Prize fighters don't train against other champion fighters......they train by Hitting the BIG Bag!
Before we get balls deep into this blog I want to say that i have a freedom and liberty mindset. Adults can get tattoos, piercings, color their hair and do whatever but who are they advertising to?
What is effective game? The game continues to evolve and while many have given up on dating, marriage, and having kids I never gave up.
What was once baseline 60 years ago is actually hard to find in the United States in 2025.
These were just taken today. These are some of the "prospects" in rural Midwestern United States. ๐บ๐ธ๐ฆ I repeat. Olympus Has Fallen.
"Look for more traditional women Brian." "Just be yourself" ๐ค "Focus on yourself." "Meet a church girl."
The last chick I had sex with was a church girl who I made squirt all over the bed. She didn't know she was capable of that and everything was so soaked we had to change the sheets in preparation for round 2. Goes to church every Sunday and went to a small Christian University for college and is looking for a guy who she can get into scripture debates with. I have elite rebuttals for the ultra Christian chicks but they are like any other woman in this society. Their check list is way too extensive to actually be met so most likely they will pick a guy they can control and boss around once their look has declined and they will put in a few years and then divorce him. That's their business / hustle.
If you wondering what I say to the Christian chicks to get further along I cite that I coached at a couple of the Christian college around here which is 100% true. Once I in deeper (after we have had sex) and they are trying to get in scripture debates or see if I am studied up enough to be presented in a church environment I'm able to cite how I'm weary of various churches because it becomes very rule based and judemental. That a lot of churches won't accept individuals who believe Jesus died for our sins and allow a person to grow and develop their relationship with him no matter where their starting point is.
Everything I said is all true but I didn't obligate myself to going to church or any of that. How many of the guys at church do you think are getting those cheeks???? ZERO of them.
It's too regulated and those guys don't meet a lot of the other criteria she is looking for. That chick is 28 now and what will likely happen is she will beebop around looking for a mythical Tim Tebow level character.
What you didn't think I know the competition I'm up against???? "Tim Tebow is taken."
Guys it doesn't matter a lot of times. They become enamored with the idea of a certain person and it effects their interactions with all other men.
Tim Tebow effective comboed up a flurry of Christian game, top athlete game, physique game, good looking "chad" level looks.
He is arguably the best college football player in history winning 2 National Championships at Florida. Then he has a winning record in the NFL and he got a shot at baseball and we got to see if his hitting could hold up against Triple A pitching.
Tebow is the real deal and I do respect the guy. He is a legitimate leader and guys really rallied behind him.
All that being said. Even when you do come across a woman that does meet enough criteria to meetup with a lot of times we aren't built up enough to overcome a fictitious character built up in her mind.
"I want a guy like Tebow that wears a necklace with a cross on it, but has arm sleeve tattoos and sings like Kane Brown, but makes me squirt and having screaming orgasms like that Phobos character."
You only have so much bandwidth. Are you going to deploy face tat badboy game? Country music star game? Top athlete game? Fin tech bro game? Are you going to memorize the Book of Morman and move to Utah? Move to the dirty South and start talking in Tongues?
It would seem that we have never been at this point in human history where there is a global sexual market place at least in women's minds.
Chicks that don't even meet baseline requirements from 60 years ago are getting more attention than a Queen would have a few hundred years ago. It's just the reality of it.
You might think that guys like me are getting out played by the younger set of guys. I have been deep in the weeds with this and its largely not the case. Are there a few niche situations where there are younger guys with more well rounded game and in their microcosm they are a standout character and that affords them additional traction in that environment. Like a star athlete in college. They aren't getting as much play as you would think though because their overall game isn't built up as much and they have a lot to lose if a chick makes accusations so they have to proceed with caution which oftentimes is too slow.
Trust me. There are tons of really good looking athletic guys on these college campuses getting NO PLAY and then maybe pounding out an absolute slump buster on Christmas or summer break. Getting their reps in on the big bag. ๐ณ๐ฌ
We live in a world where whores make more than doctors and top level athletes. Let that sink in.
So your top college male athletes might look like a joke to a lot of these OnlySimps whores. Even their hot female counterparts who are athletes at those same schools can end up making more through the NIL brand deals at this point.
They are saying this hot gymnast from LSU has a net worth of $9.5 Million.
So suddenly women's college athletes are worth more than half the guys in the NBA, NFL, MLB, or NHL.
It's just what it is. I'm not complaining about it. The market has spoken. We have to adjust.
The 8's and 9's who are in college have abandoned the dating apps. The club and bar scene is mainly dead. Girl's nights and girls trips constantly.
Tom Brady wasn't good enough to have another kid with. Gisele wanted the control. She felt like she was living in Tom's shadow so out of spite she let her trainer knock her up. Flexing on Tom and showing how she does what she wants.
Their actions won't make logical sense in 2025 guys. We have to adjust. This is nothing new but in the past they couldn't move like this.
The world told them they were in charge. If you ask a single mom she will probably tell you a single mom created the iPhone and the internal combustion engine.
We are in uncharted territory and its hard to gauge success compared to previous timelines.
What I'm seeing is that dudes who would have had 20 legitimately attractive women wanting to have their kids can't sustain traction with women they could really invest in. They want the power and control in the United States. ๐ฆ ๐บ๐ธ
Weighing half as much as me and less than half as strong as me. These little Napoleon's will test you over and over again.
Church girls cannot discuss scripture.
They bring up, did God mean this or that, in this section?
And, i pull up the old translations, and then everything goes off the rails.
How do you even start, when they bring up Elohim (A group of El) and believe it is just another name for God.
Elohim could be the group of beings that designed this universe. Or this galaxy. It makes a lot of senseโฆ
or Elohim is a group of space aliens that came to Earth to play god with it. And, these El loved drink and parties, just like some "gods" that lived on Mt. Olympus.
Then you must look at many other relationships (in words) Like the Angels Gabri-El, and Mike-El
And the word "Hello" probably came from how to greet an El without losing your head. H' (an honorific) El -oh. Because hello doesn't have any older roots. It just popped into being. Just like Amen. Which might be short for Amenhotep. And the word hell might be from H'-El, meaning, damn my bad luck, i have met an El.
Soooo, how do you even speak to your good christian woman? Even if you are far more versed in the literature than she is.
Interesting stuff for sure and I say very basic stuff to them and stay extremely high level and let them talk and then try to roll it into another topic.
I will say stuff like, "If it's community and family focused I'm all for it." ๐
I can't tell you the amount of these women that are late 20s and well beyond looking for a Tim Tebow and all the guys in their high school and the thousands upon thousands of guys at their college were disqualified and then they are on dating apps getting tens of thousands of matches and all those guys aren't qualified.
In theory I would probably be best served to watch some YouTube crash course on the bible that was an animated summary. Not that I know nothing but that could strengthen my rebuttals.
We are just in such a weird time. 10 years behind Japan in our population collapse.