Put that lying bitch in her place!
Lie after lie out of her mouth.
He even asked Anderson cooper why he isn't continuing on the emails.
This is the shit I been waiting for!!!!!
Lol. What, you think the entire debate should be about emails? And you think anything Donald has said was true? Hey, I have a sniff bridge to sell you, sniffinterested?
you don't have to worry about the emails her handelers moved past the question for her, that s why trump asked why they were doing that.
I can prove what he said was true with links and actual sources. would you like me toprovide you with some?
oh no he is sniffiling, so everything he says must be fake. lol
Hillary has been lying non stop, im guessing you go to her Clinton fact checker site that is bias to get your facts too. LOL
I can provide links if there is something you think he was lying about.
let me know I would be happy to bring a little truth into this.
And look, they had like three back and forth exchanges about thr email. Trump won't let things go, the moderators needed to move things forward... It's literally the point of moderators. The lack of that is why so many Internet debates go on long past any usefulness.
Plus, remember Trump had his Russian friends hack the government servers. Hillary's were apparently more secure.
She just walked around the subject like when she was on trial. I gess if you just ramble off nonsence and lies till time is out so the question is skiped is not the same as avoiding the question to you?
The moderators are bias, they are only there to help Clinton. if you want I can provide a link to my post today with a shit ton of links to a bunch of proof showing how they are bias.
Trumps Russian friends? LOL There is no proof that Russia had anything to do with it. in fact ggucifer 2.0 is the hacker that did it. you are jst parroting the same lies the main streem media says over and over.
It has been said in court she to a sledge hammer to the server to destroy the information. that isn't even the fact that she had a bunch of people with noclearance on clasafied material read all of the emails and erase them. oh and the emails are out there. that is why we keep getting more and more leaks on them.
You claim hillarys servers were secure but in the court hearings it has been stated by the fbi that her servers werte hacked a bunch of times and the hackers got the clasafied information. -smh-
Again you eed to stop going to Hillary supporting "fact checkers". maybe so a little fact checking on your own?
Fucking swear
She avoided the question? Trump spent the entire Supreme Court question to talk about Hillary's finances!
And the moderators wouldn't let her reply... But you're too biased to notice that right?
As for a sledgehammer to the servers... Yeah, that wouldn't work. The data could still be read, so that was very clearly a rumor made up by people who don't know computers.
lol, I noticed they wouldn't let her reply. another skipped question for her. you are proving my point.
You think they didn't let her reply to is as help to trump? I see it as help to Clinton to not have toanswer questions during a debate.
It is not a roumer it was talked about in the fbi court hearings. and I said it did not destroy the emails and that is why they keep getting leaked. maybe you should be telling her that doesn't get rid of the data not me.
I swear you don't look anything up for yourself online do you? you just parrot the talking points that have been repeted over and over it feels like.
The moderators were specially picked bias reporters. here are some links.
again I will say they are helping her dodge questions. it does not matter what I think though, the facts are out there is you actually want to check stuff your self instead of taking someone word for it.https://steemit.com/politics/@skeptic/bias-debate-and-no-one-cares
Look, I'm a programmer... I'm basically taking exception to the lack of technology savvy he displayed by calling it acid washing as well as claiming it was expensive.
There are plenty of ways to scrub hard drives, acid... Well, honestly the right kind of acid would probably work but usually you run software to repeatedly overwrite the bits with garbage and then shred the drive for good measure.
Did Clinton mishandle email? Seems pretty likely. Did she do it in a way worse than Republicans? No. Is that worse than the Things Trump has done? Again, no.
"I'm basically taking exception to the lack of technology savvy he displayed"
Yes to those in the know it makes him appear like a luddite.
Unfortunately there are many that will be just as clueless as he is about it. I bet he even had it explained to him and is deliberately continuing this line of describing it.
Any and every fact check site shows he lies more than any other politicians.
1st debate: "I'm proud I paid 0 taxes.
2nd debate:" I paid hundreds of millions in taxes. "
Is he seriously trying to convince us he's going to get rid of loopholes he takes advantage of himself but Hillary won't do it for" friends? " At fucking best neither of them will but Trump os lying more about it.
