@enosh steping out of cower and trying to take out one of the archers on the wall. gunnar is speaks to the colonists this is it attack them full on and take the gate down. Daimond is steping out and killing the oger next to them. @Happyme moving out and using the oger as a base to get a easy ear shoot on the wall. but the dead oger is hard to stay still ontopp of his arrows missing the target. but the next one dont.
@stever82 hear the attack command he using his rage speel and going at the oger. in just a few swings the has been hit many times and berly standing. David and . @hhayweaver starting there attack, while @mastergerund is laying up a shoot.
. Davids wolfs are attacking the gate. the guards is joing inn. the gate start to kinks the gate falling backwards in the the fortress.
gunnar ses the wounded oger he drinks a berserker potion then casting a magic missile. David and @hhayweaver is fingering at a archer on the wall gunnars last missile hit true. the two undeads on the wall killing one of the wolfs and hurting one and the guards. but the gate is down and the fortress is for the taking
"no snike attack you are all in combat"
you can move maps it take one action you will ending up in L12
wood gate 0 of 50 "Destroyed"
Stone wall 100 of 100
Potions take one turn to use you can give it to somebody else and your self but it you are unconscious somebody need to give you one of their oven:
health potion 4 hit points
armor potion 8 armor recovery
berserker potion 5 to hit one turn
greater healing potion 20 hit points and armor
rock potion boosting the armor by 30 two turns
Overview over all Colones and Quest Rules.
@stever82(boar fangs amulet)(bear cub)(moose sausage)(ale) 9
weponds(+6 iron spike club/gem 8 dam)(+4 cross bow 8 dam)
4 hit points (15 of 20 armor)
Spells: Rage (increase hit chance by 5 and damage by 2. one action. damage the armor by 5
D20 touch en be put on your self or and ally)
potions 4 of 4:2 greather healing, 1 health potion, 1 berserk potion
Abilities (barbarian armor set): 4 actions per turn . +2 Charge attack range 5 squares)(Rage spell) +1 potions. (dam from the cub and sausage has been added to the weponds)
@mastergerund(Ring,ale,amulet) 9
weponds(+8 Scimitar (Rogue) 4 dam)(+4 bow 2 dam)
4 hit points (13 of 15 Rogue Armor set)(wounded)
potions 4 of 4: 1 health potion,1 rock potion. 2 greater healing potion
Abilities (Rogue armor set)+2 movement speed 1-4 on hide (+10 on hide) +1 potions)
Timothy (ale,ring,amulet, ranger helmet) 7
weponds(+8 Hunter bow (Ranger) 4 dam)(+6 heavy spear (short range)(Ranger) 7 dam)
4 hit points (20 of 20 Armor)
potions 3 of 3: 1 health potion, 1 rock potion. 1 greater healing potion
@enosh(ring.ale,ranger helmet) 8
weapons(+4 sword 2 dam)(+8 Hunter bow (Ranger) 4 dam)
4 hit points (20 of 20 armor)
potions 1 of 3: 1 Greater Healing potion
@Happyme(Ring,Eye of accuracy,ale,Moose sausage) 8
weapons (+7 bow 7 dam)(+5 iron sword 6 dam)
4 hit points (44 of 44 Armor)
potions 3 of 3: 3 Greater Healing potion
hit/damage added to the bow
Diamond(amulet.bone amulet,ale,Moose sausage) 8
weapons(+6 Battle Axe 2-handed (ogre)(10 damage)
20 hit points (31 of 38 Armor)(wounded)
potions 3 of 33 Greater Healing potion
hit/damage added to the axe
@hhayweaver (bear amulet,ale.ranger helmet) 9
weapons(+8 Bow 4 Dam)(+5 heavy spear (short range)(Ranger) 7 dam)
4 hit points (17 of 17 Armor)
potions 3 of 3 1 Armor Potion,1 Health Potions,1 greater healing potion
hit added to the bow
David (ale,ring,spell book) 8
weapons(+5 Cleric Staff 4 Dam)(+4 Bow 4 Dam)
4 hit points (25 of 25 armor) (heal self to full he/armor)
potions 3 of 3 2 Greater Health Potion, 1 Rock Potion.
