The previous chapter (which will be shared in due course) documented how (under the auspices of Operation Gladio) European fascist militias were interconnected with the CIA, the Reagan/Bush administration, and were oft financed by US banking interests such as J.P Morgan. It also documented how they were under the control of synarchy-inspired Masonic lodges. This chapter focuses on the occultic heritage of synarchy, observing how an intersecting conflux of self-aggrandising agendas are being drawn toward a singularity. Whilst not every element is on the same page, each component is manifesting a singular narrative.
Beyond the self-imposed confines of their psychopathic, sociopathic, narcissistic, and megalomania-fuelled echo chambers, the vast majority of entities discussed in this series are being exploited as a means of fulfilling a broader ambition. In essence, this is the true nature of the control mechanism, for it weaponises our idealisms, weaknesses, and negative traits, then turns them loose upon us. Thus, at a deeply occultic level, the entire system is akin to a self-reflective edifice of humanity's naivety, negligence, iniquity, and complicit culpability.
I would like to remind the reader that within many sects, societies, and lodges, the public-facing outer ripple (the perception) oft unknowingly safeguards an inner circle that is a shielded inversion of its public persona. Although the vast majority of influential orders were heavily infiltrated and indeed constructed for the specific purposes described in this article, I readily acknowledge that not every associated individual had a nefarious motive. My focus (as always) remains on the interweaving narrative and principles that are concealed by the mantras and objectives of the moment.
The art of illuminism lay in enlisting dupes as well as adepts, and by encouraging the dreams of honest visionaries or the schemes of fanatics, by flattering the vanity of ambitious egoists, by working on unbalanced brains, or by playing on such passions as greed of gold or power, to make men of totally divergent aims serve the purpose of the sect. World Revolution by Nesta Webster.
The inner narrative is both covert and centralised within the hands of its architects. The enablers/administrators (irrespective of their perceived importance or worldly power) are compartmentalised aspects of it. At all times, the architects remain veiled - harnessing the interchangeable polarities of the right and left, love and hate, good and evil, war and peace, the darkness and the light - as a means of furthering their ambition. A singular objective deconstructed into false dichotomies and compartmentalised entities whose agreement and opposition are bringing the agenda to fruition. Self-contained fragments of a singular narrative that play to the nature of the egregore/group mind - as previously stated:
The ideology of the aforementioned Jean Violet-connected Cagoule (the hooded ones) and the fascistic Masonic P2 lodge, utilised a synarchist template and was influenced by the synarchistic revolutionary movement. The secret society emanating philosophy of synarchy was popularised by Christian mystic, Kabbalist, and influential Theosophist, Joseph Alexandre Saint-Yves d’Alveydre. His key influence being the pre-eminent occultist Antoine Fabre d'Olivet. His marriage to Countess Marie de Riznitch-Keller, connecting him to the upper echelons of the aristocracy.
P2 was sometimes referred to as a "state within a state" or a "shadow government". Source
The chair of the East India Company we discussed in part two was Lord Shelburne - an individual who was also concurrently funding and promoting the formative Freemasonic and occultic elements of the synarchist movement.
Although I am very much opposed to the hidden hand of synarchy, a caveat that I want to add is that whilst the synarchist agenda is an interpretation, having read Saint-Yves I'd suggest he was more idealistic than fascistic. Still, it is both pertinent and prescient to highlight that both egocentric and influential idealism is most certainly another tool in the armoury of the control mechanism. Equally, as per the nature of the secret society, it is also pertinent to note that many associated individuals would have had both a public and a private persona - history recording the former.
So what was the synarchist philosophy? Borrowing from eastern social stratifications, Saint Yves envisioned a caste-driven (feudal) theocracy. In essence, his synarchy was his answer to the polarity of anarchy, comprising a world ruled by an enlightened elite and governed by the initiates of a priest class that was in dialogue with spiritual intelligence's. Thus, synarchy could be understood as a form of spiritually motivated deep state. Indeed, Saint Yves believed he was in direct communion with the same spiritual entities that became synonymous with the writings of Madame Blavatsky, and the Lucis Trust's Alice Bailey - the latter of which is now recognised as the "spiritual foundation" of the United Nations.
"Synarchy - is government by secret societies or by a
group of initiates who operate from behind the scenes. It is an analogue of theocracy or rule by a priesthood." Joseph Alexandre Saint-Yves d'Alveydre - Synarchy, Keys to the East
As highlighted in Saint-Yves book "Synarchy, Keys to the East" Synarchy equated to a supranational system of jurisdiction, a United States of Europe whose formative ambition connects us to the aforementioned Otto Von-Hapsburg's Pan Europa Union (and his pretensions for a Hapsburg-headed rebirth of the Roman Empire), the later European Union, and the base structure of global governance. His vision comprising a technocratic corporate government (bound together by a metaphysical chamber) whose three councils of commerce, law, and science, would be under the control of hand-picked experts.
‘Yet as we have seen from dozens of checkable associations and links, it seems that at least the concept of the European Union is the product of an occult conspiracy, inspired by individuals who believed they were in contact with spirit entities, with the ultimate aim of establishing a full-blown United States of Europe in line with Joseph Alexandre Saint-Yves d’Alveydre’s original vision.’ The Sion Revelation
Synarchistic governance would comprise of an equilibrium between the three separate forces of economy, legislation, and culture.
At a base level the governance structure of synarchy resembles the "inclusive" communion of communitarianism. Within the (refined) communitarian system of governance, all become incrementally absorbed into one. Comparatively, the philosophy of synarchy can be equated with the "association of everyone with everyone else". Both occupying a paradoxical radical middle ground that is born of a synthesis between two fundamental contradictions. This is again due to the Hermetic/Theosophic/Kabbalistic (I refer the reader to the union of oppositions that operates behind the veil of dialecticism) influences that were interwoven with d’Alveydre's pseudo-Judeo-Christian theology.
