It's been a few weeks since I've seen my daughter as she has been holidaying. Friends who live not too far from her have just had a baby, and so today I decided to visit them both.
The forecast looked mixed and rather off-putting for a bike ride, but to get to my friends village I needed the wheels and so decided to face whatever was in store. When I set off the sun was shining, although it was a bit chilly. I stopped to put my jacket on after initially trying to brave it, and would much prefer riding in blistering heat - with a lot of water on board.
Nottingham Forest FC's ground is right next to the River Trent. They aren't my team, but it would be nice to see them back in the Premier League at some point.
Looking at the photos, it seems like a nice day to be out and about doesn't it? Although the puddles look ominous.
Well, not long after I but the phone away it started to rain and the wind picked up. From my time in Valencia and regularly cycling to and from work, I learned that the main factor to journey speed is the wind, and today the ride too much longer than usual.
It was worth the trip though, I had lunch with my daughter and the meal cost me 1200 calories - just about made those back!
My friends seem very relaxed about their new family member which was really nice to see. The baby seems happy too, and I think they'll do a fine job. My buddy, who is a keen cyclist, pumped up my tires and gave me a waterproof for the ride home. I text him earlier to say thanks, as it rained for the whole journey. He was out for a run which he cut short due to the conditions - not the best day for outside activities, but overall I'm happy I went out.
Got in, had a coffee, fell asleep :)
How has your Saturday been?
Seems to me like you're doing very well living in the moment in harmony with nature. Some would say the puddles are ominous, but they make the experience even more real, as do all asymmetric and/or imperfect things in life.
My Saturday just started, but we have a full lockdown in the weekends. Might travel through the yard and garden later, some puddles are bound to appear sooner or later 🙃
That is a plus - plenty of green in this part of the world and quite a peaceful trip due to the conditions.
A full lock down at the weekend, that doesn't sound great but at least you've got a garden to tend to.
Thanks for the visit :)
yeah, one of the upsides of living in an underpopulated third-world country is that
anyone (anyone who works at least) can afford some form of home with a small surrounding property/yard/garden 🌲
Each situation in life has it's pros and cons.
Cheers! :)
Pros and cons all over for sure :)
I'm OK without a garden, as long as there is a space close - park, woods, beach to name a few.
tokens.Well I'll take today over yesterday!
It's due to be one of the coldest bank holidays on record apparently.
I didn't go outside until 7pm yesterday, a quick walk to the shops when the rain slowed.
It's been decent this year overall. I'm off to Spain in 12 days for some guaranteed warmth :)
tokens.Those are the best naps in the world; 10 min of deep sleep.
I often take one after work.
Half an hour max, and most times 10 to 15 (I think) of them in deep sleep, makes me feel like "reborn".
I've gotten into them more since lock down and Furlough, but did have some practice in Spain. Certainly feel refreshed after it and a shower, could well be time for a beer :)
There's only one right answer to that: Cheers!
Cheers! !BEER !
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1262 Kcal... awesome! It takes me almost a week to burn that.
I sigh for some cold and rain. Summers seem endless here 😅
I'm willing to swap!
Quite a lot of calories, but i did have a big lunch so needed to burn some off.
Padel starts again soon, that will help 😁
Sounds a good un! I hate the wind when I'm cycling, yer thighs end up burning like mad!
Hopefully that's the tail end of all that mad rain!
The wind doesn't even need to be that strong to seriously slow you down. And then there's the erratic gusts trying to push you into cars!
Yep, surely our reservoirs are stocked for a few weeks now - cue drought warnings next month :)
Quick get the hosepipes out!!!
Yeah, those side gusts from nowhere that give you the wobble. I call em bitch winds!
I have been indoor all through. It is just another boring Saturday but my skipping rope is always there to get me active. Cool views you have in the post. 💯
Skipping is a superb exercise, fair play! My Achilles don't like jumping much so I prefer less impact (old man).
Haha! What about we say- “active man”? Not everyone can ride on bike for long distance.
I'll take that :)
I do enjoy riding but in the cold and damp it's not so great.
Yeah, you gotta work with the perfect time. Health is everything.
Looks like back to rain for our Saturday, which is fine after yesterdays outing and dinner. Plans are pretty simple today, look at pictures I took, pick one or two to share, make a post, then eat the left over Primapasta meal the restaurant cook, (Todd), made for my wife yesterday.
One of the very nice things about our favorite place to eat, it doesn't matter if it is on the menu or not, if they are not busy and have the ingredients, they will make it.
All that cycling in that weather will definitely require a little nap. Honestly, those puddles are nothing compared to the ones over here in Nigeria. Lol. Glad that it was all worth it and nothing to regret.
Cycling in nature, that's so good on so many levels. With or without the puddles! Have a great week Asher!