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RE: Hey You Can't Treat Criminals Like Criminals!

in #culture6 years ago

I think it looks terrible and they should have known better. One of the officers could have dismounted and walked the two blocks with the suspect instead of having fun treating him like an animal and leading him on a leash. Guess that makes me a liberal and an activist, huh? Damn straight.


In Tulsa the mounted Officers are not allowed to dismount. They can see better on horseback, and are more effective. The cuffs were enough, the leash was a dumb move, because a cuffed man can't outrun a horse...

Here the mounted Officers carry radios, and call for a cruiser to move a perp, even two blocks.


lol! I know what you mean sir keith! It's a Texas thing. They were following policy and weren't leading him on a leash though. But hey, they changed the policy so those who don't like it should be encouraged by that right?