He developed the term Synarchy—the association of everyone with everyone else—into a political philosophy, and his ideas about this type of government proved influential in politics and the occult. Source
At an occultic level, synarchy alludes to an attempt at reattaining the lost golden age of Chronos (Saturn), and the new Atlantis they believe they're re-creating. Equally, it bears more than a scant resemblance to the ancient Egyptian governance structures of divine kings and priesthood. Indeed, as per the Martinist influence within the French Revolution and the Enlightenment, Synarchy should be understood as a continuation of an objective - as opposed to a starting point.
Saint-Yves claimed that in the ancient past an advanced civilisation – based, of course, on synarchic principles – had governed the whole world. This golden age lasted from 7500 to 4000 BCE, before imploding due to a global catastrophe. Source
Page 17: The Secret Doctrine of the Rosicrucians by Magus Incognito dated 1918.
As I will document and expand upon throughout subsequent chapters, their conception of a "golden age" - is little more than a smokescreen for collectivist form of totalitarianism - i.e communitarianism, or from a spiritual perspective - oneism. Indeed, alongside the "all in one" philosophy of the oligarchy, I pause to note that the below historical observations resemble the World Economic Forum's "Great Reset" and its accompanying mantra, "you will own nothing and be happy". Replace the words "Great Reset" (dark/left) with "Great Awakening" (light/right) and you can begin to comprehend the nature of the synthesis. Certainly, if you keep people in the dark for long enough, it's fairly obvious that they will search for the light. Thus, by controlling both polarities, the architect can blind the mind-eye to the totality of the deception.
"Good is on the right, evil on the left, but supreme excellence is above both." Page 46: Transcendental Magick its Doctrine & Ritual by Eliphas Levi.
The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.“ - Vladimir Lenin.
The below was written by Roman historian Marcus Junianus Justinus.
The first inhabitants of Italy were the Aborigines, whose king, Saturn, is said to have been a man of such extraordinary justice, that no one was a slave in his reign, or had any private property, but all things were common to all, and undivided, as one estate for the use of everyone; in memory of which way of life, it has been ordered that at the Saturnalia slaves should everywhere sit down with their masters at the entertainments, the rank of all being made equal. Source
In contrast, I have taken the below quotation from the doctrines of the Fraturnis Saturni - note its congruence with synarchy.
In the Saturnian view, there does seem, to be sure, a dark side of the Age of Aquarius. Based on some fairly objectively interpreted astrological teachings, it could be concluded that the Aquarian Age will only appear to be one of rational and humanitarian egalitarianism. The Saturno-Uranian reality looming behind this world of appearances will be one of an enlightened system of control by a ruling elite—the final reign of the Illuminati. Page 52: Fire & Ice: The Brotherhood of Saturn by Stephen Flowers.
“A fascist is he who willfully abandons his own will in favour of the Guide’s will, so that the Guide’s will be promptly realised” Bernito Mussolini
Defining characteristics of synarchy/fascism and communitarianism is the rule of elites, how individual interests are subordinated to the good of the nation - or in terms of communitarianism, the environment, and the global to local community. Within a synarchistic society, the individual would have a predetermined place, purpose, and specific function, with social symmetry (see the Agenda 2030 buzzwords of inclusivity and harmony) attained through strict adherence to this structure. Circumvention of these principles would be dangerous to both the individual and the social body, thus challenges to a person's selected status would not be tolerated. Those with an inability to fulfill a function and purpose, would be perceived as a drain on society.
Now wouldn't that be a brave new world, eh Aldous?
Depending on your perspective, the one world values behind the Agenda 2030 mantra of “nobody left behind” is either a humanitarian promise or a threat that points to the totalitarian nature of its communitarian architecture. Recalling chapter one, as per synarchy, the communitarian process speaks to an alchemical/dialecticism that is derived from the base principles of Hermeticism - and its later syncretism with Kabbalism, Theosophic mysticism, and Sabbateanism.
Leave no one behind (LNOB) is the central, transformative promise of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Aside from the illusion of choice and the community assuming the role of the fascist. The key difference between authoritarian communitarianism and synarchistic fascism, was that whilst the latter focused on European ultra-nationalism, we are now entering the era of one-world globalism. Although the one-world agenda energises its philosophy and whitewashes its narrative against a polarity that equates the nationalist with the fascist, it's all part of a singular process. Indeed, as detailed in his book "Mysterium Iniquitas" author Pierre Virion documents that the pretensions of Synarchy stretched far beyond the European borders. Defining it as ...
As manufactured global crisis require globalist responses, suspicion, and frustration, condition an increasingly anxious public to the duplicity of premeditated salvation, note a psychological congruence with the aforementioned "strategy of tension".
A document known as the Synarchist Pact detailed a plan to infiltrate governments and then form a European Union. The below is taken from a French military intelligence report from 1941. Although they speak to its modern iteration, they define synarchy as ...
Whilst synarchy and the march toward a one-world order are largely dismissed as conspiracy theories, as displayed above, if you replace the original perception of a "priest-class" with corporate entities, and secret societies with NGOs and public bodies, you can observe the base synarchist template within the formative foundations of stakeholder capitalism. Staying with that thought, let's juxtapose the above statements against the World Economic Forum Wikipedia entry. Although the page has since been altered, it's no different to what they're telling us in their speeches and the templates of their stakeholder models.
“The world needs a new global architecture, additional layers of governance, to deal with issues that neither nations nor traditional forms of intergovernmental organizations can cope with.” Amitai Etzioni: Archived by Niki Rapana in her book "The Anti Communitarian manifesto."
As we shall cover later in the series, we can also note the WEF's connection to the Lucis Trust - and several other (financial and collaborative) thinks tanks, "grassroots" movements, religious bodies, new age/UN Gaia cults, and neopagan collectives - the vast majority of which are entangled with one another and have financial connections to all the usual suspects. That said, in the grand scheme of things, as the Club Of Rome slips behind the veil of public scrutiny, the one-world administrators of the WEF and individuals like Schwab are little more than the attention-grabbing bogeymen of the moment, a stye in the blink of an eye.