I take it you are going to bias fact checking site. lol
So all you care about is his taxes? lol
Im sorry but the things you are bringing up as bad about trump is drips compared to the flood of lies on the Clinton side.
no matter what is said your going to bash trump and support Clinton.
She stole the nomination do I rally need to say more?
it should be berrnie vs trump
the people don't want Clinton in mass. just look at the numbers of people that the rallys. Clinton is lucky to have a thousand people at hers, trump has tens of thousands showing up for his and they sell out every time.
Main streem media is warping the truth so much people unwilling to do some actual fact checking on their own are clueless.
The amount trump payed in taxes really matter that much compared to the hundreds of billions Hillary stole from Haiti or the "pay to play" scandal that has been proven in the leaks?
I really don't see a comparison in any of it.
According to many conservatives all fact checking sites are biased. Never mond how much they cite everything...
I would love if it were Bernie up there, but she did not steal the election and all the news sites telling you Hillary is so corrupt would be saying the same things about Bernie... Because they were invented to smear Liberals.
His taxes and hateful words... And lack of plans, and wanting to use nukes, and inability to maintain leadership in his companies.
Well I have been directed to 3 different fact checking sites by Hillary supporters and all three I checked were bias as fuck. maybe it has to do with the fact that a lot of people are to lazy to check facts themselves and would rather just hop on a Clinton website for fact checking never asking them selfs I maby the Clinton site might give bias input.
You say she did not steel the nomination? are you really that disconnected from reality? it is a proven fact from the first email dump. 5 of the head people of the dnc steped down even. would you like some links to proof of it? it is not a hard one to find because of how huge it was.
where did he once say he "wants" to use nukes? how is he not maintaining leadershp in his companys? last I checked he has not been overthrown from any of them. or are you saying that because he deligates the work out to other people he lost control? Lack of plans? I think he has laid down just as much as goes for plans as Clinton. and yeah back to the taxes and hateful words.
TBH im going to vote for trump just to piss every little whiny bitch out there that get effected by words more then actions. People need to harden the fuck up. did you not learn "sticks and stone will break my bones but words will never hurt me"? you are choosing to be upset over words, it is not his fualt it is yours. you are choosing to be offended. -smh-
Also im as far as you could get to a conservative.
I will agree that arming anyone is a bad idea and I am in no way saying trump is great. he is a fucking asshole and has a lot of policies I disagree with but I disagree with more of what Hillary says and have no respect for her with the amount of lies she has been caulght in let alone all the criminal stuff. She will say anything and she has even been called out on it.
The ordeal with the kurds the sunies and the shiets isa fucked up situation. they have been in a holy war with each other of hundreds of years, we should just get the fck out and have nothing to do with it. It is different sects of uslims in a holy war because they all believe their version of the muslim religion is right and they all say kill the non believer. you may claim to be muslim but they kill you because you aren't the "right" kind of muslim.
I personally believe we have no bisness jumping in to some one else holy war.
So yeah I agree with your statement and sorry about the rant. I got like 3 different people hittin me with comments at the same time so im getting them mixed up and rushing to answer them all.
Trump's done as much, or more, bad things... He just hasn't had an entire political party working to "prove" it for the last 8 years.
As for the moddle east, we're there because of oil. Nothing more, nothing less. And it sounds like Hillary is the only one who cares at all about getting us off of oil.
She is part of the group that pushed us into war there.
you claim trump has done more "bad things" but you cant supply proof to back up your statements.
Ifi make a bunch of false statements with nothing to back them up with you would say you have nothing to back that up with so it is null and void and I would agree. in same fashion I will say, you have nothing to back that up and even said there is nothingto back it but because of"reasons" and so there for it is null and void.
I prefer facts, logic and reason thank you very much but you can keep your feelings.
I wasn't aware Hillary was around in 1948, when we first started seriously meddling with the Middle East.
You have Benghazi and emails, one of which was admitted to be a political attack and the other of which was done by several Republican people in her same position.
