unsupported by reality here, is yours. If the american government and police are so great, why has nothing changed over time? Only gotten worse? Why are people struggling now more than ever, while our government officials make more than ever and work less than ever? Why are police killing more people who are unarmed, elderly, of color, etc... who have done nothing wrong? Why are baby cribs being flashbanged because of police ignorance and error? Why are people being choked to death over selling cigarettes? (cleared of wrongdoing by courts, not just blowing hot air, if you're too stupid to know this shit, then look it up.)
The problem here, is you live in your own little world, where you don't want to see the truth, so you turn a blind eye. You don't research cases, you don't look at statistics, you just blindly talk out of your fat ass and lick the boots of those who enslave you and oppress you. You're too ignorant and too blissful in that ignorance, to open your eyes and be willing to accept the bad. You want to pretend things aren't horrible and in the grand scheme of things, people like you are the fucking problem. People like you allow things like that to go unpunished. People like you make excuses and defend police and government to no end, because you BELIEVE they are here to care about you and do shit to help and defend you. That's where you're detached from reality though. They are not here to help you. They are explicitly here to enforce laws, just or unjust, and the vast majority of them are not capable, but are not removed from their positions. I am not a troll, I am a realist. I am logical. I think in the confines of reality and what is actual, not what could be or might be, like you do. Sure, cops COULD be good, but are they currently? Not a fucking bit.
I debated about wasting time on a reply, and decided to invest the time.
You get the Police YOU are willing to accept! We had a couple of Officers hurt then ignore a prisoner locally. HE died! The entire city rose up and demanded they be tried for Murder! They are in Prison for life; we don't put up with that shit here! The Sheriff here had a badly trained Deputy that shot a Man who was resisting arrest, intending to taze him. The Sheriff was fired for cause (no pension) and that deputy went to prison for manslaughter, because he was an IDIOT!
WE DON'T put up with that here!
Because of that, we have some pretty good cops.
IF YOU DO NOT LIKE THE LAWS THEY ENFORCE; Change them! These laws are ultimately controlled by YOU! Change them!
As far as you managing to do me and mine harm, ROFLOL! BRING IT ON FAT BOY..I CAN USE THE PRACTICE! Arrogant fools like you will be stacked up like cordwood if things go bad! IF you could find me, and IF you could get past two security systems I designed and built for fun (the camera based one has a quick AI program I wrote that has learned my property), and IF you could even enter my house in less that 10 minutes (what is use is supposed to stop SWAT for 10 minutes), and IF you could get past my dogs, you would eat 15 12 gauge buckshot rounds, 20 .308 frangibles, and a double stack of 45 ACP Before I even need to get my hands dirty. And I am an EXCELLENT shot!
As far as beating you to death, I must admit, I would have to pull some blows for you to last that long. What I train with is fatal in less than 10 seconds ( developed by the SAS, I really like it), and is just three simple moves. I train with four attackers, so you had better bring help. I find most wolves to be cowards anyway....
As a wolf, you will reign terror on sheep, if something happens; until you meet a sheepdog like me, that is prepared. By the time you realize that something is different, you will be bleeding out! Removing wolves is a sad necessity.
I really think my Wife could clean you up, and she is sweet, until you cross her, LOL. The 357 she prefers makes one hell of a hole, and I trained her...tight groups!
So fire your Bad Police, change offensive laws, and rethink you wolf status; there are sheepdogs out there, who are NOT impressed!
I love how you're so stupid you think I'd actually even need to be near you to end you. Like I said, if someone like me wanted you dead, you'd be dead. I also love how you're so ignorant that you think you're the only one trained in H2H Combat. That's a joke. Also, I'm not fat, I'm built. You're fat. Good luck if it ever happened is all I can say. You just blew a whole lot of hot air out of your ass about how I couldn't get past this or that... but IF I were trying to kill you... it would be simple. None of your dumbass defenses or weapons or dogs would mean shit. You'd be rained on with combustibles by drones, and then have a nice little thermite rain to go along with it. :) You would not survive. I would not have to be in your direct proximity. You are arrogant, that is your problem. You are stupid, that is also your problem. It's genetics, so it's not your fault.
Funny you consider me a wolf, because that's exactly what I am. A pack animal. Someone who cooperates for the greater good of the pack. I am not someone who randomly goes around causing issues. Again, you are too stupid to not be presumptuous here as well. Too ignorant. I do not take pleasure in anyone's fear. I do not believe we should live in fear. However, that is exactly what we have here in the U.S. Control by fear. Control by financial and mental slavery. You're obviously too much of a victim of it as well. You are one of those brainwashed idiots who thinks that you actually have a choice in what happens. Voting is a scam. It's meant to pacify the people by giving the ILLUSION of choice. If you don't understand that, you're too stupid to have an opinion with me, as I said before. You being ignorant, does not make you right. You not doing your homework and blindly believing shit you're told and fed, makes you stupid.