The overarching agenda/ideology is far more than the sum of its myriad parts, and vastly superior to its (dispensible) individual players. If you can point a finger at them and know their names, then know they are little more than the puppets of the moment.
Notice in the below video how Clinton uses the "all in this together" slogan that was used (alongside the Noahide symbology of the rainbow) to great effect during the scamdemic. They're all puppets working from a script. Whilst the script now omits the word communitarian - its principles are discernable to those who are aware of them.
Through Operation Gladio connected fascist militias and terrorist networks (and their associated strategies of tension) of the synarchist agenda, we can historically verify that they were looking to create order out of an instigated chaos. Authoritarian communitarianism is no different, except that as per its globalist nature, we are observing a global destabilisation programme with global issues and globalised terrorist networks. This is why it's important to understand the historical context because at a base level of strategy and tactic, they're a reflection of one another. Thus, the tenets and methodologies of the former can be juxtaposed against the refined formation of the latter.
As documented in chapter one - communitarianism is symbolically and structurally associated with the Noahide laws. The Noahide element pointing to the Kabbalistic philosophy and Zionist heritage of communitarian "founding-father" Amitai Etzioni. This equates to a feudal system of law and governance that only those outside the inner circle (the 99%) must adhere to. The architects and administrators of the one-world system exempting themselves from the reach of law and taxation. At the social level, it relates to an unwritten, unspoken, and indeed unstructured social contract of values, ideologies, principles, and agreements. All of which are intended to be policed and enforced by an increasingly totalitarian consensus mindset.
Like statute law, global to-local governance operates through an implied consensus that unless refuted is assumed to be accepted. This is both a legal maxim and statement of esoteric law.
Communitarianism operates behind the veneer of unstructured governance. The synthesis being the merger of contradictions into the suffocating embrace of the global to local community. At the local level (their Achilles heel) of the global to local action plan, there are numerous ways to manufacture consent. The Rand corporation emanating Delphi technique is a popular one. In essence, it hides a premeditated outcome behind an illusion of choice, limiting options and kettling debate towards a predetermined conclusion. Impeding the ability to voice an opinion that defies the narrative. Let’s take a look at it in action:
At the level of world shaping events, reactions are anticipated and absorbed into the confines of the action plan. Through a cycle of conflict and resolution, the opposers can become the enablers of the intended outcome - the synthesis of the dialectic. In truth, the only power that they have is that which we're manipulated to give them. Unfortunately, they're adept at convincing people to do so. Quietly usurping inalienable rights under the guise of a greater good, whilst concurrently curtailing the freedoms and controlling the speech of the majority, through the manipulation of the rights of the protected minority. Understand it for what it is - a marriage of convenience, a strategy!
Conversely, at the opposing end of the control mechanism - they are utilising the fear of mass migration as a means of justifying their biometric surveillance system. The net result? Less freedom!
People are coerced into accepting authoritarian control mechanisms by the belief that it is for their safety, benefit, or social harmony. The narrative of the moment obscuring the agenda.
Privacy isn't all it's made out to be, says Amitai Etzioni. Without privacy, no society can remain free, but communities have legitimate needs that sometimes must override privacy rights. Source
The global citizen is intended to police the commons, becoming progressively intolerant towards opinions, choices, and actions, that threaten their false constructs of idealism, safety, and cohesion. A process that (through manufactured crisis) incrementally seeks to absorb identity, ideology, imagination, ingenuity, discourse, chaos, and order, into the all-encompassing umbrella (perceptual bubble) of the action plan - ie the reality overlay. In terms of global governance, under the guise of the greater good, it is simply a resource, asset, and social management programme, one that is seeking to strip the country and its citizens of consequential choices and self-reliances. War, pandemics, and the omnipresent threat of a climate meltdown - the engines of social change.
The top-down imposed principles of communitarianism masquerade as community and the collectivist mediocrity of pop culture offers the pretense of identity and individuality. The escapism of media and the memetic power of imagery, becoming more real than observable reality. Slowly but surely each individual and every collective is absorbed into the controlled narrative of an externally manufactured reality, a wasteland of triviality, fabricated hopes, dreams, identities, and externally cultivated nightmares. A multi-coloured illusion of inconsequential choices that are being drawn toward a singularity - a conclusion.
Page 6: Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution: The Remarkable True Story of the American Capitalists Who Financed the Russian Communists - by Antony Cyril Sutton.
Of course, if you're intent on creating a new age of totalitarian peace and awakening, you must first identify the "fly in the ointment." This is what the communitarian process is doing, sorting the wheat from the chaff, identifying them, and collectivising them. Once collectivised you can be drawn into a dialectic control model of false dichotomies and clashing polarities. To escape the systemic dialectic, we must become unpredictable, think co-operatively, proactively, and strategically, not collectively, emotionally, and reactively. We must also remain on its periphery, separate from the infiltrated movements that are being steered into a confrontational technocratic blind alley.
Returning to Saint-Yves, an aligned devotee was the French physician and influential occultist Gerard Encausse, commonly known by his pseudonym Papus. Expanding upon the synarchist doctrine Papus crafted an influential political philosophy that was seeded through secret societies. Alongside individuals such as Theodor Reuss, Papus sought the unification of occult lodges - several of which would later be subsumed into Theosophy. His most prominently equated legacy is his revival of Martinism as the Martinist Order - the former of which had been founded by Martinez de Pasqually. It was through these associated lodges that Papas began to interweave Kabbalistic, Martinist, and Synarchist theologies with ceremonial magick.
In terms of Martinez de Pasqually, it is worth highlighting that some researchers equate him as being a Sephardic Jew (the aforementioned Sabbatai Zevi was a Sephardic Rabbi) who converted to Christianity. It's also worth pausing to note that Papus was a member of Madame Blavatsky's Theosophical Society. Although some sources claim that Papus and Blavatsky disliked one another, his son later claimed that they held each other in high esteem.