Meanwhile Trump has dodged taxes, uaed his charity's funds for personal gain, bribed attorney generals, robbed many of the people he did business with, violated our trade embargo with Cuba, worked with Russians, asked Russia to hack government servers, admitted to not paying taxes, lied about not being able to release his returns because of an audit, is under audit, has stated he wants oir troops to commit war crimes, has stated he wants to violate several constitutional amendments, is about to stand trial for raping a 13 year old girl... And, frankly I'm a little drunk right now so don't feel loke googling for more.
Meanwhile the fact remains that every time he's gone bankrupt his business partners force him out of controlling the interest.
The thing is, even if Hillary is as evil as Conservatives say she is... At least I think she's competent. I don't think Trump is competent, and that's why he's running on a platform of xenophobia rather than a platform of actual plans to accomplish "Making America Great Again."
@@ -1,278 +1,853 @@
I w
-asn't aware Hillary was around in 1948, when we first started seriously meddling with the Middle East. %0A%0AYou have Benghazi and emails, one of which was admitted to be a political attack and the other of which was done by several Republican people in her same position. %0A%0A
@@ -1466,19 +1466,238 @@
or more.
+ish I was drunk too, my whole evening has been responding to your posts and some other person. I have posts I need to make about people flagging me out of political opinion but im suck dealing with this. :/%0A%0Aok fuck.%0A%0A%3EI wasn't aware Hillary was around in 1948, when we first started seriously meddling with the Middle East.%0A%0AI was referring to her vote to go to war in Iraq.%0Ahttp://www.msnbc.com/hardball/watch/clinton-defends-her-iraq-war-vote-644430403940%0A%0A%3EYou have Benghazi and emails, one of which was admitted to be a political attack and the other of which was done by several Republican people in her same position. %0A%0Aumm no, there is a paper trail longer then I could copy and paste. here is a quick 22 posted in the Washington times%0Ahttp://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/oct/12/bill-clinton-hillary-clinton-scandals-ranked-from-/%0A%0A%3E
+%0A%0Atomorrow please provide some links to the list of stuff. I haven't even gotten to stop responding to replys and am no longer in any mood to look stuff up. im actually getting really annoyed at making these replys now.
@@ -1814,19 +1814,95 @@
+%0A%0Aless then 1%25 as I stated in my last reply that you got after sending this.
The thin
@@ -2002,177 +2002,1923 @@
I don't think Trump is competent, and that's why he's running on a platform of xenophobia rather than a platform of actual plans to accomplish %22Making America Great Again.%22
+%0A%0Awell what is it then, is she a compentent criminal or Incompet and just fucked up over and over?%0Ahttp://www.thepoliticalinsider.com/judge-hillary-was-absolutely-incompetent-as-secretary-of-state-heres-why/%0A%0A%3E I don't think Trump is competent, and that's why he's running on a platform of xenophobia rather than a platform of actual plans to accomplish %22Making America Great Again.%22%0A%0Anice use of a key word. lol what is xenophobic about it?%0A%0ADo you realize the use of those words do not have effect on most of us now days. the moment I hear any of those key words I just laugh. they are used to shut down an argument and have been watered down so much they no longer work.%0Awe get it you all call him xenophobic, islamphobic, raciest, secxist, bigoted, ect ect......%0A%0ACalling him xenophobic is not a reason why his plans wont make America great again. it is just using a key word that normally has a emotional reaction. a lot of us no longer care because of pc culture. the only reaction you will get from me when calling me those things is a big laugh because how retarded it is and the fact that I know im not any of that stuff. maby if I was unsure about myself or maye a closet raciest or anyother keyword but I know im not and just proves how stupid it is to try to pull that card. I know you have reasons that are real but using that pc culture word weapons does not help you support your side of the argument. %0A%0Atrump has a tower in Dubai and that is a place that is over 85%25 muslim. I do not see him as a islmaphobe/xenophobe, raciest, ect......%0Ahe does a lot and I mean a lot of bisness in muslim countrys.%0Ahttp://money.cnn.com/2015/12/08/news/donald-trump-muslim-countries-business/%0A%0ASorry im taking so long to reply, if I close this and have another 30 replys I might call it a night, I will respond back to anything you send me it just might not be till tomorrow when I wake up.%0AOh, and Drink one for me! xD
wtf, im not re writing that. ima leave it corrupted and ill reply tomorrow again. that reply just took me 30min and im ot doing it again tonight. sry. :/ its fucked up most of what I wrote is gone and just the bottom half is there, had mad links and I answered every line. it even added some etra stuff in the beginning. im sry ill get toit tomorrow
Strange... Did you write in another program or something? Only thing I can think of is some non-ASCII characters were pasted in and messed up the formatting...
