The Caporales is a traditional Andean dance originated in La Paz, Bolivia.[1] Caporales were recreated and presented to the public for the first time in 1969 by the Estrada Pacheco brothers, who were inspired in the character of the 'Caporal' this is the overseer of the black slaves and was usually mixed race, wore boots and held a whip, a dance that belongs to the region of the Yungas, Bolivia[2] The dance, however, has a prominent religious aspect. One supposedly dances for The Virgin of Socavón (patroness of miners), and promises to dance for three years of one's life. Caporal or caporales today is a folklore dance very popularly in the festivities of not only Bolivia, but also Argentina, Chile, Perú, Spain and the United States.
If you look closely, one can see me within the thumbnail.
Alter - lieber @felix.herrmann - bist Du da echt gewesen oder hast dich verpixelt rein editiert in den thumbnail? Wäre zumindest sehr kreativ :-)
Ich war da. Mich sieht man ja auch tanzend im Video. Den Aufwand mich da für 10 sbd reinzuschneiden würde ich mir jetzt auch nicht geben. :D
Selbst wenn wäre es cool - wirst mir langsam gar sympathisch :-) - hab ich schonmal gesagt vor kurzem
Na das freut mich ja.