What is to be done with the blind? They must be taken by the hand and led. But what if they do not want to be led? Guard-rails will have to be erected. But suppose they knock them down? In that case, they are not simply blind, but dangerous lunatics, and the best thing to do is to let them perish if they cannot be locked up. The Great Secret Eliphas Levi
It's interesting how several of these ceremonial orders (and the philosophies that emanated from them) have been embraced and repeated by the (perceived) counter-culture. Veritably, many of them contained an elitist, eugenic, and pro-authoritarian philosophy. The self-proclaimed "beast" Aleister Crowley equating "ordinary people" as the "dogs" that serve a superior class of human gods. Ultimately, it's an ideology that was later considered to be given scientific validation through social Darwinism, the subtitle of his origin of species being - "the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life."
This organization shared the use of Templar symbolism with the O.T.O. Both orders also revolved around sexual mysteries, but the kind of sexual mysticism practiced by the ONT and the O.T.O. were very different indeed. Lanz preached a doctrine of racial enlightenment through the practice of strict eugenics. Page 14: Fire & Ice: The Brotherhood of Saturn. by Stephen Flowers.
As detailed by Pierre Beaudry in his five part book: Synarchy Movement of Empire - the driving force behind both the French Revolution and the philosophy of the Enlightenment, was Martinism and a network of interconnected secret societies that were heavily centered around the French city of Lyon. Furthermore, in his book Les Hommes de Londres, Oliver Blanc documents the participation of British agents - further research revealing the involvement of the (highly Kabbalistic) Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. Indeed, the revolutionary mantra of liberty, equality, and fraternity, was also the motto of the Scottish rite connected Grande Loge de France.
As noted in the previous chapter, Napoleon's sister married into the black nobility Borghese bloodline, who had intermarrriages with the black nobilities of the Aldobrandini's that latterly intermarried with the Rothschilds.
Fascism is oft regarded as a reaction against the philosopical undercurrents of the French Revolution. Whilst the Fascists opposed core aspects, they supported others. Certainly, the Revolution was responsible for the emergence and establishment of nationalism - the idea of a nation that shares common cultural interests and feels united as one. Indeed, as displayed by the later barbarity of World War One - men were very much prepared to die for their nation. When they want you to fight in their wars they cultivate stoicism and national pride. When they seek to subsume your identity, they cultivate anxiety, weakness, and confusion. Teaching the youth to hate the foundations upon which they stand.
Subsequent fascist and indeed nationalist movements could also be considered as a reaction to the international movements of socialism and communism. That said, the same hidden hand controlled/funded both sides of an equation that I contend is relentlessly working toward a perfected synthesis of ideals. Concurrently funding communism whilst (under the guise of Operation Gladio) financing the fascist militias that were fighting against it. The communist (left) arm of the conspiracy funded by the (Rockefeller emanating) capitalist (right).
Page 6: Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution: The Remarkable True Story of the American Capitalists Who Financed the Russian Communists - by Antony Cyril Sutton.
Morgan also funded the rise of Italian fascism, in fact, his company was Mussolini’s main overseas bank. In 1926, Morgan partner, Thomas Lamont, who was later the chair of J.P. Morgan Co., secured a $100 million loan for Mussolini. As Noam Chomsky put it, Morgan’s man Thomas Lamont: "described himself as ‘something like a missionary’ for Italian Fascism, expressing his admiration for Il Duce, ‘a very upstanding chap’ who had ‘done a great job in Italy’ and for the ‘sound ideas’ that guide him in governing the country." Source
In addition to the below - I have also extensively documented the Rockefeller connection to eugenics and the Nazi party.
The revolution advances with one side promoting chaos and the other a premeditated solution (order) to said chaos. What fails is discarded and what works is carried over into the next iteration.
As we march toward one worldism - war and revolution galvanise the intended direction. Modern warfare, oft a product of a singular ambition. Under the guise of peace and reconciliation, out of the cultivated clash of opposing interests you can justify an international synthesis of agreements and alliances (NATO & the Rockefeller-funded United Nations) that in turn lay the groundwork for globalism and global governance. Following this process to its logical conclusion, I contend that we are being pushed toward a manufactured global crisis/event which they believe will justify their premeditated outcome. Darkness, a calculated overture that energises our initiation into the age of one world illumination - a great awakening whose elitist funding I will document in later chapters.
We must pass through darkness to reach the light - Albert Pike
At its core, it is a spiritually motivated ideological conviction that (through the clash of opposites) is working toward a union of contradictions - a singularity.
Darkness is the symbol of initiation. It is intended to remind the candidate of his ignorance, which masonry is to enlighten, of his evil nature, which Masonry is to purify - Albert Mackay - The Symbolism of Freemasonry.
Whilst distinguished in their own right, the Élus Coëns (Hebrew for elect priest) was the first branch of the Martinist tradition and the theurgical branch of Ordre Reaux Croix. The Elus Cohens were the creation of Martinez de Pasqually, and are oft recognised as being the most influential of French occult secret societies. Comprised of "elect priests" from the high degrees of Freemasonry, they were also akin to (another) illumined pillar of the Enlightenment - which in occultic circles was known as the Hermetic Reformation. The Enlightenment, a precursor to the new age and new thought movements.
As with the Martinists, the Coëns (The Order of Knight-Masons Elect Priests of the Universe) were focused upon both the fall of man and the re-attainment of a ubiquitous state of perfection. Alongside references to the Jewish Kaballah, their ritualistic practices combined Christian mysticism and the lesser key of Solomon. The latter was used to summon/enlist the help of angels, spirits, and to control the demonic entities that were believed to obstruct the path to restoration.
Martinez de Pasqually considers Man to be in exile in this earthly existence, deprived of all his real powers. Man’s main aim, therefore, must be to work at becoming restored to the condition that was originally his. This he can achieve by following a certain technique which constitutes the secret part of Pasqually’s doctrine. The Order of Elus-Cohen.
