A Dash of Sult N Papper 07/25/20> I’m back just in time for the Saturday Hive Give Away

in #dailydose5 years ago (edited)


Well, I missed...

Well, I missed the last couple of days putting a Dash together but I’m caught back up now. Last I left you I had reported that I got my truck situation straightened out and it does in fact seem to be running just fine again.

On Friday I even got to take it to make a job site visit to a contractor who wants to install a pump for an irrigation system at an apartment complex. So I quadrupled my usual weekly mileage of lately with that one little trip.

I've been super...

I’ve been super busy at my main line of work and also the evenings have been occupied with cranking out drawings. That hasn’t left much time to do anything so that is the reason for the couple of missing days this week of posting a Dash. Let’s face it though; Saturday is the most important day of the week when it comes to Dashes since that is the day I give away HIVE.

How many of...

How many of you got the $0.50 HIVE for entering the quote contest? Did you even look to see if I actually transferred the HIVE to you? There was actually an opportunity for you to double that amount up had you caught my error and made me aware of it. But that ship has sailed so now I will tell you about it.

I wanted to give each person at least $1.00 for entering the contest but when I started adding in prize categories that meant I was short in making the HIVE stretch to cover everything I wanted to do. I could cover $0.50 but not $1.00.

So, in looking at the situation I decided to make an error on the transfer “memo” line and if anyone would have pointed it out I was going to transfer them an additional $0.50.

All the transfers done in connection with the contest that were the $0.50 HIVE had the word “quote” misspelled. I was careful not to make the same mistake on the more substantial prize transfers; I didn’t want to have to double up those prize earnings. My budget was $60 HIVE and I think I ended up passing out $84 on that last contest.

Most of you...

Most of you know that I will do little stuff like that just to keep you and me on our toes. I hate to publish stuff with spelling errors and I encourage you to let me know when I’ve screwed up, there just might be a reward in it for you and it doesn’t hurt my feelings one bit to be called out on a mistake.

I've been trying...

I’ve been trying to come up with the next contest and I think it has finally come to me while reading @bigtom13 stories this week of his meeting his long lost family. I think back while reading his stories about the things he might have missed; family traditions.

This year has been a guzbucked year for most of us with all this COVID lock down crap going on and I can tell you that a lot, and I mean a whole lot, of traditions have been broken this year because of it. The class of 2020 can testify on my behalf as to the extent of traditions broken like prom, after prom, senior trips, and graduation ceremonies and parties just to name a handful.

Those are all things they will never get back and the traditions of those have been broken now. How long those will remain broken will remain to be seen, it could be just this year or it could go on for quite some time.

I am struggling...

I’m struggling right now with the details(rules) for the contest. I think it is a good theme, “Family Traditions”, but how to go about it is what I’m struggling with.

The contests I normally do are simple and easy and pay fairly well and I would like this to be the same way. Pictures wouldn’t really convey the story of your “family tradition” but they might add to the story. I think we can pretty much agree that it would have to be a written story, but what length?

Then there are the prize categories? Plus there is the all important defining the term “tradition”? How long do you have to something in order for it to become a tradition? As you can see we are going to have to put some thought into this contest. Yes, I said “we”.

I am looking...

I’m looking for suggestions and whatever help you want to offer. I think I’ve got the prize money covered, I still have over $100 HIVE in my poker account and a very sweet lady sent me $25 HIVE to put towards my next contest too, so not really looking for prize money, mainly ideas.

I have to think that we’ll need a category for the best “broken because of COVID” family tradition too. My guess is that plenty of family reunions that are set at 5 or 10 years intervals have been nixed because of COVID.

One thing I...

One thing I discovered by accident with my last contest was that the contest needs to have appeal to all countries and cultures. I have to believe that no matter where you live and what culture you are in that there are traditions.
Those traditions might be called by some other name for your local but if your reading this Dash then chance is you can make the translation to your native language.

@bigtom13 was the inspiration for the “Family Traditions” idea but that also lead me to think about a song for the contest as well. Hank Williams Jr. came to mind real quickly, so take a listen to his “family traditions”.

Seeing that it...

Seeing that it is Saturday I need to do the Saturday Hive Giveaway and something I have done in quite a while is go pick three winners at random from the multitude of accounts here on HIVE. So I’m going to break away for a couple minutes and scan the most recent posts on HIVE and see if I can find some new folks to give away some HIVE too. Listen to Hank Williams Jr. again and I’ll be right back.

Okay, I'm back...

Okay, I’m back with the first winner this week and it is @jimenadaniela and here is the post I found of theirs. Pretty good “thinker “ this one is and this post is worth reading and an upvote.


Next we have @madesanchg and I just happened to catch her on her 24th birthday so drop by and wish her a happy birthday if wouldn’t mind. She is an instant favorite of mine I can tell you already since she enjoys Corona Extra!


The final selection this week goes to @factsfirst and they just joined this month to HIVE. I need to go back and see just what they are all about. Being based in Washington, DC there just might be some “insider” information that can be gained by keeping an eye on this blog account.


That will do it for this week’s Hive give away and congratulation to this week’s winners.

Let me know...

Let me know what ya’ll think of the next contest idea, I am excited to get another contest underway soon. I don’t like holding on to other folks HIVE any longer than needed so the sooner we can nail down some details the sooner we can start the Family Traditions contest or some other one.
Enjoy your weekend!

Until next time,

FYI: As like always; any person mentioned by name in one of my weekly give away posts receives $1 HIVE as well so @bigtom13 has one coming his way too.