naw I typed it in steemit.
same thing happened today but I copied it before I hit post and after I went to edit and pasted over the corrupted text. no clue why its doing that. I tried to make it as close to the original.
You claimed his handlers moved them past the email question, but he had already replied twice on that... In fact that's the pattern:
All they've done is let her finish sentences. He keeps doing the first two minutes, interrupting her, then trying to do a second response on the same question... Then when the moderators try to move on he whines that it's unfair he isn't getting twice as many chances to reply.
she never answered any of it, she pulled a red herring and laced it with lies.
Did you not watch the fbi ordeal? If you want I can supply a link to a video with the fbi getting reamed by congress and answering a bunch of questions saying she is lying. just let me know it wouldn't take me long I don't think.
She answered it, she went into detail on some nuances and stated she only deleted personal emails. Was she lying? Maybe, but she definitely addressed the question.
More importantly, it's a very minor issue. Several Republican secretaries of state also used personal email... But suddenly we're supposed to care because Clinton. Seriously?
an it was a proven lie that she deleted more then just personal stuff. I guess addressing questions with full out lies wrapped in a red herring is ok.
Yes we should care. she has lied about it over and over, people that have done less are still in prison. it is not a minor issue and if it was we wouldn't be having all these email leaks that the mainstream media is trying to withhold from the public.
Do you isten to the lies she tells or do you just look at her lips moving while you wait to freak out about trump sniffing talking about Hillary crimes instead of answering other questions or taxes or hateful words?
We are doomed and people are to busy talking about stupid shit to think about what is going on.
Shit is going to get bad because of the retard level in the usa and quick.
Hillary = WW3
Trump = civil war/martial law
I see a lot of SJW's throwing a tantrum if trump wins and starting a cvil war. I also see WW3 poppin off becaue Hillary wans to fight with Russia and still wants to take out assad.
We are doomed and not the reasons people are pushing. im getting sick of talking to people that don't have a clue of what oiis really going on because they are to lazy to look stuff up on there own and just accept the force feeding of the propaganda mainstream media.
I wish veryone would get off there ass and look shit up to learn the truth, I realize the truth is "hateful" but ignoring the truth is not helping anyone in anyway.
an it was a proven lie that she deleted more then just personal stuff. I guess addressing questions with full out lies wrapped in a red herring is ok.
You make a lot of claims that things are proven without actually citing them...
Hillary = WW3
Trump = civil war/martial law
LOL. Likely Hillary would mean civil war, given the sheer number of people like you utterly convinced that the elections are rigged. Trump is highly likely to pull the "rigged election" card as a last chance power grab. All the militia groups out there waiting to start shooting muslims will flock to him.
Trump is also likely to start WW3 by being overly aggressive and using military solutions for everything around the world.
Except... pretty sure the militia groups in the US would take about 5 seconds to be put down. So even if that is the result of Trump's inability to see past his giant ego, we'll be fine. Remember, we're talking about the guys who took over a Wildlife Refuge (LOL) and snuck out at night to go drinking before getting into fights with each other.
Like I said, I'll take the competent evil leader over the evil buffoon any day.
That was a bit tongue in cheek you know. Yet you're proving my original point... that if the moderators hadn't forced it to stop, they would have argued about email all night.
Sorry, but the email is not that important. Trump has done tons of illegal shit, the email "scandal" is a red herring that could have been used against Condoleeza Rice or Colin Powell if they had run and if the Democrats resorted to such dirty tactics.
Lol. What, you think the entire debate should be about emails? And you think anything Donald has said was true? Hey, I have a sniff bridge to sell you, sniffinterested?
you don't have to worry about the emails her handelers moved past the question for her, that s why trump asked why they were doing that.