Within his Treatise-of-the-Reintegration-of-Beings, Pasqually, taught the teachings of the order derive from Seth, and were received from angels. That the original man was perfected in a state of heavenly androgyny - our "reintegration" enabling us to reclaim our fallen state of divinity. This concept was derived from the Kabbalah, where it is taught that the pre-fall divine man (logos) was the androgynous Adam Kadmon - the heavenly Adam (a macrocosmic universal soul containing the supreme spiritual essence of all mankind) who became differentiated as the earthly Adam (microcosm) and Eve. A similar philosophy was echoed by the aforementioned biblical Pharisees. The inner veil of Jewish mystical theology - alluding to a doctrine that seeks to unite the masculine and feminine within the body of the divine androgyne. Likewise, within Eastern Philosophy the primordial man is equated with the universe and the soul of all things.
Keep a mental note of the increasing frequency that the universe is equated with a spiritual entity.
Differentiation is perceived as the chaos that precedes a return to a divine state of order. The age of manufactured synthesis and technological singularity - akin to an overture to a manner of being that alludes to the extinction/transcension of our human capacity. Indeed, the spectacle surrounding the formation of the one-world technocracy is both real - and a distraction from the spiritual nature of the equation. Fundamentally, this is about a megalomaniacal (spiritually motivated) ruling hierarchy who are attempting to turn their delusions into our reality.
Pasqually protege Louis Claude de Saint-Martin taught the inner way, a self-centered view of reality that places the self at the center of the universe. Like similar doctrines, it alludes to a process of becoming/transcending (whose misconceptions underpin eugenics, transhumanism, and assisted evolution) where the individual comes to recognise themself as God, individualised facets of the one mind who is seeking to know himself. In recognition of their awakened state of self-divinity they distinguish themselves as the elite, the illumined leaders of the masses, charged with restoring the fallen state of humanity. The methodology of restoration, justifying the process of inversion. An agenda obscured by the convoluted means of expressing the same base principles - a multitude of paths that are intended to convene at the same destination.
Ultimately, it's a process of self-divination, transgression perceived as the path to transcension. The decomposition of structure and social order - a prelude to its reconstitution.
Gnosis or Psychosis?
The intermingling of Christian mysticism and Kabbalism can probably be traced back to the Cathars - both of which were centered around the geographical region of the Langdoc in France. Certainly, there are close affinities between the Cathars, the Sufis, the Kabbalists, and the Aga Khan-led Ishmaili's - who (as I shall document) to this day are a major component within the globalist architecture. This is interesting because in many ways Kabbalism is an inversion of Christianity - in the former man repairs God and himself, and within the latter, God repairs man. Thus, the hierarchal illuminists and associated fundamentalists believe they are on a divine mission to purify and restore the fallen state of creation. Conversely, the early Christians practiced a doctrine of direct personal salvation.
Christianity (and traditions such as those of the native American) consider that we look upward toward a hierarchy of spiritual being that culminates in God - the Great Spirit. Whereas this particular counter-narrative turns inward and asks us to travel within ourselves - into the realms of the psychological and the religiosity of the psychoanalytical. As such, it could be considered as a disconnection from a holistic hierarchy of being. A gnosis that teaches the enlightened that they are the center of the universe. Nudging them toward conception that they are transcending physical reality, the self-realisation that they are God - or engaged in a process of becoming God, or from a technological perspective - creating God.
Under the guise of "Great Awakening" what we are observing is an incremental initiation into the outer circle of the (initially pluralistic) one-world mystery religion. An agenda that is preceded by the Sabbatean inspired critical theories that are derived from Kabbalistic mysteries. The cultural deconstruction preceding the reformation - an agenda that has been a long time in formation. Indeed, the conduit that connected the Lurianic Kabbalah to Rosicrucianism/Martinism was theosopher Jakob Böhme. His two-way mentor/student being the alchemist and occultist Balthasar Walther, who was active throughout the courts of the Holy Roman Empire, and was the personal physician of the occultist and alchemist Prince August of Anhalt-Plötzkau.
The sanitised versions of these conceptions were disseminated through secret societies, political ideologies, cultural think tanks, Foundations, NGOs, social engineers, and onward into Tavistock and Esalen emanating cultural revolutions. The pretensions of the Kabbalah becoming engrained at an institutional level.
Continuing, it was Papus who incorporated the ancient Egyptian Rite of Memphis and Mizraim (which was a merger of two separate rites) into Martinism. Later he would become the Grand Hierophant (international head) of the 99 degree Ancient and Primitive Rites of Memphis and Mizraim.
Spuriously based upon the ancient Egyptian mystery schools, the rite of Memphis was co-founded in Venice by the controversial Count Alessandro Cagliostro (who Aleister Crowley believed was one of his previous incarnations) who was heavily influenced by Pasqually and the Élus Coëns, his co-founder being Venetian ambassador S.E. Zuliani. The Memphis & Mizraim were unified by general Giuseppe Garibaldi who was the Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Italy, and a prominent military leader who fought for "Italian unification and the creation of the Kingdom of Italy. ".
Alongside Stanislas de Guaita, Papus co-founded the French lodge of the magical order of the Kabbalistic Rose Cross, and also aided Theodor Reuss in forming the French charter of the Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO). The OTO was both heavily connected to and "shaped" by Aleister Crowley (a potential U.S based British intelligence asset during world war 1) and was also synonymous with Crowley protege (and founder member of NASA) Jack Parsons.
Occultic Fascism
Another individual connected to the Rite of Memphis and Mizraim, the OTO and Martinist Orders was Arturo Reghini.
"Arturo Reghini (1878-1946) was born in Florence, the descendent of a very ancient feudal family from Pontremoli that branched out and established themselves in Florence and Rome in the second half of the 1700s. Source Xi
Reghini was opposed to Christianity, which he associated with modernity and egalitarianism, and sought to establish a form of modern Paganism he called "magi colta", "cultured magic", which he drew from Hermeticism and Platonism.[6] A critic of democracy and an advocate for the ancient Roman aristocracy, Reghini welcomed the rise of Italian Fascism, which he associated with the ancient world. Source
"Reghini was the creator (with E. Froini and others) of the 'Italian Philosophical Rite' (1909) within the circle of contemporary Freemasonry; he also welcomed the English magician Aleister Crowley as an honorary member in 1911..." Source Xi)
As we can observe in this paper the double headed eagle has a Sumerian origin and is representative of their god Ninurta, who is equated with Saturn.
