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RE: Hey You Can't Treat Criminals Like Criminals!

in #culture6 years ago

@lookplz While there are bad officers (we jailed some of them here for abuse of an inmate) most are decent and work hard. Here where I live, you will find the Police helping a lot more often than arresting.

As far as your BS on Conservatives cowering for police protection; I have to say, it is Total crap! I rely on myself, but I also respect the difficult job the police do every day; while they are constantly exposed to vitriol, from people like you.

You break into my house; you will not survive long enough, to be arrested. Same if you threaten me or mine, as we have a stand your ground law here. Depends on how angry I let you make me, make me real mad, and you won't be lucky enough to be shot!

Might do you a favor at that, beating you to death might be a mercy. Most Anarchists I know can talk a lot, but would Not survive on their own for a month without government help! Always too busy with the hot air, to plan and prepare.

You ARE entitled to your opinion, even when unsupported by reality. I recommend that you study and prepare, so you can defend yourself, and survive, when the Police become History; and we enter the next Dark age!

@janton, there are always trolls....


They are mostly bad, not mostly good. I admit, there are SOME that are good... but those are the ones who BREAK the law, when the law is wrong. The only good officers are the ones who break laws when they are immoral, not enforce them. So no, a majority of cops are not "hard working and decent" as you claim. First of all, it's stupid to think they "work hard" at all. There is nothing hard about being a cop, the hardest part is having balls and being able to keep your composure. Something most lack, hence the insane amount of deaths against unarmed, innocent people (not even criminals, you dumbass.) that we have been seeing nonstop for years and years now. If you really think they help more than they harass, well then I guess you've had your nice little privilege thus far, so be glad you've been lucky enough to have that, as there are a vast majority of people who don't. Across the board. You think what you think because you're ignorant to the first-hand experiences of having your rights violated and being beaten and arrested when you've done nothing wrong. Until you've gone through that and researched how much it actually happens, you can shut the fuck up as far as I'm concerned. Also, over HALF of police are reportedly spouse abusers, so what do you make of that? Good people? Ha! More like fucking trash. Like most police.

Oh? Is that so? They don't do a hard job, again. Also, you're a dumbass for assuming that I disrespect police. I do not. I understand that it will only complicate things and worsen my situation, as most of them are pussies with badges and a complex that doesn't tolerate disrespect, so they violate your rights and beat you and get away with it, just because they got butthurt and their fragile little egos were attacked. The only people who seek out power, are those who do not deserve it and should not have it. Anyone who seeks power over another person, is a piece of shit, period.

As funny as that sounds, being that I've heard it a million times from a million different places... No. You would not do any harm to me if I were to break in. Not me, personally. IF I were to break in, you would not make it out of bed/off the couch/to the next room/reach your weapon at all. You would be disabled before I even entered. Prepare and plan all you want, but if someone like myself wanted to come after someone like you, you would not survive it. In that matter, consider yourself lucky that I am not and will not be coming after you. You talk about talking big and bad, but you just pushed a whole lot of hot air out of that ass you call a mouth that you keep sticking your foot in. Smh.

The idea that you would beat me to death is also a great one, since you're apparently some old fat fuck. Good luck man, good luck. Ideas and dreams are the only places that will take place.

Would I even be an anarchist if I wasn't able to survive on my own? Do you think that all of a sudden technology, infrastructure, etc.... just all disappears when government does? Are you retarded? LOL. I guess by your stupid logic, when government disappears, so will the roads and the buildings and the water and the air and the plants. Dumbass. It won't be any harder to survive than it is now. Actually, it might even be easier to survive, without that constant slave tax and perpetual inflation going on, that keeps the USD and other currencies on the decline and keeps the slaves working longer hours. I guess you're too stupid to see that though, since you took the time to look dumb in an attempt to tell me off as if you know more than I do, while showing your ignorance by making assumptions about me and showing that you have done no research into how anarchy would even function. You probably think it means absolute chaos, like your stupid ass was indoctrinated to believe when you were young. Never wised up and thought for yourself, perfect little sheep. Easy to farm. Some of us, though, actually cared to look into the positives and negatives of many different types of governmental structures and came to the only logical conclusion we could (since we actually live in reality, unlike you who lives in some fairy fantasy world.) which was that anarchy is the best form of government. I don't believe in no government. I believe in small, self government. Privately organized militaries, protecftion, etc. No requirement to participate, but no shit accepted when it comes to hostility. No forced will upon anyone. Only cooperation. I guess for someone like you, who has to be right all the time and can't accept that he knows too little to truly be speaking on a topic... cooperating is a foreign concept, one that is lost on you.