Spells: heal (D6 armor and hp and armor, line of sight)
Touch heal (D20 armor and hp next to the target)
summon wolf (D20 summoning up to 3 wolfs to fight for you)
the outpost
soldiers (ale,ring,amulet) 9
weapons (+5 spear 5 dam)(improved iron shield)
4 hit points (24 of 24 armor)
soldiers (ale,ring,amulet) 9
weapons (+5 spear 5 dam)(improved iron shield)
4 hit points (16 of 24 armor)(0 of 20 armor rock potion two turns)
location: E3
soldiers (ale,ring,amulet) 9
weapons (+5 spear 5 dam)(improved iron shield)
4 hit points (16 of 24 armor)(+0 of 20 armor rock potion one turns)
location: E4
soldiers (ale,ring,amulet) 9
weapons (+5 spear 5 dam)(improved iron shield)
4 hit points (5 of 24 armor)(wounded)
location: D4
Gunnar (Ring of healing,Amulet,ale) 8
weapons (+7 master long sword 6 dam (Cleric)(Holy shield)
4 hit points (28 of 35 Cleric armor set)(wounded)
potions 5 of 8 4 Greater Health Potion, 1 berserker potion , 0 Rock potion
Spells: touch heal ,heal, blind,magic missile
ability +2 spells +1 hit +3 potions)
undead 5
weapons (+3 hands 2 dam)
4 hit points
-2 movement speed
undead archery (Ring,Eye of accuracy,ale) 8
weapons (+5 cross bow 6 Dam)
4 hit points 15 of 15 armor)
undead archery (Ring,Eye of accuracy,ale) 8
weapons (+5 cross bow 6 Dam)
4 hit points (7 of 15 armor)(wounded)
location :B3 and main fortress map E12
undead warrior (Ring,amulet,ale) 9
weapons (+5 warhammer (two hand) 7 dam)
hit points 4 (25 of 25 armor)
undead wolf(+12 teeth 3 dam)
8 Hit points
(+2 movement and +2 charge range)
undead crossbow ogers (Eye of Accuracy,amulet,ale) 9
weapons (+6 crossbow 8 dam)
20 hit points 20 of 20 armor)
undead ogers (ring,amulet) 7
weapons (+6 Battle Axe 2-handed 7 dam)
20 hit points 10 of 10 armor)
undead Clerics (amulet,ring,ale) p
weapon (+6 Cleric staff 6 dam)
hit points 4 (25 of 25 Cleric armor)
1 greater healing potion
Spells:Heal ,touch heal Summon undead ,Rock armor,
Moldred the lich king (Amulet of the dead,cape of knowledge) 10
weapon (+8 wizard staff (Two hand) 4 dam)
hit points 10 (14 of 14 wizard Armor)
3 greater healing potion
Spells: Teleportation, Fire ball,Fire wall, Summon/Revive undead
Abilitys: +1 spells hit +4 spells damage +1 spells on quests
David is scanning the battlefield for any allies that may need some healing help, everyone within range seems to be in decent shape. He sees his friend hhaywever shooting at something through the broken gate, he then hears him call for help killing an undead PRIEST! David immediately runs to the gate opening next to his friend. He can't believe what he is seeing, the most vile creature he has ever laid eyes upon. For to him, a follower of the one true God, this thing is the greatest abomination he has ever seen and it must be destroyed at all costs.
David action 1: Move to I12
Update: David hits the priest for 4 damage and the wolf hits for 3 damage killing it.
David action 2: Shoot the undead cleric at B4 @rolld20
Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.
You rolled a 17.
He is shaking from the site of this abomination and can't seem to calm his nerves, he wil thy again.
David action 3: Shoot the cleric again @rolld20
Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.
You rolled a 7.
He feels a calming energy move through him and his second arrow finds it's mark. 4 damage to to the priest.
David cannot let this thing exist for one more second. he sends his wolf in to take it down.
Wolf Action 1: Charge attack the Mag at B4 (12 +2 = 14) @rolld20
I want to keep the range going so intro to focus on it again. @rolld20
Posted using Partiko iOS
Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.
You rolled a 2.
I charge attack the archer at f2 @rolld20 with my rage focused I can’t miss
Posted using Partiko iOS
Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.
You rolled a 5.
I strike him hard and he staggers back as I swing again. @rolld20
Posted using Partiko iOS
Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.
You rolled a 2.
My club beats him into the ground. I remember those arrows that hit me and feel no pity. I turn and charge attack the archer on f11 @rolld20
Posted using Partiko iOS
Diamond moves from her cover behind the rock at J3 to E4 as action 1, then charge attacks the undead archer at F11 who is said to have just 9 life remaining after stever82 injures it.
Action 2: @rolld20 to attack with the mighty battle axe.
Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.
You rolled a 3.
Having killed the archer, she turns to see the undead cleric behind the building at B12 of the main fortress map. There is an ogre beside the cleric. Which one shall she go after? She spends little time to determine that clerics generally have the ability to heal, so best to eliminate the cleric rather than having to deal with an ogre that keeps getting healed. She charges the cleric (14+2=16 to hit, 10 damage) @rolld20 for her 3rd action.
Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.
You rolled a 18.
Oh oh!!! The cleric can move fast and she misses.
Happyme sees Diamond disappear behind the fortress wall and jumps off the dead ogre's body at G7 and runs to the now-open gate (C3) for action 1.
From here, happyme can see Diamond in front of an ogre and a cleric.