Several researchers claim that the aforementioned P2 Grandmaster Licio Gelli was both a Martinist and a member of Memphis Misraim. Whilst I have yet to find definitive proof of that statement, we can certainly observe ideological and personal connections.
We can connect the influential Reghini to the fascist occultist Julius Evola. Both Reghini & Evola founded the Ur group (Ur was a Sumerian city-state within ancient Mesopotamia.) that sought to provide a "soul" to the fascist movement and implement the revival of the Roman Empire. This included an Imperial cult of Rome that was entwined with the pre-Christian mystery cults of Mithra and Isis. Indeed, Italian fascists viewed their legacy as being connected to that of pre-Christian ancient Rome - viewing the Italian state as heir to the Roman Empire. As documented in the previous chapter - the neo Roman Empire was intended to be ruled by Otto Von Habsburg.
Further fascist influences came from political theories of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - who promoted the absolute authority of the state. As highlighted in Chapter one Hegels dialectism was influenced by Hermeticism and indeed Talmudic thoughtforms. Likewise, in his book "Hegel and the Hermetic Tradition", author Glenn Magee documents how Hegel was influenced by the aforementioned Jakob Boehme.
The fact that they viewed the pagan ethics of the pre-Christian Roman Empire as offering the promise of a strict, and stable society, was contrasted against the perceived chaos of liberalism. This is an interesting observation because in many ways we are observing post-modernism, materialism, and unfettered liberalism begin to crumble under the weight of their construction. The peeled-back layers of their assumption revealing a void of spiritual meaning - one that I contend was always intended to be filled.
Continuing: The Imperial cult of Rome was the hidden hand behind the Roman Empire. The cult was an oligarchy that believed in a divine right to rule, thus the Emperors were synonymous with gods and deities. They obscured the overarching scale of their power behind the veneer of their ceremonially concocted Roman Senate, who took the brunt of any hostility and were assassinated when they stepped beyond their mark. Refusal to adhere to the cult was considered treason, thus early Christians were often persecuted. In the wake of the Christian conversion, the eventual abandonment of the cult was an elongated process, and there is evidence of an imperial priesthood until fourth-century Christian rule. From there it appears to have gone underground.
The fascistic philosophy of Julius Evolva is documented as highly prominent within the P2 connected terrorist networks of the Avanguardia Nazionale and Ordine Nuovo. As already noted, a key financier behind several fascist militias was the "Black" Baron Benoit de Bonvoisin. Below we can observe him at a Le Cercle meeting with former French Prime Minister Antoine Pinay and David Rockefeller - whose family was concurrently (back-handedly) financing the military of the Russian communist party.
De Bonvoisin has been one of the most notorious characters in European fascism with particularly close links to the Italian MSI and Stefano Delle Chiaie; in 1975, de Bonvoisin hosted a gathering of European fascists at his castle at Maizeret, attended by the heads of Ordine Nuovo, the MSI, the National Front, Fuerza Nueva, and the French Forces Nouvelles, amongst others. Source
The Ordine Nuovo was founded by Pino Rauti who was a close associate/disciple of Evolva and had previously served as the editor (page 210) of his Imperium journal. The Avanguardia Nazionale was founded by "neo-fascist terrorist" Stefano Delle Chiaie, who was (as referenced above) heavily linked to de Bonvoisin, a close friend of both the aforementioned ("puppet master" of the P2 freemasonic lodge) Licio Gelli and "Black Prince" Junio Valerio Borghese. He also had ideological connections to Evola.
As cited in The Fourth Reich: Klaus Barbie and the Neo-Fascist Connection, by Magnus Linklater, Isabel Hilton, and Neal Ascherson, Delle Chiaie was one of the orchestrators of the "Cocaine Coup" in Bolivia, along with the German war criminal Klaus Barbie, that brought General Luis García Meza to power in the early 1980s. Source
The “Black Prince” Valerio Borghese, wrote an introduction to Evola’s Men Among the Ruins.
According to the scholar Franco Ferraresi, "Evola's thought can be considered one of the most radical and consistent anti-egalitarian, anti-liberal, anti-democratic, and anti-popular systems in the 20th century". Source
He has been described as a "fascist intellectual",[4] a "radical traditionalist",[5] "antiegalitarian, antiliberal, antidemocratic, and antipopular",[6] and as having been "the leading philosopher of Europe's neofascist movement".[6] Source
Continuing; as per Arturo Reghini, several fascist-leaning individuals who had connections to both Evola and the Ordo Templi Orientis.
Just as communitarianism is promoted as the the third way (the synthesis that is intended to rise from the collapse of communism = thesis and crony capitalism = antithesis) fascism was originally perceived as the third position between capitalism/democracy and communism. Equally, the above Christian Bouchet headed Nouvelle Resistance was an offshoot of Troisième Voie (Third Way), and was described as eco-fascist. Of further note is the fact that several of its militants joined the European Communitarian Party.
In the interest of balance, I want to pause to acknowledge that throughout its history there were official Masonic bodies who opposed the rise of fascism.
Where the puppets of the synarchistic agenda overplayed their hand, in retrospect it's simply a reflection of a singular process. Indeed, once you begin to comprehend its scale and ambition, you can discern that communitarianism is the refined merger of all seemingly opposing narratives. The transient dialectics of freedom and fascism, now exist within the twilight of moral relativism and the interchangeable mirrors of perception.
In the age of technology, totalitarianism is no longer isolated within the nation-state, it has been liberated by the infiltrated mindstate.