I can prove what he said was true with links and actual sources. would you like me toprovide you with some?
oh no he is sniffiling, so everything he says must be fake. lol
Hillary has been lying non stop, im guessing you go to her Clinton fact checker site that is bias to get your facts too. LOL
I can provide links if there is something you think he was lying about.
let me know I would be happy to bring a little truth into this.
And look, they had like three back and forth exchanges about thr email. Trump won't let things go, the moderators needed to move things forward... It's literally the point of moderators. The lack of that is why so many Internet debates go on long past any usefulness.
Plus, remember Trump had his Russian friends hack the government servers. Hillary's were apparently more secure.
Also as a techie you can't "acid wash" email.
She just walked around the subject like when she was on trial. I gess if you just ramble off nonsence and lies till time is out so the question is skiped is not the same as avoiding the question to you?
The moderators are bias, they are only there to help Clinton. if you want I can provide a link to my post today with a shit ton of links to a bunch of proof showing how they are bias.
Trumps Russian friends? LOL There is no proof that Russia had anything to do with it. in fact ggucifer 2.0 is the hacker that did it. you are jst parroting the same lies the main streem media says over and over.
It has been said in court she to a sledge hammer to the server to destroy the information. that isn't even the fact that she had a bunch of people with noclearance on clasafied material read all of the emails and erase them. oh and the emails are out there. that is why we keep getting more and more leaks on them.
You claim hillarys servers were secure but in the court hearings it has been stated by the fbi that her servers werte hacked a bunch of times and the hackers got the clasafied information. -smh-
Again you eed to stop going to Hillary supporting "fact checkers". maybe so a little fact checking on your own?
Fucking swear
here are some links about the moderators:
LOL... oh well, comment limit. Maybe the comment limit is there to help you "not have toanswer questions during a debate." :P
I keep answering. xD
She avoided the question? Trump spent the entire Supreme Court question to talk about Hillary's finances!
And the moderators wouldn't let her reply... But you're too biased to notice that right?
As for a sledgehammer to the servers... Yeah, that wouldn't work. The data could still be read, so that was very clearly a rumor made up by people who don't know computers.
lol, I noticed they wouldn't let her reply. another skipped question for her. you are proving my point.
You think they didn't let her reply to is as help to trump? I see it as help to Clinton to not have toanswer questions during a debate.
It is not a roumer it was talked about in the fbi court hearings. and I said it did not destroy the emails and that is why they keep getting leaked. maybe you should be telling her that doesn't get rid of the data not me.
I swear you don't look anything up for yourself online do you? you just parrot the talking points that have been repeted over and over it feels like.
The moderators were specially picked bias reporters. here are some links.
again I will say they are helping her dodge questions. it does not matter what I think though, the facts are out there is you actually want to check stuff your self instead of taking someone word for it. https://steemit.com/politics/@skeptic/bias-debate-and-no-one-cares
Oh the finances she got from criminal actions?
"Acid Wash" refers to BleachBit which was the name of the software used.
Look, I'm a programmer... I'm basically taking exception to the lack of technology savvy he displayed by calling it acid washing as well as claiming it was expensive.
There are plenty of ways to scrub hard drives, acid... Well, honestly the right kind of acid would probably work but usually you run software to repeatedly overwrite the bits with garbage and then shred the drive for good measure.
Did Clinton mishandle email? Seems pretty likely. Did she do it in a way worse than Republicans? No. Is that worse than the Things Trump has done? Again, no.
"I'm basically taking exception to the lack of technology savvy he displayed"
Yes to those in the know it makes him appear like a luddite.
Unfortunately there are many that will be just as clueless as he is about it. I bet he even had it explained to him and is deliberately continuing this line of describing it.
Any and every fact check site shows he lies more than any other politicians.
1st debate: "I'm proud I paid 0 taxes.
2nd debate:" I paid hundreds of millions in taxes. "
Is he seriously trying to convince us he's going to get rid of loopholes he takes advantage of himself but Hillary won't do it for" friends? " At fucking best neither of them will but Trump os lying more about it.
