This is a really informative post on how to make a simple solar oven. Well written and covers off all the main questions you'd probably have.
This is a really informative post on how to make a simple solar oven. Well written and covers off all the main questions you'd probably have.
If it really covers all the questions then why did you asked question in comments.
I said 'all the main questions you'd probably have', which I think it does if you want to build one. My question on their page was around why'd you use it over a regular cooker/oven.
Another person was also asking the question. Out of 3 human comments 2 were questions.
The post is titled "How to make a Box Style Solar Oven" not "Why would you make a box style solar oven". I stand by my initial comment, that I think the post does this.
Ok... You win. I don't want to start a war :p
Dude pretty disappointed to see you multiple times here in th is thread ignoring my instructions and criticizing submissions by other posters here. Again, knock it off. Reread my post instructions if you need to. This is not impressing me AT ALL.
Agreed that this is an exceptional post, very well written, well illustrated, informative and original. Really nice submission. This same post by an author with REP between 27 - 52 would be a sure Curie approval. Nice job here!