I love how you talk about your little guns though as though they are your sanctuary. :) Typical cousin-loving Texan. There are much more powerful forces to be reckoned with weapon-wise than your little pussy pistols and rifles! LOL! You'd be dead in a matter of seconds after barely-weaponized drones swarmed you. If you had half a brain, you'd have lied about your security more than you already did and said you had an EMP cannon ready as well. lol, dipshit.
You're a sheepdog, sure, a sheep pretending to be brave, pretending to be tough, pretending to be more than what he is; A sheep. :)
Changing laws does nothing, btw. Police break those laws daily, as do politicians. That is the core issue you're missing here. Laws are not even being followed to begin with. Changing them will do nothing, dumbass. We need to remove those in power and replace them, completely. Every single one. And change how our government operates... IF we hope to see any real success as a nation. So far though, this country is trash and always has been. Not a damn thing great about it.
Bring it on Fat Boy! If you get within 600 yards of my place, you will be VERY lucky, LOL!
The stuff I told you is the basic visable stuff. None of the man traps (or Pussy traps for you) etc. Drones are toys, easily burned out...then it would be as brain damaged as you are!
I am an Electrical Engineer, a consultant, and a Ham Radio operator. I have equipment you can't even understand, let alone use, ROFLOL! If you had a military drone, it would be harder, but the result would be the same.
You come you had better bring your puppy friends, you will need all the help you can get, LOL! Pack animals run together because they need help just to survive. But I will Not bury your bodies, the buzzards need to eat too.
If you hate it so much here, you should leave, before someone is forced to kick your ass...what a damn coward! STAND UP and make some changes, instead of just wringing your hands over things! Run for office if you have the balls for it! Or just keep whimpering like an kicked puppy, in a "pack" of puppies!
I will tell you again, YOU get the Police and Laws you are willing to accept. Change it or shut up, they are YOUR police and YOUR Laws!
Their real authority comes from YOU! USE that authority, or you prove you are gutless. Force them to do what YOU want done!
I can't even dignify this retarded comment with a response. You're too fucking dumb for your own good. :) You'd definitely be dead in a second IF I wanted you to be. LOL. What a dumbass.
Again, assuming you know anything of my level of knowledge. Ignorant to no end. Typical American dumbass. You fit the mould so perfectly.
I would do just fine as a lone wolf. :) I am no pussy like you. You continue to blow hot air out of your fat loser ass. lol.
That's dumbass logic too. That's psycho American logic. "If you don't like where you were born, where you're native to, you should leave!" What a fucking retard. You truly are a cousin-lover, judging by this level of moronic babble you've reduced yourself to.
Again, you must not be smart enough to actually read my replies. Voting is a scam used to pacify retards like you, who think it changes things. Politicians and police RARELY follow the law, when it does not benefit them, so they break it and violate your rights to make things happen. Running for office is pointless, this is a BROKEN system that never has and never will work. Again, you being too stupid to understand that concept, causes you to rage back at me with blind ignorance. You are an idiot. There is not much more to say to you at this point. It's like arguing with a retarded brick wall. Not only is it a brick wall, it is retarded in addition to that. Smh.
And no, we get what is forced upon us. Everywhere. You think your pathetic little example of one case where you pushed corruption out is a big deal? What a bitch. What about the rest of the cases? What about the ones that aren't reported on? What about the ones that are being suppressed? What about ongoing ones that are too powerful to stop? Yea, you say shit like unite and push the bad out, but that's exactly my point, you have to unite. You insult me about the pack shit, but I'd love to see your little fucking pussy ass go to a corrupt police department BY YOURSELF and take them out/take them in. Yea fucking right! LOL! You're so fucking retarded, you defy your own logic! Dumbass! Definitely nothing more to say to you. You're definitely too stupid to reason with. You live in a fairy tale white privilege land, where everything works how you want it to when you want it to. I'm not excited about the inevitability of our government taking over the citizens, but I'll be damn sure excited to see your fat fucking loser face on the floor with a boot on it, cursing the very thing you support now. Fucking retard.
