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RE: Hey You Can't Treat Criminals Like Criminals!

in #culture6 years ago

All I can say is that I am very impressed with the respectful and thoughtful conversation that has followed your post, @janton. Some of us will agree and some of us will disagree with your assessment, but regardless, we can discuss our thoughts and ideas in a way that doesn’t indicate there is only one right answer and anyone who thinks differently has a brain the size of a pea. That would not have accomplished a thing!


Howdy jayna! Well most of it has been respectful and that's good to see. What's funny is that I just threw this together with not much thought because I just thought it was an interesting story and a good Old West look with the lawmen on their horses, I wasn't thinking of racism or anything and certainly would never post anything to be controversial or to upset anyone, so this was a complete accident! lol.

I had no idea it would trigger such a response. Holy moly! I agree with you though, well said and thank you for a wonderful comment.