I take it you are going to bias fact checking site. lol
So all you care about is his taxes? lol
Im sorry but the things you are bringing up as bad about trump is drips compared to the flood of lies on the Clinton side.
no matter what is said your going to bash trump and support Clinton.
She stole the nomination do I rally need to say more?
it should be berrnie vs trump
the people don't want Clinton in mass. just look at the numbers of people that the rallys. Clinton is lucky to have a thousand people at hers, trump has tens of thousands showing up for his and they sell out every time.
Main streem media is warping the truth so much people unwilling to do some actual fact checking on their own are clueless.
The amount trump payed in taxes really matter that much compared to the hundreds of billions Hillary stole from Haiti or the "pay to play" scandal that has been proven in the leaks?
I really don't see a comparison in any of it.
but his taxes and his hateful words. lol
According to many conservatives all fact checking sites are biased. Never mond how much they cite everything...
I would love if it were Bernie up there, but she did not steal the election and all the news sites telling you Hillary is so corrupt would be saying the same things about Bernie... Because they were invented to smear Liberals.
His taxes and hateful words... And lack of plans, and wanting to use nukes, and inability to maintain leadership in his companies.
Well I have been directed to 3 different fact checking sites by Hillary supporters and all three I checked were bias as fuck. maybe it has to do with the fact that a lot of people are to lazy to check facts themselves and would rather just hop on a Clinton website for fact checking never asking them selfs I maby the Clinton site might give bias input.
You say she did not steel the nomination? are you really that disconnected from reality? it is a proven fact from the first email dump. 5 of the head people of the dnc steped down even. would you like some links to proof of it? it is not a hard one to find because of how huge it was.
where did he once say he "wants" to use nukes? how is he not maintaining leadershp in his companys? last I checked he has not been overthrown from any of them. or are you saying that because he deligates the work out to other people he lost control? Lack of plans? I think he has laid down just as much as goes for plans as Clinton. and yeah back to the taxes and hateful words.
TBH im going to vote for trump just to piss every little whiny bitch out there that get effected by words more then actions. People need to harden the fuck up. did you not learn "sticks and stone will break my bones but words will never hurt me"? you are choosing to be upset over words, it is not his fualt it is yours. you are choosing to be offended. -smh-
Also im as far as you could get to a conservative.
I know you love an argument but never argue with snopes - you can't win that one!
I'll say this though, not sure I feel about arming the Kurds. Seems like arming groups is half of what sets up the next terrorist group...
I will agree that arming anyone is a bad idea and I am in no way saying trump is great. he is a fucking asshole and has a lot of policies I disagree with but I disagree with more of what Hillary says and have no respect for her with the amount of lies she has been caulght in let alone all the criminal stuff. She will say anything and she has even been called out on it.
The ordeal with the kurds the sunies and the shiets isa fucked up situation. they have been in a holy war with each other of hundreds of years, we should just get the fck out and have nothing to do with it. It is different sects of uslims in a holy war because they all believe their version of the muslim religion is right and they all say kill the non believer. you may claim to be muslim but they kill you because you aren't the "right" kind of muslim.
I personally believe we have no bisness jumping in to some one else holy war.
So yeah I agree with your statement and sorry about the rant. I got like 3 different people hittin me with comments at the same time so im getting them mixed up and rushing to answer them all.
Trump's done as much, or more, bad things... He just hasn't had an entire political party working to "prove" it for the last 8 years.
As for the moddle east, we're there because of oil. Nothing more, nothing less. And it sounds like Hillary is the only one who cares at all about getting us off of oil.
She is part of the group that pushed us into war there.
you claim trump has done more "bad things" but you cant supply proof to back up your statements.
Ifi make a bunch of false statements with nothing to back them up with you would say you have nothing to back that up with so it is null and void and I would agree. in same fashion I will say, you have nothing to back that up and even said there is nothingto back it but because of"reasons" and so there for it is null and void.
I prefer facts, logic and reason thank you very much but you can keep your feelings.
I wasn't aware Hillary was around in 1948, when we first started seriously meddling with the Middle East.
