
i replied :)

One last detail for banner.PM'd you over there again @craig-grant

Bro ur doing so well! But when will u start posting Big posts?

Dude Nice ur pplanning some graphic design!?! I am planing some work for steeit ads in Nigeria and Ghana and A<SO ii havethis reallly cool idea to keep takking frog page content off reddit and REST it all on steemit! i think u will likee it its my second mostredent post or so, it shows how we can getan ad campiagn going wth BANNER ds for steemit and on youtubee and faceboook and weneed all sorts of ads may different tpees!

anyway JOhal u shoud be posting man!!

when will u post tho man!? Look at @craig-grant! he posts everyday multiple times and uses it as real incoem ANd it helpes people se him as a person and he TEAHES us tips and tricls and is a great role model and WE NEED YOU on here in vide form johal! u eed ur ntro post!

we wanna see ur johal! we wanna see videos of you and ow you ggot to almopst 3 million with only few thousand last year!!! we wanna hear about yur plants for your millions that u already have and the Billions u ll have as sooon as Steem hits $1000 pr steem which is totally possible and reasonale consideriing steemit is surging froom 200,000 now to sooon 1 million then 2 million and yes it WILL drive !

Yes brother, I have big plans for content.. I will eventually post for sure there is no doubt. For now I will focus on a few other things I am working on. Take care of others expand the platform and support new projects in the STEEM/Graphene eco system.

Looks comfy.