Force people to do what I PERSONALLY want done? Hm. Sounds pretty fucking stupid to me. Force others to do what I want? That's the very thing I'm trying to stop. Dipshit. I'm done, you're too stupid for this conversation. :)
Howdy lookplz! lol...well thank God that at least we mostly have the 1st Amendment. I'm a prepper and don't live in a fairy tale world. I think even a blind man could see the writing on the wall. Thanks so much for reading and commenting!
Ignorance is rampant, if this Man were considered property, the restraints would have been one his neck.
IF THE arrested Man had not been trespassing and refused to leave when ordered, he would not have been cuffed! They would have arrested ANY Man in the same circumstance!
This actually had Nothing to do with his skin color, and everything to do with poor decisions....
The officer acted properly, and professtionally!
Well the chief said they were following departmental policy so I agree that this must have been a common method for mounted officers. But the optics made it too easy to call out racism. That's the political climate today, pretty toxic.
I agree, that this would be the consequence of anyone that they arrested, I don't think it had anything to do with race.
Everyone is so damn ready to be offended these days! Intent should be (but is NOT) included on any claims against anyone else, Including the Police....
Here, they would have called a car. BUT he would have gone to Jail here too!
Do you guys have mounted police there? Well NOW they'll be calling a car for sure!
Oh yes, downtown they run a lot of mounted. They are very popular here. High profile, and a lot of PR. There used to be one with a K-9 buddy.
sir smithlabs! They are very practical in downtown situations like traffic. They have the height advantage so they can see, they can't get stuck in a traffic jam and they can outrun anyone on foot! It's good to know they have them there but the ones there probably don't wear cowboy hats. I knew Oklahoma had to have something decent up there.
They run Stetsons here too, LOL. Their job is as much PR, as police work.
A few months back there was a guy here who killed his girlfriend then once located led the police on a chase down a highway after him, he crashed then got out running across the highway while exchanging gun fire with the police, one cop in a cruiser coming upon the scene decided to take his cruiser and run the guy down, the guy went flying through the air...he suffered a whole lot of skin abrasions but in my opinion if he had been a minority instead of white all hell would have broke loose. Just as in my opinion if this man had been white led for two blocks attached with a rope it'd never got a mention.
Holy smokes! Wow sunlit7 thanks for sharing that. Yes unfortunately I agree, that case would have been easy to portray as excessive police force against a black man if he'd been black. That was one dangerous guy though and needed to be stopped by whatever means necessary. I'm so glad the guy wasn't black!
I am pretty sure the cops were to....of course remember I said that for them as we'd all know what'd happen if they said it.
Exactly. If I were a cop I'd try like crazy to avoid any blacks. Probably wouldn't be possible though.
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Howdy steemitbloggers! wow, I thought you wouldn't touch this one with a ten foot pole! lol. I really don't ever set out to upset anyone, I just thought it was an interesting article with an Old West Texas look. Thanks so much!
Good that you have shed light on this action in a state known to be perhaps hard on black folks. Society is in a state of decay, civilization is not very civilized. it may be getting worse as the recession hits in coming days.
Howdy julianhorack! You are so right that society is in a state of decay and I hate to see it happening. I know your country is going through alot these days. Are you saying a world-wide recession is going to hit?
Hey there Sir Janton. Yes a worldwide recession is being predicted in the coming months if not days. Already happening apparently bit by bit here and there. I'm no expert, just finding reports online. It could be sensationalist of course, but there is slowdown in the main economies of America, China and EU. A recession is usual in the cyclic nature of the global economy, and the downturn is overdue, since the last one in 2008.
Good to know you are aware of the situation in my part of the world too, you read some posts. It has always been a delicate situation here socially and economically, so nothing too unusual. But presently things seem more delicate than usual. Foreign nationals from other African nations have kind of taken over run down areas of Johannesburg, the big city of commerce in the north, and sell contraband goods. The police had a street battle with them this week to reclaim the area and found a large stash of weapons and ammo, arresting 800 mostly illegals who flood over the border constantly.
In one incident, your post here makes me think of it now, the local police tied a foreign national to the back of their van and dragged him a little distance, more to frighten him I think, which makes your mounted police story look quite tame. He might have actually been killed later in prison before trial. So it is savage here in the south of Africa.
Your post here did very well, in that it inspired a lot of debate over a captivating topic, pun intended lol.
Howdy today julianhorack! I knew that there were big problems in Johannesburg but I didn't know that it had gotten to the point of street battles! wow. One of the blogs from a South African used to regularly talk about the situation so I'm been lucky to be able to stay informed.
Alot of people are leaving because they don't see how it can ever improve and that's a shame. Probably the people with money who the country needs most to stay, are leaving. Are you in a fairly stable part of the country?
