Amen to that, and thanks for your long response! It's an isolating, alienating experience to exist around so many automatons who are just going along to get a long, for the most part. However, the most vocal of the woke crowd aren't necessarily the most informed, just the most passionate about their view being correct.
As someone who tries to think freely, it is pretty funny when you come upon a person spouting the same, trite and tired lines we've heard all before. I just have to snicker at the absurdity of it. Sure beats crying, I guess!
And I agree, I believe the elite have gone too far on this one and it's going to create a real backlash. What comes of it we shall see, but Bill Gates is toast IMO. He's leaned too far into this one. Epstein is a great red pill for people trusting the Gates-sponsored COVID narrative, BTW...