One of my youngest bitcoin customers died from an overdose

in #death7 years ago (edited)

I got a telephone call from the police today, crime section. As some of you know, I do sell and buy bitcoins and other crypto currencies domestically for bank- and cash payments.

A young man, foreigner, 16 years old, was buying Bitcoin from me by cash (no big amounts) in late 2016 and early 2017. He seemed to be a clever, intelligent and friendly guy. Then he apparently bought some illegal drugs on the dark web spending bitcoins on it (some totally unknown drug to me - I suppose some modern synthetic stuff) ... and died from it.

This have put some mental stress on me today. I have no words for it. He would have been a smart, experienced and quite rich 17 years old boy today if he would have saved those bitcoins - instead he's four feet under.

I do have a 13 years old son myself.

I've had some few underage customers buying bitcoins from me, but I always thought ... why not. It's their money, and they are big enough to decide how to use it. Further, credit card payments are difficult by underage people - my own son has frequently been throwing me cash and asking me to buy games for him using my credit card, it sucks! Buying games for hard-earned bitcoins is a prime example where bitcoin shines. For a while (with bitcoin transaction fees still being insignificant) I even paid my son small amounts of money by bitcoins for going out with the garbage and other mundane tasks.

The guy was a foreigner - probably not an immigrant, immigrant children tend to learn the language quickly, possibly he was here for an exchange stay. He's English was spotless, I suppose he could have been British. Came to think, I had some friends that went abroad for a year when we were at that age, and one thing I eventually discovered was that they were too young to stay one year away from home. They changed far too much during that year, they were not the same person I once knew when they got back again. One of them was fanatically against alcohol and any other kind of drugs when he left - and he stayed sober for almost a year in Germany - until he flipped so totally and absolutely over. When he came home he was drinking, smoking non-stop and using snuff, I believe he was even trying out more heavy narcotics for a while.

I don't feel guilty in any sense - this wasn't my fault. It was totally unexpected for me that such an apparently clever guy would rush to the "dark markets" and buy things that weren't good for him - and then die from it. Should I have anticipated the risk and asked why a young guy like him wanted bitcoins? Maybe I should ask the next fellow looking young and wanting to buy bitcoins for cash ... "what do you need those bitcoins for"? Anyway, I feel terribly sad for this fate.


Poor kid. You can't blame yourself though.

You cant blame yourself on it bro. People have their own responsibilities, even if they are minors.

When I was still living in Holland these fabricated synthetic drugs were really trending at that moment. Almost for nearly nothing you can buy stuff online and test it out.

Last year I was talking to a friend about bitcoins (who was totally not into investing or crypto at that moment) and all of a sudden he said: 'yeah I have a bitcoin wallet actually..for mail orders back in the days..'

We just dont know. I understand you feel like suck though. But as they say in the 'banking on bitcoin' docu: Drugs are also bought with cash...should we throw out all cash??

Its not your fault brother, dont blame yourself, it was his decision. We are humans and we can think what is good for us and what is not. But still i have my condolense for him :( i just can pray for him :(

And why did the police call you?

That's a good question, he didn't say. He presented himself as an investigator from the crime department. A death from overdose hardly sounds like something justifying a murder investigation, though I suppose they would like to catch whomever sold the illicit drugs, and I guess they considered me as a lead. It was an informal request for information as I see it - this bitcoin buying/selling stuff has brought me in touch with the police more often than what I'm comfortable with, I've had the roles as "suspect", "witness" and "victim", in those cases we always have a taped interview and I'm supposed to read through and correct the report.

WTF! terrific story, poor guy... I don't think you have to blame yourself for that anyway...This things happen...

Sad to hear this! This shoud not be done!

Your fault is not here. Its experience not to hand. All young people make mistakes. Sometimes fatal.

Its terrible to hear of people making so bad choices.
So sad that you had to go through all that mental stress.

Sad story and drugs are terrible. but the guy was a great prospect, if not for drugs...

Jeg og noen kompiser pleide også å kjøpe ting som ikke var så bra for oss på "dark web". Har heldigvis stoppet med det nå. Det er som du sier, dette er ikke din feil. Sykt trist når sånt skjer, men det kan fort skje.