
I saw a huge coyote this morning when I looked out my office window, about 50 ft away, he was almost white, a very light gray, never seen one like it before. By the time I got my camera he was gone though.

Damn you missed out again your to slow sir janton keep that camera around your 😅

That's true, I never have a cell phone handy and usually don't even know where the camera is!

Well that's not been a faithful Steemit photography but i bet your guns are on your hip 😅

oh yes sir, my guns are always at hand sir hangin. lol. I guess I don't fit the steemit mold.

You wouldn't be you without them sir janton 😊

That's true at least for being out here in the country. In a safe town or city I'd be fine without them. Maybe. lol.