It amazes me how STUPID you are! Some basics of your weapon system: YOU Can not control half a dozen drones at the same time; you do NOT have the bandwidth (BTW, I do, LOL), even if you had the control ability. Thrermite from 1000 feet up would burn out before it landed. You are so damn ignorant of your weapon of choice that you don't know that Thermite needs more energy to ignite than your toys can generate; why do you think that the military doesn't use it that way dumb ass? They use White Phosphorus instead
IF you could get 1000 drones in the air, and they run into a wide spectrum frequency jammer, and crash on your ass, I can just watch you and laugh. Your threats are as Hollow as your head! You seem to think that I am concerned about you, I am not.
If the police you hate so much leave, and you begin your puppy reign of terror, you won't live long enough to do much damage. While you try to figure out your air attack, someone will simply whack you over the head with a bat, because they are not such a pussy, and not too damn terrified to close with you. Besides, I set off better "weapons" in my driveway on the fourth of July!
Looks like you need to go kiss some bankers ass, since they already own you; since you are too damn terrified to engage them! Stop borrowing from them, and they will dry up and collapse, I have!
So Chicken Little, since your sky is falling, and you can not figure out what to do about it; you should learn how to live off the land, and go hide in the wilderness! Before someone steps on you like the cockroach you really are....
I guess one more won't hurt. :) Since you're too fucking stupid to understand basic concepts and seem to think there's only one way to do things. Typical dumbass conservative thinking though. Too stupid to realize there are many ways to skin a cat. :) The cat here of course being your pussy ass. Cute little kitten, talking as if he's a bear or something. LOL!
First of all, the government can do things how they want, they are generally aimed at taking out larger targets. If you don't count how fat your ass is, you're but a singular target. Much less would be needed to finish you off. :)
Secondly, you must be fucking retarded if you think I meant I'm going to just drop ignited thermite from the skies! Dumbass! LOL! I guess that was my fault for saying "thermite rain" because a retard like you just assumes it's going to be lit the whole way down. Shows how tiny your little brain is, for sure. :) Let me re-iterate then, since you're too stupid to understand. They would rain down thermite ignited payloads. As for the drones "not having enough power" to ignite the thermite... you're an absolute retard for assuming that I would have used them to. Obviously they do not have that ability. Smh. Drones simply carry payloads. Again though, I can simply program them all at once, on the spot, then they will run independently. There is no need for a constant connection. The target area would not be shifting in undetermined patterns. (Unless you wanna lie next by telling me your retarded ass has some type of tectonic plate shifter underneath your property. LOL! Fucking retard.) It's as simple as program the functions for the mission, on location, and then distributing them as a batch to the rest. That would be the only real connection they would need, the initial programming. Even then, only a short momentary connection. Well out of range of your dumb ass. :)
I also love how you just assume you're going to know I'm coming lol. Or where I'd be coming from. It's almost comical that you just think you've got some iron-clad impenetrable defense or something. You're definitely retarded. I'm guessing your IQ is something resembling that of a brick, or a clump of clay. :)
Not sure what you mean by "reign of terror" but that's cool. As I stated, but you are too stupid to read, yet again (no surprise! LOL), there would be no rulers, there would be people working together. I have no wish to rule over anyone and I damn sure have no desire to force my will upon anyone. I guess you can't read, because I've stated that multiple times, but you're so fucking stupid, that you keep changing what I've said, and trying to argue with me with a point made against something I have clearly stated I have no interest in doing. You're too stupid to even argue with, because you aren't even arguing about my point, you're creating a whole new point and arguing against that, calling me stupid, while you're talking shit to me about how my "little plan" wouldn't work, except what your inbred ass is talking about, is not at all my plan. LMFAO! How fucking stupid can you get? I think moreso than dropped, you got stepped on and kicked around by the head as a baby... You've got some serious brain damage or mental retardation to be doing what you're doing!
Wouldn't really need an air attack anyway, you're too much of a bitch. I could probably easily take you out head on with just a few rifles and a single grenade. You're nothing but a little bitch who runs his mouth, but would quickly die if ever put in the face of a real threat. You talk a big talk, but it's only because your dick is fucking tiny, the same reason you most likely own a truck. :) You aren't shit and you wouldn't be hard to take out IF I actually wanted to take you out. One final time though, because you're so fucking stupid, I DO NOT want to cause you any harm. At all. I DO NOT want to do anything to hurt you. At all. Can't make it any clearer. You may be too stupid to understand, but at least those with more than a peanut for a brain, will see that I am clearly not making threats. Simply playing out hypothetical scenarios.