In regards to my post, I had no idea that it would cause so much controversy! Something I try to avoid. lol. it was an accident.
What do you guys think, was this incident a case of cruel and unusual punishment? Well i don know but its the fact that being a victim is like the first thing theses days but this time they did wrong and i feel it could have been done different
Howdy brittandjosie! yes, it looked terrible for the world to see, it was a look that only a Texan would find normal, just because we are rooted in our Western heritage but not even the rest of America could comprehend this, let alone the world so the policy had to change. Thanks so much for commenting!
It would definitely be embarrassing and it is unusual, but I don't think it is cruel.
If I was the police, I would have called for a car. It looks like a bad Halloween stunt to be honest.
Howdy sir abitcoinskeptic! It does! That's a great analogy, they couldn't have come up with a worse image. Well they changed the policy now. I'm sure this was routine and those guys didn't think anything about it.
The problem is we are living in a world where feelings and emotions are becoming more important than facts and logic. Since these are descriptions entirely up to the concerned individual, it presents a unique challenge to enforce or judge on. We have to focus on the motives and intentions not the image and perception. Suspect did crime was arrested according to procedure by police.
It seems the group is more important than the individual and this will encourage people to see an us vs. them.
It doesn't matter that it wasn't cruel to the individual, however the racial perception of group power relations white cops black man is cruel and brutal.
This sort of thinking will not lead to good things. We are on a pathway to extremism.
Posted using Partiko Android
Howdy sir abitcoinskeptic! That was so concise and brilliantly stated. Thank you. yes it makes me wonder what things will look like in ten years? Not sure I want to know. Texas will probably be the last state to change though. lol.
Amazing people always only see what they want to see, if that was a white man being led down the road no one would have photographed it, it is not sensational reporting!
World has gone crazy, they wish to be safe, however everyone has to be Politically Correct all the time!
Teachers, Paramedics, Firemen, Police are expected to carry out their duties, even a gunpoint, being high-jacked, robbed on call-outs, yes it is a questionable world we live in.
Good point Joan, the situation in the south of Africa puts the lives of the paramedics, etc at risk of hijack and robbery every time they go into a ghetto area. The army have now been deployed to patrol the streets of the Cape Town gang-infested suburbs, which is not ideal. But it was the last hope, where locals are being shot and killed daily in gang violence.
Crime and carnage, both I never dreamed I would see in this country 25 years ago!
Howdy joanstewart! Great points you made. I know some local officers from our small town and they have a very tough job and much of it is because of bad publicity even though they work their tails off to help keep our community safe.
Yes, from what I understand the Galveston police have been operating this way forever and this was just a routine thing but the optics are terrible because the man was black, hopefully they treat everyone the same. It should give the critics some satisfaction that the policy is changed now. Thanks so much for commenting!
I did not even know there where still horseback patrol that is just badass!
They actually have them in a lot of areas, @enjar. Mostly in cities, believe it or not. Washington, DC has them, as does NYC... it give them more height and visibility.
Plus they don't get caught in traffic, hence the added use of cops on bikes.
Exactly. Thanks dswigle for the excellent explanation! It IS a strange site in NYC but they still have a good sized force of mounted police there. And the people love the horses. I don't know what they do about the "stuff" the horses leave behind though!

Howdy enjar! Well dswigle gave a great answer and I thank her for that. Yes, mostly in cities because they are 8 to 10 feet up so they have the view and they don't get stuck in a traffic jam. Plus if someone tries to run from them it's pretty hard to outrun a horse! But I'm sure in NYC they wait for a car to pick up a suspect and not walk them down the street like in Texas..or like they USED to do in Texas. I love the Old West look in Texas because of the cowboy hats but I'm an old cowboy.
@janton gets it..... The haters are the ones quickest to dial 911.
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Thank you sir krazzytrukker! At this point we are still a nation of laws and there should be some serious consequences for being a criminal, especially if you do harm to others. Texas is hard on crime. Texas is changing though with all the people from New York and California moving in so in ten years I reckon we'll significantly soften our stance.
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Howdy steem-plus and thank you for the upvote!
Reminds me of a conversation with my mother about 30 years ago. She was an administrator at the university I attended and more and more black students were being admitted. The conversation when something like this:
My response:
She never made the remark again, bless her.
Howdy fionasfavourites! Oh I hate any kind of racism and the reason the photo looked so bad was the black man but since this was a routine action apparently...because it was departmental policy...I hope that race had nothing to do with it. Either way the practice is over and that's good for public perception at least.
I know our local police officers are excellent and are not racist, many of them are black. I love that you made your Mum think, that was really good! Bless her heart and bless you too. Thanks so much for commenting!