You have Benghazi and emails, one of which was admitted to be a political attack and the other of which was done by several Republican people in her same position.
Meanwhile Trump has dodged taxes, uaed his charity's funds for personal gain, bribed attorney generals, robbed many of the people he did business with, violated our trade embargo with Cuba, worked with Russians, asked Russia to hack government servers, admitted to not paying taxes, lied about not being able to release his returns because of an audit, is under audit, has stated he wants oir troops to commit war crimes, has stated he wants to violate several constitutional amendments, is about to stand trial for raping a 13 year old girl... And, frankly I'm a little drunk right now so don't feel loke googling for more.
Meanwhile the fact remains that every time he's gone bankrupt his business partners force him out of controlling the interest.
The thing is, even if Hillary is as evil as Conservatives say she is... At least I think she's competent. I don't think Trump is competent, and that's why he's running on a platform of xenophobia rather than a platform of actual plans to accomplish "Making America Great Again."
@@ -1,278 +1,853 @@
I w
-asn't aware Hillary was around in 1948, when we first started seriously meddling with the Middle East. %0A%0AYou have Benghazi and emails, one of which was admitted to be a political attack and the other of which was done by several Republican people in her same position. %0A%0A
@@ -1466,19 +1466,238 @@
or more. +ish I was drunk too, my whole evening has been responding to your posts and some other person. I have posts I need to make about people flagging me out of political opinion but im suck dealing with this. :/%0A%0Aok fuck.%0A%0A%3EI wasn't aware Hillary was around in 1948, when we first started seriously meddling with the Middle East.%0A%0AI was referring to her vote to go to war in Iraq.%0Ahttp://www.msnbc.com/hardball/watch/clinton-defends-her-iraq-war-vote-644430403940%0A%0A%3EYou have Benghazi and emails, one of which was admitted to be a political attack and the other of which was done by several Republican people in her same position. %0A%0Aumm no, there is a paper trail longer then I could copy and paste. here is a quick 22 posted in the Washington times%0Ahttp://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/oct/12/bill-clinton-hillary-clinton-scandals-ranked-from-/%0A%0A%3E
+%0A%0Atomorrow please provide some links to the list of stuff. I haven't even gotten to stop responding to replys and am no longer in any mood to look stuff up. im actually getting really annoyed at making these replys now.
@@ -1814,19 +1814,95 @@
+%0A%0Aless then 1%25 as I stated in my last reply that you got after sending this.
The thin
@@ -2002,177 +2002,1923 @@
+%0A%0Awell what is it then, is she a compentent criminal or Incompet and just fucked up over and over?%0Ahttp://www.thepoliticalinsider.com/judge-hillary-was-absolutely-incompetent-as-secretary-of-state-heres-why/%0A%0A%3E I don't think Trump is competent, and that's why he's running on a platform of xenophobia rather than a platform of actual plans to accomplish %22Making America Great Again.%22%0A%0Anice use of a key word. lol what is xenophobic about it?%0A%0ADo you realize the use of those words do not have effect on most of us now days. the moment I hear any of those key words I just laugh. they are used to shut down an argument and have been watered down so much they no longer work.%0Awe get it you all call him xenophobic, islamphobic, raciest, secxist, bigoted, ect ect......%0A%0ACalling him xenophobic is not a reason why his plans wont make America great again. it is just using a key word that normally has a emotional reaction. a lot of us no longer care because of pc culture. the only reaction you will get from me when calling me those things is a big laugh because how retarded it is and the fact that I know im not any of that stuff. maby if I was unsure about myself or maye a closet raciest or anyother keyword but I know im not and just proves how stupid it is to try to pull that card. I know you have reasons that are real but using that pc culture word weapons does not help you support your side of the argument. %0A%0Atrump has a tower in Dubai and that is a place that is over 85%25 muslim. I do not see him as a islmaphobe/xenophobe, raciest, ect......%0Ahe does a lot and I mean a lot of bisness in muslim countrys.%0Ahttp://money.cnn.com/2015/12/08/news/donald-trump-muslim-countries-business/%0A%0ASorry im taking so long to reply, if I close this and have another 30 replys I might call it a night, I will respond back to anything you send me it just might not be till tomorrow when I wake up.%0AOh, and Drink one for me! xD
wtf, im not re writing that. ima leave it corrupted and ill reply tomorrow again. that reply just took me 30min and im ot doing it again tonight. sry. :/ its fucked up most of what I wrote is gone and just the bottom half is there, had mad links and I answered every line. it even added some etra stuff in the beginning. im sry ill get toit tomorrow
Strange... Did you write in another program or something? Only thing I can think of is some non-ASCII characters were pasted in and messed up the formatting...
