Staré národy
Starý kelti verili v silu železa ktoré bolo vtedy pomerne novým materiálom. Silným a odolným materiálom ktorý mal podľa nich magickú silu a zháňal tak zlých duchov. Kelti si dávali staré podkovy nad vchodu domov ako ochranu pred zlými duchmi. Podkovy sa našli aj v hrobkách Čínskych cisárov, niektorý boli pochovaný v hrobkách pôdorysného tvaru podkovy.
Podľa kresťanov podkova prináša šťastie na základe legendy o Sv. Dunstanovi. Ten bol kováč a neskôr sa stal patrónom kováčov. Tento príbeh ma viacero verzii.
1. verzia
Kováč, Dunstan, vyrábal vo svojej dielní podkovy. Ten deň sa po dedine prechádzal Diabol a videl, že všetky kone v dedine sú krásne podkuté. Nechcel byť výnimkou a tak zašiel za miestnym kováčom Dunstanom a požiadal ho aby mu na jeho kopytá dal podkovy. Dunstan spoznal diabla ale súhlasil. Začal kovať podkovy ale neschladil ich. Horúce ich pribil diablovi na kopytá. Diabol bol nadšený a odišiel. Po chvíli vykračovania si po dedine ho asi začali páliť nohy. A pálili stále viac a viac až si musel podkovy vytrhať. Na základe tejto skúsenosti s podkovami sa diabol vyhýba podkovám a preto ak si dáte podkovu nad vchod domu mal by sa mu diabol vyhnúť.
2. verzia
Táto verzia je obdoba prvej s tou výnimkou, že diabla začali podkovy páliť hneď ako ich Dunstan pribil na jeho kopytá. Diabol chcel aby ich Dunstan dal dole. Dunstan povedal diablovi, že mu dá žeravé podkovy dole len vtedy ak sľuby, že sa vyhne domom z podkovou nad dvermi.
3. verzia
Diabol sa prezliekol za mladé dievča a išiel k Dunstanovi. Dunstan si ale po chvíli všimol, že krásnej slečne z pod sukne trčia kopytá. Dunstan spoznal v dievčine diabla a tak zobral z ohňa kliešte a chytil diabla za nos a dvihol ho do vzduchu. Diabol kričal tak, že jeho krik bol počuť do vzdialenosti 3 kilometrov. Pustil ho až po tom čo mu diabol sľúbil, že sa vyhne domom nad dverami ktorých bude visieť podkova.
Či už veríte na mágiu podkovy alebo nie mali by ste ešte vedieť, že v niektorých prameňoch nájdete poznámku, že aby podkova mala magickú moc musíte ju nájsť a nie kúpiť.
Translated from Google Translator
Old peoples
The old kelti believed in the power of iron, which was then a relatively new material. A strong and durable material that, according to them, had the magical power to hide evil spirits. The Celts gave old horseshoes over the entrance of their home as protection from evil spirits. The horseshoes were also found in the tombs of the Chinese Emperors, some buried in the tombs of the horseshoe shape.
According to the horseshoe Christians, he brings happiness on the basis of the legend of St. Dunstan. He was a blacksmith, and later became a patron of blacksmiths. This story has several versions.
1st version
Blacksmith, Dunstan, produced in his horseshoes. That day Devils passed through the village and saw that all the horses in the village were beautifully subdued. He did not want to be an exception, so he went to Dunstan's local blacksmith and asked him to put his horseshoes on his hooves. Dunstan knew the devil but agreed. He started to feed horseshoes but did not cool them. He was hotly attached to the hooves. The devil was excited and left. After a while, he might have started to burn his legs around the village. And they burned more and more until he had to pull his horseshoes. On the basis of this experience with horseshoes, the devil avoids horses, so if you give your horseshoe over the door of the house, a devil should avoid it.
2nd version
This version is similar to the first, with the exception that the devil began to fire their horses as soon as their Dunstan stuck to his hooves. The devil wanted to put Dunstan down. Dunstan said to the devil that he would give him harsh horseshoes at the bottom only if he promised to avoid home from his horseshoe over the door.
3rd version
The devil slumped for a young girl and went to Dunstani. Dunstan, after a while, noticed that a beautiful lady from under the skirt had hooves. Dunstan knew the devil in the girl, so he took the pliers out of the fire and grabbed the devil by his nose and lifted him into the air. The diabol shouted that his cry was heard within 3 kilometers. He let go of him after the devil had promised him to avoid the house over the doors of the horseshoe.
Whether you believe in magic horseshoes or you should not know that in some of the sources you will find a note that the horseshoe has the magic power you need to find it and not buy it.
The End
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