After reading @eveuncovered's posts of her getting her uncle's old film camera and going shooting with it made me reminisce the old Fujica my father gave me 8 years ago.
He purchased the Fujica ST605N with a few lenses in 1978 to shoot photos of the family, but the camera was eventually left to gather dust for decades.
But yea, then it ended up in my hands.

I did take a couple of rolls worth of photos with it in 2013 I think, but that's all I ever did with it. I've been using its lenses though as it has a quite capable Fujinon 55mm F2.2 lens, and a couple of Super Carenars; 35mm and a 125mm, both F2.8.
Anyway, should I go buy some film now?
See ya later!
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You should buy some roll film to experience the old school fellings, it gives you some extra satisfying! 📷
How nice that you still have this camera in top condition!
Have fun!
Go get some Tri-x, and then try to find a good lab!
To be honest I wasn't sure what film to buy when I went to the store, and I bought the first one that was offered to me and it was Tmax400.
I now read that people prefer Tri-X because it's grainier and has been around longer. I might try it next then.
Self-developing might be interesting.
I have Tmax 400 in my camera now too, I wanna test different films, but Tri-x is like the rock star of 35mm films.
I'm going to test this roll out, and then maybe buy some of the other one to compare the results.
I'm a bit worried however about the light seals in the camera, I might have to clean off what's left of them and add some new ones. Also, the shutter doesn't seem to give me constant shutter speeds, especially when shooting with slow speeds below 8th of a second.
The camera store guy said it might have some gunk in the shutter mechanism, that I should clean it up by continuously clicking it a for a while.
I did that, but I'm not sure if it made any difference. And I was already anxious to put the film in, so I did.
Se ve muy bonita y bien conservada la cámara fotografíca, excelente @gamer00
I suppose it's worth a try.