Indeed we do have something in common, and it looks like you've got yourself a nice little blog going here.
Free speech all the way.
I run a conservative discord server, and if you're a conservative and interested, drop by and say hello. Our primary mission is to attempt to save the Republic by healing the divide between the political Left and Right through building bridges. If you enjoy engaging with the left and you also fancy yourself a good writer, we could really use you, if you're willing.
Thanks for the shout-out. It's far more important to us right now than the give-away!
I thank you for the compliment and the invite and I'll most likely drop by and say, "Howdy".
One thing I can tell you, and 891 other people can testify to it, is that I don't fancy myself as a good writer. I can barely put two sentences together that are grammatically correct. I don't let that stop me from telling the way I see things though and politically correct isn't in my vocabulary either.
I wish you well in your quest to "save the Republic by healing the divide" but that isn't where the problem lays. The problem is that we haven't been a functioning republic since the civil war days. Right now there is not one person in the federal government that is holding a constitutional office because none of them have taken the proper oaths.
The whole current government is nothing but a sham; and that isn't just me saying that. I'll give you a quote from a US Supreme Court Justice from 1901 who says the same thing about our government. Justice Marshall Harlan had wrote in the Downes vs Bidwell case, "Two national governments exist, one to be maintained under the Constitution, with all its restrictions, the other to be maintained by Congress outside and independently of that instrument.”
Back then folks didn't have the means of research or communications that we have today so his dissenting opinion in the case went unnoticed for nearly 100 years. He knew damn well that the congress wasn't following the constitution and it has only gotten worse over time.
If you want to save the Republic get a good grip on the history of the country before you start trying to heal the divide between the left and right "bystanders" because that isn't where the real problem exists. There isn't a dimes worth of difference between the left and right now, the only thing that a member of congress is concerned with is getting reelected.
We need to inform people as to what the problem is and demand that congress follows the constitution. I've written on the stuff now for going on three years between here and the FIRED other side of this block chain. It amazes me how little we as a society actually know about our true history.
Thanks again and I'll make my way by to visit soon.
Until next time,