The only opinion unsupported by reality here, is yours. If the american government and police are so great, why has nothing changed over time? Only gotten worse? Why are people struggling now more than ever, while our government officials make more than ever and work less than ever? Why are police killing more people who are unarmed, elderly, of color, etc... who have done nothing wrong? Why are baby cribs being flashbanged because of police ignorance and error? Why are people being choked to death over selling cigarettes? (cleared of wrongdoing by courts, not just blowing hot air, if you're too stupid to know this shit, then look it up.)

The problem here, is you live in your own little world, where you don't want to see the truth, so you turn a blind eye. You don't research cases, you don't look at statistics, you just blindly talk out of your fat ass and lick the boots of those who enslave you and oppress you. You're too ignorant and too blissful in that ignorance, to open your eyes and be willing to accept the bad. You want to pretend things aren't horrible and in the grand scheme of things, people like you are the fucking problem. People like you allow things like that to go unpunished. People like you make excuses and defend police and government to no end, because you BELIEVE they are here to care about you and do shit to help and defend you. That's where you're detached from reality though. They are not here to help you. They are explicitly here to enforce laws, just or unjust, and the vast majority of them are not capable, but are not removed from their positions. I am not a troll, I am a realist. I am logical. I think in the confines of reality and what is actual, not what could be or might be, like you do. Sure, cops COULD be good, but are they currently? Not a fucking bit.

I debated about wasting time on a reply, and decided to invest the time.

You get the Police YOU are willing to accept! We had a couple of Officers hurt then ignore a prisoner locally. HE died! The entire city rose up and demanded they be tried for Murder! They are in Prison for life; we don't put up with that shit here! The Sheriff here had a badly trained Deputy that shot a Man who was resisting arrest, intending to taze him. The Sheriff was fired for cause (no pension) and that deputy went to prison for manslaughter, because he was an IDIOT!

WE DON'T put up with that here!

Because of that, we have some pretty good cops.

IF YOU DO NOT LIKE THE LAWS THEY ENFORCE; Change them! These laws are ultimately controlled by YOU! Change them!

As far as you managing to do me and mine harm, ROFLOL! BRING IT ON FAT BOY..I CAN USE THE PRACTICE! Arrogant fools like you will be stacked up like cordwood if things go bad! IF you could find me, and IF you could get past two security systems I designed and built for fun (the camera based one has a quick AI program I wrote that has learned my property), and IF you could even enter my house in less that 10 minutes (what is use is supposed to stop SWAT for 10 minutes), and IF you could get past my dogs, you would eat 15 12 gauge buckshot rounds, 20 .308 frangibles, and a double stack of 45 ACP Before I even need to get my hands dirty. And I am an EXCELLENT shot!

As far as beating you to death, I must admit, I would have to pull some blows for you to last that long. What I train with is fatal in less than 10 seconds ( developed by the SAS, I really like it), and is just three simple moves. I train with four attackers, so you had better bring help. I find most wolves to be cowards anyway....

As a wolf, you will reign terror on sheep, if something happens; until you meet a sheepdog like me, that is prepared. By the time you realize that something is different, you will be bleeding out! Removing wolves is a sad necessity.

I really think my Wife could clean you up, and she is sweet, until you cross her, LOL. The 357 she prefers makes one hell of a hole, and I trained her...tight groups!

So fire your Bad Police, change offensive laws, and rethink you wolf status; there are sheepdogs out there, who are NOT impressed!


I love how you're so stupid you think I'd actually even need to be near you to end you. Like I said, if someone like me wanted you dead, you'd be dead. I also love how you're so ignorant that you think you're the only one trained in H2H Combat. That's a joke. Also, I'm not fat, I'm built. You're fat. Good luck if it ever happened is all I can say. You just blew a whole lot of hot air out of your ass about how I couldn't get past this or that... but IF I were trying to kill you... it would be simple. None of your dumbass defenses or weapons or dogs would mean shit. You'd be rained on with combustibles by drones, and then have a nice little thermite rain to go along with it. :) You would not survive. I would not have to be in your direct proximity. You are arrogant, that is your problem. You are stupid, that is also your problem. It's genetics, so it's not your fault.

Funny you consider me a wolf, because that's exactly what I am. A pack animal. Someone who cooperates for the greater good of the pack. I am not someone who randomly goes around causing issues. Again, you are too stupid to not be presumptuous here as well. Too ignorant. I do not take pleasure in anyone's fear. I do not believe we should live in fear. However, that is exactly what we have here in the U.S. Control by fear. Control by financial and mental slavery. You're obviously too much of a victim of it as well. You are one of those brainwashed idiots who thinks that you actually have a choice in what happens. Voting is a scam. It's meant to pacify the people by giving the ILLUSION of choice. If you don't understand that, you're too stupid to have an opinion with me, as I said before. You being ignorant, does not make you right. You not doing your homework and blindly believing shit you're told and fed, makes you stupid.

