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RE: Hey You Can't Treat Criminals Like Criminals!

in #culture6 years ago (edited)

You're right. I'm blessed with outstanding local police. They are human and make mistakes, but they are not jackbooted thugs at all. We have some really outstanding Sheriff's and Deputies in Wyoming. I am concerned when I hear stories such as the one about the cop that was planting meth on traffic stop victims for years before he was caught. They think he put hundreds of people in prison unjustly. Here in Wyoming we also had a Highway Patrolman who tried to rob and murder a truck driver during a traffic stop. That of course was hushed up pretty quickly. I know most police are good and there are just a few bad apples, but it is frustrating that the good apples are so quick to cover for the bad apples and prevent justice from being served. That old joke, "We investigated ourselves thoroughly and found no wrongdoing." applies to more and more police departments these days.


oh, I hadn't heard about that one! Wow, a manufactured fake drug arrest to make himself look good. I hope they sent him away for life! yes, I wonder about how many innocent people are in prison but I guess that will always happen, I just hope the percentage is tiny and those people can appeal and get new trials.

In my experience the small town Sheriffs and departments are fantastic. That reminds me of the netflix series Longmire, about the county Sheriff, have you seen that? Great show. That guy would fit well in Texas.

Everybody in Wyoming is a Longmire fan! Wyoming doesn't get much pop culture play, so when a hit TV series featured Wyoming, we were all in! It's actually filmed in New Mexico, and the actor for Longmire is Australian, but he does a great job. Talks and acts just like my Dad!

lol! oh wow sir optout, that is so fun and interesting! The main actor is Australian and is just like your dad! lol. I also love Lou Diamond Philips in that. I just found it so I've been watching an episode every night, I'm almost done with season two. Did I read that they canceled it?

Lou Diamond Philips is magnificent in that show. Also a great actor. He's played an American Indian in many roles, but he's actually Philipino! And yes, sadly, Longmire wrapped up. 5 seasons total I think. It was good while it lasted. I don't know the statistics exactly, but there are more murders in one season of Longmire than there have been in the past 50 years of Wyoming history!! LOL!

lol! That's true, it's basically a murder mystery every episode. I thought Lou Diamond Philips was from Spain but no matter, I stand corrected, that's so interesting because everyone thinks he's Native American! And he IS such a good actor. Too bad the series ended. I suppose the main actor went back to Australia.

The setting is fictional, there is no Absaroka county. But the area described in the books/TV series most closely resembles Sheridan. A very nice little town. (Big town by Wyoming standards!)

Very interesting sir optout, is that near you, Sheridan? You guys have some tough winters up there!

No. Sheridan is beautiful. I live in the "ugly" part of Wyoming, Cheyenne. LOL. We do have tough winters. It's funny how much more severe the weather is here than in Colorado and we're only just a little further north. Wyoming is stunningly beautiful in the summer, some people come here and fall in love with it and decide to live here. Many of those leave after surviving their first winter.

lol! After surviving their first winter..I believe that. The high winds cut right through you. I think it would be fabulous to live there, at least have a summer home there!