With insidious haste the "greater good" of the agenda energises itself against the polarity of Machiavellianism, the initiates never fully comprehending that both the hope and the hate (perceived ignorance and enlightenment) are born of the same hidden hand. This is the true perceptual matrix and from this perspective, we can discern how each collective (egregore) is entangled in the same web. day you will have to tell us exactly who and what you think this is really all about:)
Just a note that I've rejected most all of Kabbalistic metaphysics as a Christian Gnostic. About the only thing I share with them is that the GOE narrative was a 'third heaven earth' (higher dimensional). I think Adam was created by the Archons and this is not compatible with their view of Adam Kadmon. I've also been very critical of the 'ye shall be like gods' trope. I've suggested all it means is that the church existed as an Ecclesiastic Aeon group--so we preexisted prior to our fall into this construct--so we were 'as gods'...Or angels. But all of this is unprovable speculation.
Don't worry - I will lay out all my thoughts when I've brought a few components together, until then, I will try to take a bird's eye view. lol I'm not a gnostic - but I also realise that true Christian Gnosticism is distinct, which is why I always try to make a distinction and point out that in many ways the two are incompatible. That said, I have always found you to be very knowledgeable and humble so I respect your opinion on such matters.
The be great! I look forward to it. At this point I seem to be one of a handful (or 2) of people that are espousing this:
People should think of I AM as the whole manifestation of this demiurgic construct known as cosmic panpsychism in scientific studies (the ocean of Prakriti) and within this ocean is the evolutionary mechanism of micro-panpsychism (the wave functions of Prakriti). But Pleroma/Purush is not causal nor a part of this construct--think of this as Kant's noumena. This supernal consciousness cannot be known in the way we humans describe knowing but it can be experienced.
What I'm not sure about is the relational aspect between the two. I do subscribe to a type of monism and dual aspect monism within the 'hard problem of consciousness' but I still maintain a dualism between Prakriti and Purusha---so I subscribe to DAVAITA and not Advaita. But again, I don't know one way or the other. The Vedas themselves do teach that Advaita is the end inquiry in their cosmology, but I still like the Sant Mat dualism of Kabir.
So, in a sense, I do think I am extraordinary in my cosmological musings. But I'm also a pragmatist in the same sense as Gotama and focus mainly on the ways we could alleviate social suffering/evil.
Here is a link to someone else that supports my view on cosmology:
If one could grant that I am on to something it means that Kant was correct about the noumena; that Schopenhauer was incorrect because be taught that the thing in itself was the unconscious mana and buddhi and I suggest these are phenomena within Prakriti--they are illusory (epiphenomenon). So we cannot know, nor ever can, what supernal consciousness is (noumena). Both are eternal but Prakriti goes through cycles of destruction and (re)construction.
Well. It is difficult to know where to start, since I haven't yet finished. As I read - and re-read each paragraph - I am struck by my extraordinary good fortune to have been rejected by the evil bastards that have synthesized this plot, who have been cast loose from any benevolent intentions, because I would surely have succumbed similarly to that darkness that has subsumed them.
While I devour media, I am repulsed by several themes and angered by the necessity to even know of them, by Kabbalah, slavery, by the murderous torments imposed by the megalomaniacal, of worthless philosophies of harm, evil, and fanatic accumulation of wealth, until the mere thought of ancients hoarding dusty scrolls in which such dreck of human ingenuity causes me nausea and an irrational rage. I can almost sympathize with religious zealots that destroyed our real history and imposed their fantasy of what it should have been, just so I'd never again have to contemplate the horrific time sink of gematria, fallacious Agarttha, or brazen bulls and the stench of torment.
I am unread as a result, ever yearning to be afield, coursing stag, pounding nails, doing such things as are meet, and righteous, without doubt, without taint of darkness, or left hand paths. Imbalanced, and glad of it, I am a walking catastrophe, and have sought and endured joyfully an impoverishment that has left me free of importunate temptations my naivete would surely have lost me within had I the wherewithal to entertain them.
You are made of sterner stuff than I.
There is too much truth at the base of synarchy. Even it's becoming Communitarian with covert covens of overlords seems inevitable in this world of woe, that I recoil from my understanding of what is right and true because it underlies what is warped from it, that antithesis of what is good and right conceit enables madmen to wreak in their narcissistic devotion. I have deeply felt their iron scourge in my meat and bones because of my antipathy, unrepentant, even proud to be so easily identified that vast engines of hate have roused to crush my serial industry and enterprise. Glad I am a fool and know I am a fool, so that I know better than to think I know better.
Humanity lacks humility, and me most of all. I have glimpsed the future in which none have parasitized power to impose their decisions on free men that make their freedom because the laws of physics advance productivity across all fields of industry by the decentralization of the means of production. As certain as gravity, parasitism will become obsolete because centralization cannot compete economically, and instead of covens of oligarchs fiendish machinations, independence will burst oppression's chains and will spring upon the heavens our works. Nothing men devise might move these principles that form the structure of reality. The laws of physics will ultimately prevail over mere Machiavellian machinations mastering mankind. Just synarchy without covert covens will emerge.
I will re-read this too many times to comment cogently in a timely way upon sufficient contemplation to allow my feeble understanding to attain nominal brevity, so I want to commend you for this report now. Surely it is easy to see that I will have more and deeper understanding in a week or so, upon the nth rereading, to too late amend my comment. But I foresee that now, and so want to provide my heartfelt appreciation while it is fresh, despite it's immaturity and insufficiency. I plead you post bits mere humans can consume at once, as this is a lifetime's sustenance of contemplation.
Thank you my friend, I hope that life has been treating you well. I think that we are all a work in progress - but ultimately it's our intent that's important and you have always struck me as someone who seeks the betterment of humanity. Like you also allude to, you can only work against the grain of life for so long - thus their entire system rests upon foundations of sand and is ultimately doomed to failure.
I plead you post bits mere humans can consume at once, as this is a lifetime's sustenance of contemplation.
I will certainly try :D - although I am not known for my short-form posts lol Gradually I am drawing everything together into a book that I hope will offer a macro perspective, until then, it's all a work in progress. The later posts in this series draw everything into a more contemporary setting which I think will help put things into perspective.
