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RE: Hey You Can't Treat Criminals Like Criminals!

in #culture6 years ago

As they say a picture is worth a 1000 words. In 100 years all there will be is the picture no one will care what actually happened. It looks bad. However there is always a story. People are too quick to judge too. So many are just looking for more reasons to justify their anger.

I think it's a perfectly Texan thing to do 😜. It has a rationale to it and I can see why no one at the time thought anything of it. I bet they even asked him if he minded the walk rather than sitting out the in the heat waiting for a car. I completely agree that most criminals are coddled.

When people contemplate going to jail vs. getting a job you have to start to look at the problems. Yes there is the drawback of being locked up and not being able to be on your computer all day or going out. Having your toilet where everyone can see you and of course the idiot who has the be the bad ass. It isn't great. When you get free work out facility, 3 square meals a day, a bed, air conditioning and heating, cable television (and get a say in what you watch), access to school and college oh yeah don't forget full medical, dental and vision coverage, it does make you wonder which way is the 'right' way.


Howdy tryskele! You are so right. Yes, Texas is the only place in the world, including the United States, that this would look normal and I'd love to hear an interview of the two officers. You are so right about the heat too. I love the logic.

Couldn't be more accurate in your last paragraph. The victims of crimes are often left devasted emotionally and financially but we spend a fortune on the criminals and take care of their every need. Except privacy.

Great point about which was is better. For people who have nothing, prison and jail is much better many times.
Mrs. J. works in the criminal justice system so I'm very familiar. lol. If I knew this post was going to upset so many people I never would have posted it!
thanks so much for commenting.

I think you did the right thing. Nothing wrong with 'stirring the pot' a little 😜 and provoking conversation. If we don't start talking about all of this, somewhere, it is going to get worse and it's horrible now. I don't think anyone should be afraid of addressing situations, especially on this platform. Sadly, many who would rant and take issue with the post are the ones who would be upset at a bully, but they don't see that is what they are doing. Their 'ideals' were hurt so now they think they have a reason to lash and be mean to you who only presented what happened.

You are a great storyteller. Not many like you as you can see. You have brought history alive. You inform you don't tell people what to think, you don't push an 'agenda' you present the facts and let each decide for themselves. This time it provoked something a little emotional. To me, you did exactly what I have come to expect from you. So don't ever regret posting something because some feel the need to push their ideals.

Poor Mrs. J I feel for her, that has to be rough. My brother was a prison guard in New Mexico before becoming a police officer, oh the stories I heard. 🙄

You're welcome for the comment. I like our little chats. Glad I didn't sound like I was nuts LOL.

Haha! Well to ME you didn't sound like you were nuts! lol. thanks so much for the kind words and wise counsel. I should have known that the post would create heated debate and I try to avoid that.

Whenever this happens I'm shocked at the level of intolerance and it's always by people who consider themselves to be the most tolerant!

Oh I'd love to hear the stories your brother has! Well, I would and I wouldn't. lol. Fascinating but horrible at the same time.

Thanks again, you're on my list of people I want to start visiting on a regular basis so I'll be over there soon. That's not a threat, just a warning. lol.

YAY let the stalking begin. J/K
This just shows how important communications and discussion is so very important. The only way to fight ignorance is education.

Howdy tonight tryskele! sorry for the late reply, I've been working outside alot and steemit has been forced into a smaller time slot. It's still too big but alot smaller than before. My redneck is getting redder! lol.

"let the stalking begin!" lol..Did you stalk larger accounts when you first got on here? I did. A few people that I liked I just never went away until they started talking to me!