naw I typed it in steemit.
same thing happened today but I copied it before I hit post and after I went to edit and pasted over the corrupted text. no clue why its doing that. I tried to make it as close to the original.
You claimed his handlers moved them past the email question, but he had already replied twice on that... In fact that's the pattern:
All they've done is let her finish sentences. He keeps doing the first two minutes, interrupting her, then trying to do a second response on the same question... Then when the moderators try to move on he whines that it's unfair he isn't getting twice as many chances to reply.
she never answered any of it, she pulled a red herring and laced it with lies.
Did you not watch the fbi ordeal? If you want I can supply a link to a video with the fbi getting reamed by congress and answering a bunch of questions saying she is lying. just let me know it wouldn't take me long I don't think.
She answered it, she went into detail on some nuances and stated she only deleted personal emails. Was she lying? Maybe, but she definitely addressed the question.
More importantly, it's a very minor issue. Several Republican secretaries of state also used personal email... But suddenly we're supposed to care because Clinton. Seriously?
an it was a proven lie that she deleted more then just personal stuff. I guess addressing questions with full out lies wrapped in a red herring is ok.
Yes we should care. she has lied about it over and over, people that have done less are still in prison. it is not a minor issue and if it was we wouldn't be having all these email leaks that the mainstream media is trying to withhold from the public.
Do you isten to the lies she tells or do you just look at her lips moving while you wait to freak out about trump sniffing talking about Hillary crimes instead of answering other questions or taxes or hateful words?
We are doomed and people are to busy talking about stupid shit to think about what is going on.
Shit is going to get bad because of the retard level in the usa and quick.
Hillary = WW3
Trump = civil war/martial law
I see a lot of SJW's throwing a tantrum if trump wins and starting a cvil war. I also see WW3 poppin off becaue Hillary wans to fight with Russia and still wants to take out assad.
We are doomed and not the reasons people are pushing. im getting sick of talking to people that don't have a clue of what oiis really going on because they are to lazy to look stuff up on there own and just accept the force feeding of the propaganda mainstream media.
I wish veryone would get off there ass and look shit up to learn the truth, I realize the truth is "hateful" but ignoring the truth is not helping anyone in anyway.
You make a lot of claims that things are proven without actually citing them...
LOL. Likely Hillary would mean civil war, given the sheer number of people like you utterly convinced that the elections are rigged. Trump is highly likely to pull the "rigged election" card as a last chance power grab. All the militia groups out there waiting to start shooting muslims will flock to him.
Trump is also likely to start WW3 by being overly aggressive and using military solutions for everything around the world.
Except... pretty sure the militia groups in the US would take about 5 seconds to be put down. So even if that is the result of Trump's inability to see past his giant ego, we'll be fine. Remember, we're talking about the guys who took over a Wildlife Refuge (LOL) and snuck out at night to go drinking before getting into fights with each other.
Like I said, I'll take the competent evil leader over the evil buffoon any day.
this is bullshit anything I post is corrupted
That was a bit tongue in cheek you know. Yet you're proving my original point... that if the moderators hadn't forced it to stop, they would have argued about email all night.
Sorry, but the email is not that important. Trump has done tons of illegal shit, the email "scandal" is a red herring that could have been used against Condoleeza Rice or Colin Powell if they had run and if the Democrats resorted to such dirty tactics.
It is not just the email scandal. it is a lot of tings that is just one of them.
but like you say
so it does not matter anyways if there is facts to prove it all and she keeps lying. it is not that important to you.
THere's lots of words here. I just want to get my rep up, tbh.
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