
you still got that youthful exuberance man thats good!! Im old as shit haha
im in my twenties but i feel like an old man , the night i shattered my ankle doing a drunken handstand was the night i began to know my limits lol

OK maybe I'm not mature enough to know my limits, but I do have this thing about 'Risk/Reward' ;-) What it was, you ignored the thing about practicing before doing it for realz ... like maybe a gym, with mats, and of course ... a keg! ;-D

hahaha yeah man, i skipped the gym and mats and went straight for the keg, and handstanded in the street while i was drunk amongst other drunk mofos and then landed on the edge of the curb , bad combo lol
its a great quality to be a risk taker in other instances lol

All kinds of philosophy on this, "No guts no glory" versus "Common sense taking the better part of valor" ... How 'bout, "If it feels right, go for it" ... doesn't mention that sometimes, thinking should get in the way of feeling ...

yeah man, do what your feelin as long as its not gonna hurt anyone , i wouldnt do something if i didnt feel like it , which is kind of a bad thing in terms of doing chores and shit that never get done lol
definitely dont get drunk and do handstands is common sense, but that goes out the window when u are drunk sometimes lol

"observe the curb" ... Impaired observation/risk assessment skill was the problem, I'd say... Otherwise, the whole point of getting drink is to do handstands in the street ...

Tell me about it, though ... had this plumbing problem in my house I didn't feel like getting to until yesterday ... four hours of concerted effort that fixed something that was annoying for months! So yeah, "do what you're feeling" certainly applies to not ignoring feeling annoyed, too! Bad feeling being as important as good feels ...

your right man!! I never even considered smackin my ankle off the curb lol

thats good too man im glad you got it sorted, just shows you how you can get shit done if u put your mind to it. Ive got mad procrastination going on at all times with shit like that, I usually just let annoying shit fry my head haha its not the best way of workin