It's always about the optics and agreed, not good for public perceptions. Glad it'll never be done again.
Good evening to you!
Thanks fionasfavourites, God bless you!
Obviously, nobody has met the County Sherrif in Maricopa, Arizona!
And so, even though he was doing what he thought would turn around crime, his actions were not humane enough and the let Joe go.
Howdy dswigle! yes I followed his career for years until he finally got defeated. I think he made a big impact in his county. I did think about him when I saw this photo! I was thinking "this is NOTHING compared to Joe Arpaio!" He was a throw back to the more traditional tough Sheriff of the Old West.
Well, that's been the Texas style too but it's changing like everything else. Thanks so much for commenting and for the tip!
I have to tell you! I loved living in Texas!!!! :)
oh! Well you have good taste in states then! lol. Where did you live?
San Antonio and Del Rio by the Sea ;)
Oh, very nice! Wonderful. Except the humidity, up in North Texas the humidity isn't bad.
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🎁 Hi @janton! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dswigle!Howdy Jonboy!
I saw this story, put in the context of awful racist police of course. I enjoyed your post clearing it up. It seems like the police did the right thing here in my opinion.
I used to be a big law enforcement supporter, but my views have changed. My personal bias is against the police these days. I don't use drugs, and I don't associate with people who do, but I can see that the drug war has been won by drugs and has caused devastation mostly due to the efforts of police, and DEA agents. Asset forfeiture laws are a disgrace to a free people. Since 9/11 the police have become increasingly militarized to fight a largely imaginary foe. Now they are pushing red flag laws that will strip Americans of the last true freedom we have, the right to bear arms. I don't agree with Black Lives Matter, but I'll side with them on taking the cops down a peg or two.
Howdy sir optout! Oh I agree about the assault going on and the unConstitutional Red Flag laws which are really scary. I agree about everything you said, the militarization is alarming. I only know that our local police and the officers I know are very honorable family men who word their tails off to help keep the community safe.
But I can's speak for the large cities, that's looking scary. The marijuana laws have been ludicrous but at least that's changing. Our prisons are overflowing!
You're right. I'm blessed with outstanding local police. They are human and make mistakes, but they are not jackbooted thugs at all. We have some really outstanding Sheriff's and Deputies in Wyoming. I am concerned when I hear stories such as the one about the cop that was planting meth on traffic stop victims for years before he was caught. They think he put hundreds of people in prison unjustly. Here in Wyoming we also had a Highway Patrolman who tried to rob and murder a truck driver during a traffic stop. That of course was hushed up pretty quickly. I know most police are good and there are just a few bad apples, but it is frustrating that the good apples are so quick to cover for the bad apples and prevent justice from being served. That old joke, "We investigated ourselves thoroughly and found no wrongdoing." applies to more and more police departments these days.
oh, I hadn't heard about that one! Wow, a manufactured fake drug arrest to make himself look good. I hope they sent him away for life! yes, I wonder about how many innocent people are in prison but I guess that will always happen, I just hope the percentage is tiny and those people can appeal and get new trials.
In my experience the small town Sheriffs and departments are fantastic. That reminds me of the netflix series Longmire, about the county Sheriff, have you seen that? Great show. That guy would fit well in Texas.
Everybody in Wyoming is a Longmire fan! Wyoming doesn't get much pop culture play, so when a hit TV series featured Wyoming, we were all in! It's actually filmed in New Mexico, and the actor for Longmire is Australian, but he does a great job. Talks and acts just like my Dad!
lol! oh wow sir optout, that is so fun and interesting! The main actor is Australian and is just like your dad! lol. I also love Lou Diamond Philips in that. I just found it so I've been watching an episode every night, I'm almost done with season two. Did I read that they canceled it?
Lou Diamond Philips is magnificent in that show. Also a great actor. He's played an American Indian in many roles, but he's actually Philipino! And yes, sadly, Longmire wrapped up. 5 seasons total I think. It was good while it lasted. I don't know the statistics exactly, but there are more murders in one season of Longmire than there have been in the past 50 years of Wyoming history!! LOL!
The setting is fictional, there is no Absaroka county. But the area described in the books/TV series most closely resembles Sheridan. A very nice little town. (Big town by Wyoming standards!)
It'a appalling, and yet it's the mindset being handed down as acceptable to the masses, and I fear there is worse to come. Perhaps when the end of the year comes and Bernie and Corbyn are in power then this will change
Howdy sir wales! yes, this look doesn't work anywhere in the world except Texas because of our Old West heritage but now that's in the past. Apparently this was routine which is what I thought was interesting in today's modern world. Oh yes, big changes are coming for sure! Thanks so much for commenting!
