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RE: NPCs and the Rise of DoubleThink

in #deepdives5 years ago (edited)

You know, I don't go a single year without revisiting 1984.(or brave new world) I think of it less of a great work of fiction and more of a handbook for surviving and understanding the modern day world.

There was a time when double think seemed an absurd, comedic satire... No more!

I wholeheartedly agreed with your view of 2020 v 20/20 and found it an extremely apt analogy. I was thrilled to see the words on the page align with something I discuss a lot, the fact that those who claim to have so many new ideas and apparenty have so much to say actually say nothing of substance and nothing that comes from their own critical thought.

It seems that those who shout the loudest have simply picked up a script at the door and immediately started to scream out the same repeated memes of the rest of those who share a single identity... Oh but that idea must trump all other ideas no matter how well researched, backed up with empirical data and logic they may be.

Identity politics and propagandized dogma is incredibly dangerous today, more so (I say that with no measure of hyperbole) than when we consider some of the most dangerous and sinister events it led to in the 20th century.

While I agree with the right for BLM protestors to congregate, I also agreed with the rights of lockdown protesters who were understandably upset about an overreaching public policy.

Quite simply, to shame one group of protesters for spreading the virus while cheering on a much larger group of protesters because it aligned with one's ideology is one of the most obvious and absurd contradictions I've witnessed in modern times.

I am anything but religious but feel compelled to do a jig unbefitting of a man of such advancing years and call at the top of my lungs BLOODY AMEN!

Sometimes the small act of reading a post here that looks at a situation as an observer and speaks of what is, rather than speaking about what they say is enough to give me heart that all is not lost.

Interestingly In my opinion the ideologues and authoritarians have over-stepped, tipped their hand and given themselves away like never before, conversation in the so-called real world seems to have shifted it's perspective of late. Better late than never I say.

When it all unravels we will have an even worse mire to navigate as what was hidden becomes overt in nature, however it is far easier to deal with an enemy you can see openly and more crucially everyone else can too!

Sorry to go on so long but as I am sure you can tell I am thrilled to encounter others who... Well ya know what I mean! Of course I see the tremendous irony of seeing one who thinks along the same lines whilst decrying identity politics, echo chambers and same thinkers however I suspect if you and I had a polar opposite view of any aspect of this discussion we would both accept and perhaps even embrace it without the need for a safe space or tears...

George would approve I'm sure.


Amen to that, and thanks for your long response! It's an isolating, alienating experience to exist around so many automatons who are just going along to get a long, for the most part. However, the most vocal of the woke crowd aren't necessarily the most informed, just the most passionate about their view being correct.

As someone who tries to think freely, it is pretty funny when you come upon a person spouting the same, trite and tired lines we've heard all before. I just have to snicker at the absurdity of it. Sure beats crying, I guess!

And I agree, I believe the elite have gone too far on this one and it's going to create a real backlash. What comes of it we shall see, but Bill Gates is toast IMO. He's leaned too far into this one. Epstein is a great red pill for people trusting the Gates-sponsored COVID narrative, BTW...