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RE: Shadows of Illumination Chapter Five: Synarchy & the Occultic Roots of Fascism

in #deepdiveslast month (edited)

Yup, I share the same distinctions and concerns. I'm framing these issues as of late via Samkhya's Prakriti / Purush distinction. They suggest consciousness as we know it falls in the Prakriti domain and today we would likely frame this as dual-aspect monism via evolutionary panpsychism (Involution). If this is true then theoretically the A.I. interface is possible but it's all material even if subtle--so it would be interfacing the Vedic Subtle body which is material. From this point of view it could be seen as progressive and some see it this way.
The main point though is that Purush is beyond all such endeavours. Loosely speaking, the endeavour could be seen as foolishness from the perspective of Purush/Pleroma.