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RE: Leo's 14th birthday cake and getting sick :: Daily and Fresh 📷 (73/366)

in #dailyandfresh5 years ago

Take some earl grey tea! It has the spice to calm down the stomach! Take two capsules of Curcumin (kamin in thai), very good for upset stomach, indigestion and detox the body!
I take one almost daily,forget sometimes; it’s suppose be good for anti viral infection as well.

Hope Leo is feeling much better now!


I just gave him some curcumin in hot water. I'll keep the tea ready for him.

His stomach got even worse overnight, as now he has a diarrhea too. He's been occupying the toilet for quite a while now, and is telling me that he's not only sick in stomach, but now his whole body aches.

If this is a disease after all (instead of what I initially suspected), we are likely all going to get sick in probably less than two days. I wonder if my photo project will be affected.

I really need to go out and buy some essentials, again. I wasn't prepared for quite something like this.

I forgot! Everyone should take up to 3000 grams of Vitamin C and one zinc tablet everyday to fight the virus! Vitamin D3 is also necessary as you are not expose to sunshine!

This is how a Chinese lady never got infected in hospital in Wuhan while she was nursing her relative. The doctor and nurse who warned her that she was courting death all died. So, other doctors asked her what she was taking! She’s crazy about vitamins!

I am taking my own precaution too.

Could you find Chaga tea there? It’s proven that drinking this everyday help two Chinese families not affected by the virus in Wuhan.

Google this Chaga tea, it’s very well known! Here, we have very good Thai and Chinese herbal medicines to take everyday! So, lots of people are not easily affected by the virus!

Shuang Huang Lian is also very good! It’s sold like hot cakes in America but we could not find it here! Google it, it’s everywhere on the internet. You can take this everyday too.
But Chaga tea will be easier to find in. Europe!

Good luck!

Testing if he got the virus!

Ask him to hold his breath for 10 seconds!
If he could do it without difficulty, he's okay.

The big sign is shortness of breath as the lung won't operate normally!

He must have a fever, running nose, dry cough as well!

I think he has food poisoning!
He should not get stress out mentally! As this wound shut down his immune system.

Try to ask him to breath in and out slowly! Counting 1 to 5 or 6 for breathing in, and the same for breathing out.

Think what he ate six to ten hours before his birthday party.

I don't think he has the virus! Comfort him, tell him not to worry too much! Watch out for the fever! Dry cough!

Can't test the breathing now, he is a bit too weak for that. But I think I can answer some of the others.

Shortness of breath, no, but having to have vomited for so long, his muscles are sore and tight, thus making it hard for him to draw air in.

No sniffles, nor cough. Temperature at 37,2°C

I've given him a lot of tea and hot water with curcumin like in Bangkok. He seems to be thinking it helps a bit. Vera made him some ramen Miso (miso, not ramen, my head doesn't work right) broth to regain a bit of lost nutrients.

Yep, doesn't seem like Covid19 alright. But I still have no idea where he could've gotten it from, as he didn't eat anything different from the rest of us. There's no way that could have happened. While there isn't a complete lock-down or curfews, we have all basically self-quarantined here.

That’s a relief that he is just stressed out! I think it’s partly psychological; the mind affects the body!

He must have some hidden fear or anxiety about the virus or something! Got to calm him down and make him believe that this will pass and that he just needs to take it easy. His nerves are very sensitive!

Entertain him with some funny story!

Good luck!

Other signs of catching the virus, some patients would lose the sense of taste and smell!! Test him with something to smell and to taste!

Another note!
Stay in a sauna for ten minutes, breathing in the hot air! The virus inside the upper nasal and air channel will all be killed by heat! This is the advise from a well known medical doctor!