Church girls cannot discuss scripture.
They bring up, did God mean this or that, in this section?
And, i pull up the old translations, and then everything goes off the rails.
How do you even start, when they bring up Elohim (A group of El) and believe it is just another name for God.
Elohim could be the group of beings that designed this universe. Or this galaxy. It makes a lot of sense…
or Elohim is a group of space aliens that came to Earth to play god with it. And, these El loved drink and parties, just like some "gods" that lived on Mt. Olympus.
Then you must look at many other relationships (in words) Like the Angels Gabri-El, and Mike-El
And the word "Hello" probably came from how to greet an El without losing your head. H' (an honorific) El -oh. Because hello doesn't have any older roots. It just popped into being. Just like Amen. Which might be short for Amenhotep. And the word hell might be from H'-El, meaning, damn my bad luck, i have met an El.
Soooo, how do you even speak to your good christian woman? Even if you are far more versed in the literature than she is.
Interesting stuff for sure and I say very basic stuff to them and stay extremely high level and let them talk and then try to roll it into another topic.
I will say stuff like, "If it's community and family focused I'm all for it." 😁
I can't tell you the amount of these women that are late 20s and well beyond looking for a Tim Tebow and all the guys in their high school and the thousands upon thousands of guys at their college were disqualified and then they are on dating apps getting tens of thousands of matches and all those guys aren't qualified.
In theory I would probably be best served to watch some YouTube crash course on the bible that was an animated summary. Not that I know nothing but that could strengthen my rebuttals.
We are just in such a weird time. 10 years behind Japan in our population collapse.