When on my Africa jungle safari tour we had come across all these usual animals you see in the wild of the Africa jungles but there was one animal that we were told about that is becoming extinct and that is the African wild dog a very aggressive hunter and why they are becoming extinct is because a lot of the farmers are blaming them for the killing and eating of there cattle , so the farmers are shooting them up. We were lucky enough to come across one we thought at first it was a Hyenas but no it was a African wild dog and they do look vicious.
Category : #dailypetphotography
Category : #dailypetphotography
Thank you @pixresteemer 👍
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Thank you @kona and @dpet 👍
That looks vicious? Dang, what do you want, everything to look like a bunny rabbit? I think they're kinda cute, look at those fuzzy ears!
Cute fuzzy radar ears but definitely wouldn't want to get in it's way..lol 🙀
I saw a huge coyote this morning when I looked out my office window, about 50 ft away, he was almost white, a very light gray, never seen one like it before. By the time I got my camera he was gone though.
Damn you missed out again your to slow sir janton keep that camera around your neck...lol 😅
That's true, I never have a cell phone handy and usually don't even know where the camera is!
Well that's not been a faithful Steemit photography but i bet your guns are on your hip belt...lol 😅
oh yes sir, my guns are always at hand sir hangin. lol. I guess I don't fit the steemit mold.