Action 2: Shoot at the cleric using the bow. @rolld20 (15 to hit, 7 damage).
Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.
You rolled a 8.
The arrow flies true and strikes the undead cleric for 7/29 damage.
Action 3: Set another arrow on the bow string and shoot another arrow at the cleric at B12 of the main fortress map. @rolld20
The gate collapses and immediately I see stever82, happyme, and Diamond disappear into the fortress. A moment later both undead archers disappear from the wall. I then hear happyme call for assistance in killing a cleric? At least that is what I believe I heard?
hhayweaver Action 1: Move north to G12 (main fortress map). I can now see happyme and Diamond engaged with what appears to be a priest of the undead. A vile being it must be destroyed at all cost!!
Update: I hit the undead cleric (mag) for 8 damage it should have 7 life left.
hhayweaver Action 2: Take aim and fire at the undead cleric at B12 @rolld20
Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.
You rolled a 12.
Hit for 4 damage
hhayweaver Action 3: Shoot cleric again @rolld20
Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.
You rolled a 14.
Another hit for 4 damage.
The priest is staggered, I call for my companions to finish him.
Diamond kills the remaining archer at the gate and charges at the cleric at B12 of the main fortress map. Unfortunately, she fails to injure it.
Happyme follows Diamond into the fortress and puts 2 arrows into the cleric at B12 of the main fortress map. The cleric has 15 life remaining. We could really use some help here or we could get pounded badly.
Update I killed the archer on e12 with 20 damage and hit the one on f11 for 10 damage. He has 9 left I hurt myself again for 5 armor
Posted using Partiko iOS
OOC: @norwegianbikeman, are you working ONLY in .jpg format when you make these maps? When I see all the artifacts left over from edits, I would guess that is what you are doing. If that is the case, then... WOW!!! You are doing a lot of work on editing these maps!
Since I have not worked with GIMP, I can't explain how to use the native format for GIMP, but I do know that GIMP does support layers. It will save you a ton of time if you made all changes in the native format by moving the individual (layers) components instead of editing them. Simply grab and move a player or enemy marker and that job is done. Keep moving markers until all are updated to the new positions and then save the work in its native format so that the next day you can move everything again. For posting, you "save as" a .jpg file which flattens all layers into one and that's the image you use in the post (but you still have the original image with the layers). The next day, you simply open the original file with the layers and move stuff around again.
If you don't know how to use layers in GIMP, I believe it would be well worth the time to watch a few tutorials about how it is done, especially if you intend to do these games for a long time. At first it will seem like more work, but after you get used to it, you will understand how much time it saves.
I'm pretty confident that GIMP can do everything Photo Pos Pro can do, so if you wanted a fatter building than the one I gave you, you could simply select it and pull on one side to make it fatter. You can also turn it in any direction to get whatever angle you want. If you want the same proportions but bigger, you grab a corner and drag it out to the size you want. Or, conversely, drag the corner in to shrink its size. If you don't like where the building is, grab it's center point and drag it to where you want it. If you want to turn the building on an angle, grab it's handle and move the mouse to the angle you want. Once you are happy with it and want an exact copy, click on "copy" then "paste into current image" and you have an exact copy at the exact same angle and size. Click it's center and drag it to a location on the map. Now you can manipulate the copy any way you want (turn, resize, etc.).
I love your game and want to help you run it in the most efficient way possible. If GIMP is too complicated, you may wish to download Photo Pos Pro and use that. They have quite a lot of tutorials right within the software (at least the old version does). I like the features in the old version, so am reluctant to update in case the new one doesn't include them.
Here is a screen capture of what I'm talking about:
a been using gimp for years and Photoshop to. a have a system its fast. a tried before whit layers etc but figure out its faster how a do it now. a use layers when its fog etc. now it take me just a few min to update a map.
Oh wow! Care to share how you can update in minutes, because it takes me about 15 minutes to do a simple update on my maps; longer if it is more complex. Mind you, I'm slow at everything. I'm always willing to learn something new though.
am using the clone tools in gimp super easy to move around objectives. a dont know how your program has it.
Ahhhh... You clone the piece you want to move to a new location, then erase the old location? That's pretty clever. However it is still one extra step having to erase the old location. Drag to move is just 1 step and without the worry of having a correctly-sized clone brush.
Your post was mentioned in the Steem Hit Parade in the following category:Congratulations @darklands!
the guards attacking and undead in D8 @rolld20
Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.
You rolled a 12.
hit manual roll: 19,6,11, 8 dam
two undead attacking them 4 times : 8,2,17 and 3 21 dam killing one guard
the oer on the wall is shooting at the guards : 2,15 and 11 killing one more and hitting the last one
the oger is attackind diamond @rolld20
Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.
You rolled a 1.
hit @rolld20
Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.
You rolled a 2.
and hit last attack @rolld20
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