Sometimes, I pity the officials who is really doing their job to keep peace but because of society scrutiny, they are unable to do it as best as possible!
Give them a break !
Howdy ireenchew! Exactly. The officers I know in our small town are very dedicated to helping people and they work their tails off to make the community safe but they are hated by many because of all the publicity that a few bad apples have gotten. They are in a very tough position. But I can't speak for the big city police departments. Thanks so much for your comment!
Well, you certainly garnered some "interesting" comments here. I'm sure in hindsight the decision would be to have called for a transport car rather than that publicity inspiring walk on a leash.
Howdy blueeyes8960! lol...yes I wasn't trying to upset anyone, I just thought it was an interesting incident. Since the officers were following policy this might have been a routine thing everyday! I think it would only work in Texas with our Western heritage but I know it looks bad to the rest of the world. The policy is changed now so that should make people feel better. Thanks so much for commmenting!
A very good friend of mine has a brother that is incarcerated, everytime he gets released, he moves in with his mother for a couple months, after she gets tired of his bullshit, he goes back to stealing cars until he gets caught so he can get back into prison. His mom is dead now, so I doubt he'll get released again. It's all he knows.
Posted using Partiko Android
oh no! That is sad, what a way to live. But at least he knows he can make it in prison. I know a few people who are in and out and it's just their lifestyle, they don't seem to mind it. Thanks so much sir wonderwop.
That would be a pretty unique arresting experience. Always makes me laugh when the Internet goes nuts. Like anyone in real life will actually care what is said by keyboard warriors! Just switch the TV or browser off and walk outside.
So are you changing your career path from Lord Fluffton to Lord Anchorton now?
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lol! howdy sir nickyhavey! I just thought it was an interesting article with an Old West justice look to it! I really did. I wasn't trying to upset anyone. Europeans don't understand many things about America, and America as a whole doesn't understand some things about Texas! lol.. So thank you for your very non-condemning, non-judgemental comment.
I really enjoy the great variety of viewpoints that we can gather on Steemit though, it's fascinating. I don't think I'll be changing my career path but I'm not sure how the hardfork will work out. Some people are saying they will post much less so that may be a trend.
I know, maybe I can come up with a Controversy of the Day post! You know, so people will have something to curate if no one else is going to be posting. lol.
I'll see how it goes after the hard fork but with all the communities and tribes that are forming with their own curation reward percentages then why would you stop posting? I think I'm earning even more since they started (although everything is staked that I'm interested in) and I have been on a mission to get as much steem in from posts as possible with the daily music post and occasional travel blog - #teamfluff
Will you keep posting? You will have about 4k steem soon? That will give you some nice curation rewards? $0.04 per 100% upvote?
Would it still be profitable to delegate to bidbots or actually curate yourself? I wonder what the threshold is of curation rewards with your own SP vs delegating to ocdb for example.
I had around 1400SP that was getting me 0.03 steem per week in curation. With ocdb delegation I'm getting between 0.4-0.6 STEEM per DAY! so I'm thinking...never lol
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Hey aren't you at work or is it after work hours there? I reckon I'll keep posting if I can find enough fluff material. I'll probably just follow and do what sir nickyhavey does because I don't really know what's going on! lol.
I'll have 4,000 SP ....someday.
It's after work hours now Lord Fluffton but I wouldn't necessarily follow what I'm doing. I mostly go whichever way the wind is blowing haha. You'll probably get there in no time at all with the big upvotes you get.
What's the ROI with that? How much did you pay and what do you get back on average?
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Well sir mr. drifter I think the return is between 10 and 15% if I remember right. It's been a long time ago since I started and they could have changed it and I never look things up. lol. I'm almost dyslexic when it comes to math. Mrs. J. does all my figuring for me. lol.
That's not bad. I just delegate and get around 3-4 steem per week additional at the moment which helps. More than curating and I'm helping whitelisted steemians so there's that. I won't use the bid bot for upvotes though
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As I see it, one of the big problems we have as a society is to judge without being judges, because that's why there are these accusations, the color of the skin I think is the least when it comes to a delinquent, because if it is being carried by two cops the way they do, it must be for some reason. But it's easier to make some stupid comment before you at least take the trouble to find out the reason for the action. I think that's where we're doing it wrong!
Howdy fmbs25! Very true, people are way too quick to jump to conclusions based on appearances. thanks so much for your wise comment!