Photo credits: Sult N Papper


Family Traditions sounds like a good idea for a contest. Perhaps having the entrants write a brief 150 t0 250 word paragraph describing the tradition. I can't wait for this one just to read about all the traditions of the members of Hive across the world.

Yes, I am thinking short, sweet and to the point. This could be very interesting.

You picked an awesome song and musician for this post! I will have to start thinking on this one now. My best (and worst) thinking though is done in the middle of the night when I can't sleep. If I can think of anything not already suggested then I'll let you know. 😉

There isn't a better song about family traditions as far as I'm concerned, Junior did a real good job with this one.
Thanks. Sult.

You're very welcome! 💖

You are a generous man Sult, and I'm not just talking about the Hive giveaway but the fact that you look for new Hive users despite being such a busy man!

Family traditions sound like a wonderful contest theme and no guessing that food traditions or special celebrations would be my choice. I agree with @cecicastor about having to write a post consisting of a certain number of words. Contests that are quite challenging too is when the post has to contain an exact number of words eg 250, no more and no less. Looking forward to that and nice that you were inspired by @bigtom13's wonderful reunion with his biological family!

Thank you Lizelle. I like the idea of a short story, but I get a little uneasy with making it an exact number of words. Mainly because I am the one who will actually have to end up counting each entry for the correct number of words. I don't know that I want to tackle that one right now.
Now I'm not ruling it out, but I will have to give that some serious consideration. I know from the limited writing contests I've entered those have always been the toughest to write for. Especially for me when I like to describe things fully.
I think the future of HIVE hasn't even arrived here yet, so we need to keep an eye on the newcomers as they enter here. I know I didn't know what to expect when I arrived over at FIRED and I made some long lasting friendships that continue to this day. Always is good to check every now and then. Sort of setting a good example to them is the way I see it, just a small thing that could make a lasting impression.
Have a great day,

Indeed we do have something in common, and it looks like you've got yourself a nice little blog going here.

Free speech all the way.

I run a conservative discord server, and if you're a conservative and interested, drop by and say hello. Our primary mission is to attempt to save the Republic by healing the divide between the political Left and Right through building bridges. If you enjoy engaging with the left and you also fancy yourself a good writer, we could really use you, if you're willing.

Link: https://discordapp.com/invite/3H7qbHW

Thanks for the shout-out. It's far more important to us right now than the give-away!

I thank you for the compliment and the invite and I'll most likely drop by and say, "Howdy".

One thing I can tell you, and 891 other people can testify to it, is that I don't fancy myself as a good writer. I can barely put two sentences together that are grammatically correct. I don't let that stop me from telling the way I see things though and politically correct isn't in my vocabulary either.

I wish you well in your quest to "save the Republic by healing the divide" but that isn't where the problem lays. The problem is that we haven't been a functioning republic since the civil war days. Right now there is not one person in the federal government that is holding a constitutional office because none of them have taken the proper oaths.

The whole current government is nothing but a sham; and that isn't just me saying that. I'll give you a quote from a US Supreme Court Justice from 1901 who says the same thing about our government. Justice Marshall Harlan had wrote in the Downes vs Bidwell case, "Two national governments exist, one to be maintained under the Constitution, with all its restrictions, the other to be maintained by Congress outside and independently of that instrument.”

Back then folks didn't have the means of research or communications that we have today so his dissenting opinion in the case went unnoticed for nearly 100 years. He knew damn well that the congress wasn't following the constitution and it has only gotten worse over time.

If you want to save the Republic get a good grip on the history of the country before you start trying to heal the divide between the left and right "bystanders" because that isn't where the real problem exists. There isn't a dimes worth of difference between the left and right now, the only thing that a member of congress is concerned with is getting reelected.
We need to inform people as to what the problem is and demand that congress follows the constitution. I've written on the stuff now for going on three years between here and the FIRED other side of this block chain. It amazes me how little we as a society actually know about our true history.
Thanks again and I'll make my way by to visit soon.
Until next time,

I think a tradition is official on the 3rd time.
Do something three years running and you have yourself a tradition.

As far as the contest goes, you could ask for traditions on certain topics like food, games, music, most bizarre.

Another idea would be a what if scenario. Like what traditions could you do with relatives from 1800's if they were alive today.

That's all I have for now. I'll let you know if I think of any other ideas. :)

I thank you for your input Doc. Those are the kind of things I need to take into consideration. I was think that 5 years would be more of the tradition line in the sand but that is why I asked the question.
Please do let me know if you thing of anything else,

Thank you very much for the congratulations, it was my birthday last year. 😅 My next birthday will be December 14, I was illustrating my age in the photo for the post. I'm still so grateful that you like my posts
Regarding the Contest, I think it should be something that draws attention, it would be good to talk about customs and at the same time explain some type of typical food that is made and in this way those of us who do not live the same customs can learn to make that food and enjoy it. I always think about eating 😂😅

My apologies for getting your birthday wrong, I'll make note of that for future use. Do you live in Mexico by chance?
I used to travel in Mexico years ago on business and really enjoyed it there. That is when I took the liking to Corona Extra with limone.
Thanks for your suggestion and look forward to maybe having you enter when the contest is announced.
Have a great day Madelyn,

I'm from Venezuela but I live in Panama, here you take the Corona Extra and Coronita With lemon and salt is delicious. Greetings and of course if I'll be on the lookout for the contest.