And I was just wondering what to do with my evening. Welcome back!
Thank you my friend - hope you've had a good start to the new year. :) day you will have to tell us exactly who and what you think this is really all about:)
Just a note that I've rejected most all of Kabbalistic metaphysics as a Christian Gnostic. About the only thing I share with them is that the GOE narrative was a 'third heaven earth' (higher dimensional). I think Adam was created by the Archons and this is not compatible with their view of Adam Kadmon. I've also been very critical of the 'ye shall be like gods' trope. I've suggested all it means is that the church existed as an Ecclesiastic Aeon group--so we preexisted prior to our fall into this construct--so we were 'as gods'...Or angels. But all of this is unprovable speculation.
Don't worry - I will lay out all my thoughts when I've brought a few components together, until then, I will try to take a bird's eye view. lol I'm not a gnostic - but I also realise that true Christian Gnosticism is distinct, which is why I always try to make a distinction and point out that in many ways the two are incompatible. That said, I have always found you to be very knowledgeable and humble so I respect your opinion on such matters.
The be great! I look forward to it. At this point I seem to be one of a handful (or 2) of people that are espousing this:
People should think of I AM as the whole manifestation of this demiurgic construct known as cosmic panpsychism in scientific studies (the ocean of Prakriti) and within this ocean is the evolutionary mechanism of micro-panpsychism (the wave functions of Prakriti). But Pleroma/Purush is not causal nor a part of this construct--think of this as Kant's noumena. This supernal consciousness cannot be known in the way we humans describe knowing but it can be experienced.
What I'm not sure about is the relational aspect between the two. I do subscribe to a type of monism and dual aspect monism within the 'hard problem of consciousness' but I still maintain a dualism between Prakriti and Purusha---so I subscribe to DAVAITA and not Advaita. But again, I don't know one way or the other. The Vedas themselves do teach that Advaita is the end inquiry in their cosmology, but I still like the Sant Mat dualism of Kabir.
So, in a sense, I do think I am extraordinary in my cosmological musings. But I'm also a pragmatist in the same sense as Gotama and focus mainly on the ways we could alleviate social suffering/evil.
Here is a link to someone else that supports my view on cosmology:
If one could grant that I am on to something it means that Kant was correct about the noumena; that Schopenhauer was incorrect because be taught that the thing in itself was the unconscious mana and buddhi and I suggest these are phenomena within Prakriti--they are illusory (epiphenomenon). So we cannot know, nor ever can, what supernal consciousness is (noumena). Both are eternal but Prakriti goes through cycles of destruction and (re)construction.
Well. It is difficult to know where to start, since I haven't yet finished. As I read - and re-read each paragraph - I am struck by my extraordinary good fortune to have been rejected by the evil bastards that have synthesized this plot, who have been cast loose from any benevolent intentions, because I would surely have succumbed similarly to that darkness that has subsumed them.
While I devour media, I am repulsed by several themes and angered by the necessity to even know of them, by Kabbalah, slavery, by the murderous torments imposed by the megalomaniacal, of worthless philosophies of harm, evil, and fanatic accumulation of wealth, until the mere thought of ancients hoarding dusty scrolls in which such dreck of human ingenuity causes me nausea and an irrational rage. I can almost sympathize with religious zealots that destroyed our real history and imposed their fantasy of what it should have been, just so I'd never again have to contemplate the horrific time sink of gematria, fallacious Agarttha, or brazen bulls and the stench of torment.
I am unread as a result, ever yearning to be afield, coursing stag, pounding nails, doing such things as are meet, and righteous, without doubt, without taint of darkness, or left hand paths. Imbalanced, and glad of it, I am a walking catastrophe, and have sought and endured joyfully an impoverishment that has left me free of importunate temptations my naivete would surely have lost me within had I the wherewithal to entertain them.
You are made of sterner stuff than I.
There is too much truth at the base of synarchy. Even it's becoming Communitarian with covert covens of overlords seems inevitable in this world of woe, that I recoil from my understanding of what is right and true because it underlies what is warped from it, that antithesis of what is good and right conceit enables madmen to wreak in their narcissistic devotion. I have deeply felt their iron scourge in my meat and bones because of my antipathy, unrepentant, even proud to be so easily identified that vast engines of hate have roused to crush my serial industry and enterprise. Glad I am a fool and know I am a fool, so that I know better than to think I know better.
Humanity lacks humility, and me most of all. I have glimpsed the future in which none have parasitized power to impose their decisions on free men that make their freedom because the laws of physics advance productivity across all fields of industry by the decentralization of the means of production. As certain as gravity, parasitism will become obsolete because centralization cannot compete economically, and instead of covens of oligarchs fiendish machinations, independence will burst oppression's chains and will spring upon the heavens our works. Nothing men devise might move these principles that form the structure of reality. The laws of physics will ultimately prevail over mere Machiavellian machinations mastering mankind. Just synarchy without covert covens will emerge.
I will re-read this too many times to comment cogently in a timely way upon sufficient contemplation to allow my feeble understanding to attain nominal brevity, so I want to commend you for this report now. Surely it is easy to see that I will have more and deeper understanding in a week or so, upon the nth rereading, to too late amend my comment. But I foresee that now, and so want to provide my heartfelt appreciation while it is fresh, despite it's immaturity and insufficiency. I plead you post bits mere humans can consume at once, as this is a lifetime's sustenance of contemplation.
Thank you my friend, I hope that life has been treating you well. I think that we are all a work in progress - but ultimately it's our intent that's important and you have always struck me as someone who seeks the betterment of humanity. Like you also allude to, you can only work against the grain of life for so long - thus their entire system rests upon foundations of sand and is ultimately doomed to failure.
I will certainly try :D - although I am not known for my short-form posts lol Gradually I am drawing everything together into a book that I hope will offer a macro perspective, until then, it's all a work in progress. The later posts in this series draw everything into a more contemporary setting which I think will help put things into perspective.