I love how you talk about your little guns though as though they are your sanctuary. :) Typical cousin-loving Texan. There are much more powerful forces to be reckoned with weapon-wise than your little pussy pistols and rifles! LOL! You'd be dead in a matter of seconds after barely-weaponized drones swarmed you. If you had half a brain, you'd have lied about your security more than you already did and said you had an EMP cannon ready as well. lol, dipshit.

You're a sheepdog, sure, a sheep pretending to be brave, pretending to be tough, pretending to be more than what he is; A sheep. :)

Changing laws does nothing, btw. Police break those laws daily, as do politicians. That is the core issue you're missing here. Laws are not even being followed to begin with. Changing them will do nothing, dumbass. We need to remove those in power and replace them, completely. Every single one. And change how our government operates... IF we hope to see any real success as a nation. So far though, this country is trash and always has been. Not a damn thing great about it.

Bring it on Fat Boy! If you get within 600 yards of my place, you will be VERY lucky, LOL!

The stuff I told you is the basic visable stuff. None of the man traps (or Pussy traps for you) etc. Drones are toys, easily burned out...then it would be as brain damaged as you are!

I am an Electrical Engineer, a consultant, and a Ham Radio operator. I have equipment you can't even understand, let alone use, ROFLOL! If you had a military drone, it would be harder, but the result would be the same.

You come you had better bring your puppy friends, you will need all the help you can get, LOL! Pack animals run together because they need help just to survive. But I will Not bury your bodies, the buzzards need to eat too.

If you hate it so much here, you should leave, before someone is forced to kick your ass...what a damn coward! STAND UP and make some changes, instead of just wringing your hands over things! Run for office if you have the balls for it! Or just keep whimpering like an kicked puppy, in a "pack" of puppies!

I will tell you again, YOU get the Police and Laws you are willing to accept. Change it or shut up, they are YOUR police and YOUR Laws!

Their real authority comes from YOU! USE that authority, or you prove you are gutless. Force them to do what YOU want done!

I can't even dignify this retarded comment with a response. You're too fucking dumb for your own good. :) You'd definitely be dead in a second IF I wanted you to be. LOL. What a dumbass.
Again, assuming you know anything of my level of knowledge. Ignorant to no end. Typical American dumbass. You fit the mould so perfectly.

I would do just fine as a lone wolf. :) I am no pussy like you. You continue to blow hot air out of your fat loser ass. lol.

That's dumbass logic too. That's psycho American logic. "If you don't like where you were born, where you're native to, you should leave!" What a fucking retard. You truly are a cousin-lover, judging by this level of moronic babble you've reduced yourself to.

Again, you must not be smart enough to actually read my replies. Voting is a scam used to pacify retards like you, who think it changes things. Politicians and police RARELY follow the law, when it does not benefit them, so they break it and violate your rights to make things happen. Running for office is pointless, this is a BROKEN system that never has and never will work. Again, you being too stupid to understand that concept, causes you to rage back at me with blind ignorance. You are an idiot. There is not much more to say to you at this point. It's like arguing with a retarded brick wall. Not only is it a brick wall, it is retarded in addition to that. Smh.

And no, we get what is forced upon us. Everywhere. You think your pathetic little example of one case where you pushed corruption out is a big deal? What a bitch. What about the rest of the cases? What about the ones that aren't reported on? What about the ones that are being suppressed? What about ongoing ones that are too powerful to stop? Yea, you say shit like unite and push the bad out, but that's exactly my point, you have to unite. You insult me about the pack shit, but I'd love to see your little fucking pussy ass go to a corrupt police department BY YOURSELF and take them out/take them in. Yea fucking right! LOL! You're so fucking retarded, you defy your own logic! Dumbass! Definitely nothing more to say to you. You're definitely too stupid to reason with. You live in a fairy tale white privilege land, where everything works how you want it to when you want it to. I'm not excited about the inevitability of our government taking over the citizens, but I'll be damn sure excited to see your fat fucking loser face on the floor with a boot on it, cursing the very thing you support now. Fucking retard.

Force people to do what I PERSONALLY want done? Hm. Sounds pretty fucking stupid to me. Force others to do what I want? That's the very thing I'm trying to stop. Dipshit. I'm done, you're too stupid for this conversation. :)