The bankers own you too, dumb fuck. :) You pay taxes, don't you? Fucking dumbass. :) You don't own your land either, even if you think you do and have paid for it. :) You own nothing, you are property. This government and the bankers that own it, own you. You are nothing. You are a slave. :) Continue believing you aren't, but you will continue to be for the rest of your life. You're already clearly a mental slave, seeing as how you buy into the whole politics bullshit. Just another retard who is too handicapped to see the big picture, only what's right before his beady little eyes. Your tiny brain can't even comprehend the slavery that you are in, that's how enslaved you are mentally. LMFAO! Fucking dipshit. :) It's funny you think that's how it works though. That you just "stop borrowing" and they will disappear. Goes along with your retard logic used last time, that if government disappeared all of a sudden, the roads and businesses and everything would just disappear too, all at once. You're so fucking stupid lol. I get a good little chuckle when I read what you write. I guess that's why I've bothered to respond so much. I seem to be interested to see what retarded bullshit you'll spew out of that turdcutter next. ;) It's interesting to see how the mind of someone who's mentally handicapped works. Almost fascinating. I can't really say how it is that you've come to be not only this illiterate (You keep saying I've said/done things that I haven't and keep making points that aren't what I even said to begin with.) but also just this persistent in your ignorance as well. You keep trying to one-up me as if you actually even can. I'm sorry my friend... but in the game of mental warfare, your tiny army got wiped out a while back.
My sky isn't falling lol. It never was. My sky is in place, it's the institutions that sit below that sky, that need to be dealt with. I already do live off the land. Homesteading. :) I don't hide though. Never have. I'm not a little bitch like you! That's cute. A cockroach lol. If I'm a cockroach then idk what to compare you to. What's far inferior to a cockroach? Oh wait, I've got it! If I'm a cockroach, you're my shit. Hello you little pile of cockroach shit. ;)
!giphy cockroach
!giphy little+bitch
Well, I will use small words, because the big ones seem to confuse you. The JAMMER which is already in place will crash 100% of your toys, when you loose RC control. NOT what it was designed to do, but only a side benefit.
Your attack with 1000 drones WHAT A FOOL; a drone that can carry your WMD (ROFLOL) will run you about $300 to $500 dollars, for a decent payload, so you have spent $30,000 to $50,000 to attack me, before you made the illegal payloads! You must be a rich pussy to waste so much cash, on a weapon that can not work.
Now, to the thermite, on the pipeline a lifetime ago, we used thermite to attach electrodes, so I have more experience than you will ever get. Thermite is a cranky compound, hard to ignite, and hard to contain well. IF it is not contained, it flashes out, and the reaction stops. That is why the military rarely uses it, as a weapon, it is a joke.
Now since you don't understand bandwidth, I will try again, so pay attention stupid! RC control uses a band of frequencies, to run two, you have to use an adjacent frequency. Since there are a limited number of adjacent frequencies, they assign the colors at an RC field. When you step up to fly any controlled craft, you must check in, and they will put you in cue for the next open spot on your color. IF you activate your transmitter before your fly time, you will be ejected, because you will crash the airborne craft by jamming it with your transmitter. I explain this to you, because you are ignorant of what banswidth is. Bandwidth would limit you to about a dozen drones even if you could program them (If you don't understand simple bandwidth, you do NOT have the ability to program a drone), because the next active transmitter wou8ld crash the one already launched on that same band!
The screamer jammer I built, is the legal limit for fixed station non licensed use (just like the drones are running) and it is controlled automatically by the AI that I built to jam coordinating radio signals that are not mine. It would act like the second transmitter on all RC signals in range, and crash them all. NOT it's intended use, but it would get 100% of them in seconds.
As far as not threatening me, your claim you would kill me before I knew you were there, by burning my house down far exceeds the level required for a legal conviction. BUT knowing you do NOT have the expertise, funding, intelligence, nor the balls to pull off an attack of this nature has allowed me to ignore such an obvious blowhard's claim. Since my claims have been of a defensive nature, I have actually made no threats.
IF you are homesteading (most homesteaders are a lot smarter about the real world than you are) You also are paying taxes to rent your homestead, reality sucks doesn't it? Stop paying, and some of those cops you hate so much, will come and kick you wolf baby (puppy) ass off the land you are renting from them! A wolf wanna be, ROFLOL!
And cockroach does fit you, so run and hide quick, since the light is turned on now....
So bring it on fat boy, so far you won't even disturb me past the AI telling me it is under attack, LOL!
That was you that flashed a gun on the cops, and put it online; and got arrested! Didn't think you had the guts!
Should have used the fictional drones....
What the hell are you still going on about you retard? I've never done anything even close to that. You're fucking retarded lol. Didn't even bother reading your last reply, it was too fucking dumb I couldn't even get past the first few sentences. You're too fucking stupid for your own good lol. I'll probably just have to mute you since you're so dumb you don't know when to shut the hell up. Dumbass. LOL.
You're not in prison yet? I AM surprised; we all know you want to, and it is your planned destination.
You'd have hated it, yesterday I saw a cop drop off a Man at a convenience store, because it was raining, ROFLOL! He didn't even beat or cuff him....
I didn't expect you to read, you might learn something, heaven forbid!