Photography Bah! Workout Yeah! :: Daily and Fresh πŸ“· (197/366)

in #dailyandfresh β€’ 4 years ago (edited)

None of my actual workout photos really worked out for this one... Sheesh...

Good Evening!

Today's post is a bit dull because I messed up the camera settings and everything. Well, I was working out, had my earplugs on, listening to cryptocurrency podcasts, and my thoughts were anywhere but in photography.

Well. It was a good workout anyway. I wasn't exhausted or anything, but I think taking it easy is imperative when there's been a half year long break from your previous workout.

Getting to sweat a bit every day I think is a good thing.

Today I did some back work out and even found out how to do hamstrings with the ancient multi-workout bench thing.

Anyhow. I'll go and take Ninnu for a quick walk now. She seems to want to go out. 😊

See ya!

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Even so simple as this is an excellent space to tone the body @gamer00

Thats a ping pong table. I like it more than soccer though.

Lots gym stuff at there, thus you are looking very good youngness!!