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oh, thank you so much helpiecake, I'm truly honored! And thank you for helping so many people. Blessings to you!
I had seen this photo when it was first shown and thought long and hard about it. I believe that police here had no ill-intentions, however, they still made a big mistake and I am glad to see that this practice is ending. I will be honest, my gut dropped when I saw it, especially when learning that it was recent. This image is disturbing for several reasons. First, it reminds us of our country's unconscionable past of promoting and even fighting for slavery. This past is still with us today, in large part because even after emancipation, many in the US, including in government continued to discriminate against African Americans. For example, the National Housing Act of 1934 explicitly discriminated against African American communities and African Americans. Later, when African American veterans tried to use the GI Bill, realtors discriminated against them. Banks would not loan to people living in African American communities. This resulted in the terrible conditions of inner city slums. Of course, many blamed African Americans for this outcome, but it was really discrimination by those in power. Some of this discrimination continues, though now it is often directed at anyone who is poor (you know, they must be lazy, right?)
The second reason for the outcry over this image is due to Trump's divisive, hate-filled speech that is usually directed at "others" typically with dark skin, or anyone he can vilify to satisfy his base who seem incapable of separating fact from fiction. I have to honestly say that this is the first time in my 50+ years on this planet that I am truly ashamed to be an American. Our ideals are much higher than the photo above, much higher than Trump's hateful rhetoric, and the chants of those at his rallies. Yet it is clear that Trump is just a symptom and that
that symptom has revealed that our racist past is still present in a rather large percentage of people today. We really have not come that far in the last 200 years.
In this context, the image above is indeed disturbing. And wanting 1819 justice is regressive thinking that fits the kind of hate-filled speech that Trump encourages. As a citizen of the world, the US (and a Texan) it saddens me to see the state that we are in.
Howdy sir toddrjohnson! Thanks so much for your wonderful comment, it's excellent. I agree with you and I too have studied the discrimination against blacks and the fight to keep them from buying homes etc. It's shameful and sickening.
In regards to my post, I had nothing in mind like what has been caused by it. I just threw something together real fast because I didn't have anything to post about and I saw this article which was interesting. I liked the Old West look of it because I'm and Old West writer. That's what my blog is about, telling stories about the American Wild West.
I never thought about race or anything and the last thing I would ever want to do is cause offense or controversy or to upset anyone. My blog is simply entertainment and hopefully sneak in some history lessons and some laughs.
I thought only my few readers would see this and they know me and get my sense of humor, I never dreamed that steemitbloggers would resteem it. In fact, I figured they wouldn't touch this one with a ten foot pole! lol.
So if I knew that was going to happen I never would have mentioned the 1819 comment, that was in reference to my blog about the Wild West in the 1800's and my readers know my tongue-in-cheek, dry sense of humor.
In fact, if I knew this was going to be picked up and read by so many people, I never would have posted it at all!
Thank you sir so much for your thoughtful and well written comment!
Hi janton, this is a most contentious post of yours, where there just has to be 2 sides to the argument. Of course the police need respect but public scrutiny is not such a bad thing either to make sure that people get a fair go because in some instances they do not.
There it is out --- a great post to write janton.
ps: How in the world do you find the time to comment on all the comments? You must be so busy each day, I am so impressed.
Howdy angiemitchell! I put this together real fast with not much thought because I just thought it was an interesting story and a good Old West look with the lawmen on their horses, I wasn't thinking of racism or anything and certainly would never post anything to be controversial or to upset anyone, so this was a complete accident! lol.
Sometimes this just happens janton, what we intend is interpreted otherwise. You certainly got everyone going, haha.
Oh my gosh I never would have posted this if I knew it was going to upset people. I just thought it was an interesting little article and a look that would only fit in Texas because of our rich cowboy and Western heritage.
All I can say is that I am very impressed with the respectful and thoughtful conversation that has followed your post, @janton. Some of us will agree and some of us will disagree with your assessment, but regardless, we can discuss our thoughts and ideas in a way that doesn’t indicate there is only one right answer and anyone who thinks differently has a brain the size of a pea. That would not have accomplished a thing!
Howdy jayna! Well most of it has been respectful and that's good to see. What's funny is that I just threw this together with not much thought because I just thought it was an interesting story and a good Old West look with the lawmen on their horses, I wasn't thinking of racism or anything and certainly would never post anything to be controversial or to upset anyone, so this was a complete accident! lol.
I had no idea it would trigger such a response. Holy moly! I agree with you though, well said and thank you for a wonderful comment.
