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RE: Shadows of Illumination Chapter Five: Synarchy & the Occultic Roots of Fascism

Well. It is difficult to know where to start, since I haven't yet finished. As I read - and re-read each paragraph - I am struck by my extraordinary good fortune to have been rejected by the evil bastards that have synthesized this plot, who have been cast loose from any benevolent intentions, because I would surely have succumbed similarly to that darkness that has subsumed them.

While I devour media, I am repulsed by several themes and angered by the necessity to even know of them, by Kabbalah, slavery, by the murderous torments imposed by the megalomaniacal, of worthless philosophies of harm, evil, and fanatic accumulation of wealth, until the mere thought of ancients hoarding dusty scrolls in which such dreck of human ingenuity causes me nausea and an irrational rage. I can almost sympathize with religious zealots that destroyed our real history and imposed their fantasy of what it should have been, just so I'd never again have to contemplate the horrific time sink of gematria, fallacious Agarttha, or brazen bulls and the stench of torment.

I am unread as a result, ever yearning to be afield, coursing stag, pounding nails, doing such things as are meet, and righteous, without doubt, without taint of darkness, or left hand paths. Imbalanced, and glad of it, I am a walking catastrophe, and have sought and endured joyfully an impoverishment that has left me free of importunate temptations my naivete would surely have lost me within had I the wherewithal to entertain them.

You are made of sterner stuff than I.

There is too much truth at the base of synarchy. Even it's becoming Communitarian with covert covens of overlords seems inevitable in this world of woe, that I recoil from my understanding of what is right and true because it underlies what is warped from it, that antithesis of what is good and right conceit enables madmen to wreak in their narcissistic devotion. I have deeply felt their iron scourge in my meat and bones because of my antipathy, unrepentant, even proud to be so easily identified that vast engines of hate have roused to crush my serial industry and enterprise. Glad I am a fool and know I am a fool, so that I know better than to think I know better.

Humanity lacks humility, and me most of all. I have glimpsed the future in which none have parasitized power to impose their decisions on free men that make their freedom because the laws of physics advance productivity across all fields of industry by the decentralization of the means of production. As certain as gravity, parasitism will become obsolete because centralization cannot compete economically, and instead of covens of oligarchs fiendish machinations, independence will burst oppression's chains and will spring upon the heavens our works. Nothing men devise might move these principles that form the structure of reality. The laws of physics will ultimately prevail over mere Machiavellian machinations mastering mankind. Just synarchy without covert covens will emerge.

I will re-read this too many times to comment cogently in a timely way upon sufficient contemplation to allow my feeble understanding to attain nominal brevity, so I want to commend you for this report now. Surely it is easy to see that I will have more and deeper understanding in a week or so, upon the nth rereading, to too late amend my comment. But I foresee that now, and so want to provide my heartfelt appreciation while it is fresh, despite it's immaturity and insufficiency. I plead you post bits mere humans can consume at once, as this is a lifetime's sustenance of contemplation.



Thank you my friend, I hope that life has been treating you well. I think that we are all a work in progress - but ultimately it's our intent that's important and you have always struck me as someone who seeks the betterment of humanity. Like you also allude to, you can only work against the grain of life for so long - thus their entire system rests upon foundations of sand and is ultimately doomed to failure.

I plead you post bits mere humans can consume at once, as this is a lifetime's sustenance of contemplation.

I will certainly try :D - although I am not known for my short-form posts lol Gradually I am drawing everything together into a book that I hope will offer a macro perspective, until then, it's all a work in progress. The later posts in this series draw everything into a more contemporary setting which I think will help put things into perspective.