A star to me is a light in the night sky, and nothing else beyond that.
Anything that is not matter is imaginary, and the only matter is now.
My human body is the most advanced physical form I know... Craig :)
YVhXDJ = 3% discount @ genesis-mining.com
DASH Mining calculator @ cryptocompare.com
Hey @craig-grant you're an awesome inspiration! Heres a video I put together where I pieced some of your golden nuggets. Really hope you dig it man! #bless
Link to post on Steemit --> https://steemit.com/craig-grant/@vizualsamuri/why-this-crpto-ep-1-craig-grant-steem-video-2017630t173331631z
perfect :)
@craig-grant I messaged you in Discord chat brother ...have something to run by you.
i replied :)
One last detail for banner.PM'd you over there again @craig-grant
Bro ur doing so well! But when will u start posting Big posts?
Dude Nice ur pplanning some graphic design!?! I am planing some work for steeit ads in Nigeria and Ghana and A<SO ii havethis reallly cool idea to keep takking frog page content off reddit and REST it all on steemit! i think u will likee it its my second mostredent post or so, it shows how we can getan ad campiagn going wth BANNER ds for steemit and on youtubee and faceboook and weneed all sorts of ads may different tpees!
anyway JOhal u shoud be posting man!!
when will u post tho man!? Look at @craig-grant! he posts everyday multiple times and uses it as real incoem ANd it helpes people se him as a person and he TEAHES us tips and tricls and is a great role model and WE NEED YOU on here in vide form johal! u eed ur ntro post!
we wanna see ur johal! we wanna see videos of you and ow you ggot to almopst 3 million with only few thousand last year!!! we wanna hear about yur plants for your millions that u already have and the Billions u ll have as sooon as Steem hits $1000 pr steem which is totally possible and reasonale consideriing steemit is surging froom 200,000 now to sooon 1 million then 2 million and yes it WILL drive !

Yes brother, I have big plans for content.. I will eventually post for sure there is no doubt. For now I will focus on a few other things I am working on. Take care of others expand the platform and support new projects in the STEEM/Graphene eco system.
Looks comfy.
Great video. Thanks so much for sharing it. I learned a lot more about Dash and the X11 mining technique. I like how you made it simple to understand it.
I'm glad you put this up, you've been talking about it a lot and I've had some questions.
Why are your genesis mining posts not deleted by steemclearner?
Looks like I have to start on genesis minning as well. I will start after the bitcoin segwit a d hard fork.
Don't wait.. The DashX11 contracts sell out FAST because they are so profitable. Be sure to use @craig-grant 's code to get your discount!
Can you tell me your experience. What ROI you got in how much time.
Everyone's ROI will depend on the amount of money you invest in the contract. You can upgrade over time once you have a contract to upgrade. This: https://www.cryptocompare.com/mining/genesis-mining/dash-starter-gemini-2-year-small/ << Appears to be the smallest one you can start with;
HOWEVER, if you plug in how much you plan to purchase here:
<< You can see what is estimated for your returns on any amount of MH/s you are considering.
This comment has received a 0.06 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @cryptokraze.
This comment has received a 0.09 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @cryptokraze.
Thanks for sharing @craig-grant I have to look into Dash X11 soon.
Thanks Craig for the update
I've used your discount coupon of 3%
Thank You for supporting us
This is cool I really want to get into mining so will check this out for sure if I get the chance.. useful post!
Yes! Start! Start small and just upgrade as you can.. Putting it off is never good with these technologies because these types of contracts don't LAST long -- they SELL OUT FAST. #ijs
I mine thru Genesis Mining Via Swiss Gold Global which does crypto mining and Gold and silver!!
Blessings to you and keep educating us!!
I know what DASH x11 is!! Cool video!
Back when I was actively trading, I would always say Sia is life. Now after diving deep into Genesis mining, I can confidently say Dash X11 is life! I've been using CryptoCompare a ton - thanks for leaving the link in your videos!
I just saw Trevon's motivational coin count video and now I got a nice crypto mining lesson from your video. You guys are living legends - keep smashing it Craig!
Does dash contracts still profitable?
Lol thanks for sharing that info!
Love watching your vids mate. All the way from Perth Australia! Upvoted !!
Hey @craig-grant - thanks for the tip. I'm learning quickly thanks to guys like you. I honestly believe we're still on page 1 of the Crypto book and it's going to be a long and exciting, sometimes frightening, road ahead!
Genesis Mining have a new customer ;)
Your strategies are spot on. Thanks for helping the ecosystem Craig.
Hope you don't mind me asking: would you buy a baikal miner to mine dash or you would prefer to stay with cloud mining as a long term strategy?
cloud mining
But.. it's only a 2 years contract.. how do you mitigate that risk ?
I don't play with the word "risk", as it implies fear of losing money, and I'm not afraid to lose money
@craig-grant i have some SIGNATURE DESIGNS i am doing for you and @jerrybanfield. Please check my Blog as well and maybe leave some up votes, i will appreciate.
I think it would benefit ANYONE that has $4500 (saved in fiat somewhere) to invest it in a 2 year contract that will return @$840 per month in income that they don't have to LABOR for.. THIS is how you grow your net worth. I don't care how "good" your job is: you only have 24 hours in a day that any company will pay you "working" in one day. Of course, a business, is (or can be) different BUT -- MOST people (98%) of people could benefit from a one-time investment that provides these types of returns. It should be a serious consideration while it's available.