As they say a picture is worth a 1000 words. In 100 years all there will be is the picture no one will care what actually happened. It looks bad. However there is always a story. People are too quick to judge too. So many are just looking for more reasons to justify their anger.
I think it's a perfectly Texan thing to do 😜. It has a rationale to it and I can see why no one at the time thought anything of it. I bet they even asked him if he minded the walk rather than sitting out the in the heat waiting for a car. I completely agree that most criminals are coddled.
When people contemplate going to jail vs. getting a job you have to start to look at the problems. Yes there is the drawback of being locked up and not being able to be on your computer all day or going out. Having your toilet where everyone can see you and of course the idiot who has the be the bad ass. It isn't great. When you get free work out facility, 3 square meals a day, a bed, air conditioning and heating, cable television (and get a say in what you watch), access to school and college oh yeah don't forget full medical, dental and vision coverage, it does make you wonder which way is the 'right' way.
Howdy tryskele! You are so right. Yes, Texas is the only place in the world, including the United States, that this would look normal and I'd love to hear an interview of the two officers. You are so right about the heat too. I love the logic.
Couldn't be more accurate in your last paragraph. The victims of crimes are often left devasted emotionally and financially but we spend a fortune on the criminals and take care of their every need. Except privacy.
Great point about which was is better. For people who have nothing, prison and jail is much better many times.
Mrs. J. works in the criminal justice system so I'm very familiar. lol. If I knew this post was going to upset so many people I never would have posted it!
thanks so much for commenting.
I think you did the right thing. Nothing wrong with 'stirring the pot' a little 😜 and provoking conversation. If we don't start talking about all of this, somewhere, it is going to get worse and it's horrible now. I don't think anyone should be afraid of addressing situations, especially on this platform. Sadly, many who would rant and take issue with the post are the ones who would be upset at a bully, but they don't see that is what they are doing. Their 'ideals' were hurt so now they think they have a reason to lash and be mean to you who only presented what happened.
You are a great storyteller. Not many like you as you can see. You have brought history alive. You inform you don't tell people what to think, you don't push an 'agenda' you present the facts and let each decide for themselves. This time it provoked something a little emotional. To me, you did exactly what I have come to expect from you. So don't ever regret posting something because some feel the need to push their ideals.
Poor Mrs. J I feel for her, that has to be rough. My brother was a prison guard in New Mexico before becoming a police officer, oh the stories I heard. 🙄
You're welcome for the comment. I like our little chats. Glad I didn't sound like I was nuts LOL.
Haha! Well to ME you didn't sound like you were nuts! lol. thanks so much for the kind words and wise counsel. I should have known that the post would create heated debate and I try to avoid that.
Whenever this happens I'm shocked at the level of intolerance and it's always by people who consider themselves to be the most tolerant!
Oh I'd love to hear the stories your brother has! Well, I would and I wouldn't. lol. Fascinating but horrible at the same time.
Thanks again, you're on my list of people I want to start visiting on a regular basis so I'll be over there soon. That's not a threat, just a warning. lol.
YAY let the stalking begin. J/K
This just shows how important communications and discussion is so very important. The only way to fight ignorance is education.
Howdy tonight tryskele! sorry for the late reply, I've been working outside alot and steemit has been forced into a smaller time slot. It's still too big but alot smaller than before. My redneck is getting redder! lol.
"let the stalking begin!" lol..Did you stalk larger accounts when you first got on here? I did. A few people that I liked I just never went away until they started talking to me!
It is a shame .... we treat most criminals with more respect than we do those that put their lives on the line to protect us .
Howdy anonymity5! That is so true in WAY too may cases! The officers that I know are hard working and brave family men who work their tails off to help keep our community safe. Thanks so much for commenting!
There are a lot of different ways to view this one... More than enough to write a book on.
There's the optics, history (recent and not-so-recent), double-standards, racism, societal inequality... Lots going on there.
In this situation, it would have been wiser to have one officer hold the reigns while the other walked the guy. Of course, if the criminal were white, people would have cheered the same image and that's racism, too.
I believe you do the crime be prepared to pay for it but they didn't handle this one right because we are in 2019 and everyone has something to say to much social media out there these days you can't breath or fart without ending up on :)
lol! Well there is only one place in the world where this would look normal and that's Texas but the problem is like you said, the image went all over so all hell broke loose. Well the policy is changed now so no one will be offended by this sight anymore. social media can make you or break you in one day!
You are so right about that social media is worst then big brother next time you escort them down to the station with your rifle it might look better...hehe :)
lol! Social media can make anything look bad, even the Vin! lol.
The only thing if they mess with the Vin there will be no social media that with survive from the Vin :)